Sunday, May 31, 2009

And now, Presenting...

My new photo blog @!!!

I really want to be able to display my photos, all in one place, and be able to show it other people, mainly people I know, that I don't neccessarily want all in my business. Hopefully, I can keep the two separate.

I posted all the photos yesterday and did the layout today. When I came up with this plan to make a blog solely for my photos, I knew exactly which photo I wanted to use as my header. I knew nothing else. But I'm very pleased with the way it came out. It's not too busy, but it's still unique.

If you get a moment, please wander over and let me know what you think!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Puppy Love - I had a lot of it!

I don't know about you, but I was always looking for or in a relationship. For as long as I can remember. Before I hit high school, I had been in love more times than I can count on one hand.

When I was three or four, my best friend, Rambo, was my next door neighbor. I spent most of my days playing with him and sometimes his older brother, Mario, would join us. We spent a lot of time playing in the backyard. Rambo would bring his He-Man action figures over and I'd want them to fall in love with my Barbies. I think Rambo could've done without the lovefest, but whatever. I'm a girl! Sometimes, when it was really hot out, Rambo & Mario's mom would let us hang out in the basement. The boys played Nintendo, and I pretty much just watched because I sucked. Bad. We listened to Weird Al and Kokomo on a tape player. We played on the slip-n-slide in their backyard. They were good boys - made for great friends. And I was madly in love with Mario. I remember once he asked me to be his girlfriend. I think that only lasted a couple days because Rambo found out and was pissed.

I had a couple crushes early in elementary school, but I think I was more interested in Donnie from NKOTB than any of the boys my age. And then in fourth grade, boys and girls started having girlfriends and boyfriends. And thus started the crush on Billy. O.M.G. I wanted to love Billy so bad. And so did Gina. Gina definitely won that battle. I don't think Billy even knew I existed. The Billy thing continued through fifth grade and into sixth, where it was at its height. Sixth grade, I started to explore other options because Billy and Gina were still going strong, and she had great boobs already. I was no competition. Billy was one of the cool guys, but was always so nice. He never had anything mean to say, even to the nerdy fat girl with the pimple in the middle of her forehead. I'm friends with him on fb now and even still, I have to admit, that that red hair and big smile make me melt. Oh Billy...If only you knew...

And then I transferred schools. I went from a public school where there were probably 120 kids per grade to a private Catholic school, where we had maybe 30 kids per grade. It was a huge change for me, but luckily, I wasn't alone. I had Mel (and another girl who I'm pretty sure has completely fallen off the face of the earth). It didn't take long for me to find a boy to latch onto. First, there was Sully. He was a super nerd, as were all but two or three of the boys in the class. But he was nice and best yet - he liked ME! So, I don't know how we got there, but he was my boyfriend. And then all the 8th graders started giving us shit. He tried to kiss me on the bus one day when they were giving him a hard time...I turned my head, he kissed my cheek. And then I dumped him because I didn't like all the flac that we got. I was embarrassed and didn't want to be put on the spot like that. Sully was always a really nice guy and we remained friendly. I think for a few years after that, we still had a flirty thing between us, and I'm pretty sure that if I'd made the first move, we would've gotten back together.

Eighth grade was a flurry of boyfriends and love interests. For most of the year, I had an actual boyfriend, JD. He was the smartest kid in the class, another nerdy one, nice guy. I totally walked all over him. And I never really got the feeling that his mom liked me. I mean, she wasn't mean and she wasn't outwardly unhappy about me. But she was looking out for her son. She didn't want him to abandon his schoolwork because of me. And she didn't want us moving too fast, I'm sure. I mean, I was the guy's first girlfriend. He was my first real kiss. It was sweet...I wonder if he still remembers it. We both, along with a lot of other kids in our class, volunteered to help with Market Day after school. It was kinda dark and we'd just finsihed helping someone out to their car. We snuck off to the side of the school, underneath the fire escape and had our first real kiss under the yellowey-orange glow of the parking lot lights.

The biggest caveat of my relationship with JD was not his mother, I think if we'd stayed together, she would've warmed up to me more. No, the biggest probably was that I was totally and completely in LOVE with his best friend, JO. Who wanted nothing to do with me. I tried everything I could. I flirted...HARD. But he just wasn't taking the bait. I don't know if it was me or if it was because he was smitten with someone else. But eventually, I got the picture, so I moved on to their other friend, TB. Who was into me for a couple weeks after he had his heart broken. And then realized that I was the rebound girl and was done with me. lol And then I moved on to another guy in the class, who I knew had wanted to rock my socks for quite a while, JG. And after all of that, JD and I ended up back together for a few weeks before summer kicked off. Yeah, I was whoring it up in 8th grade. I liked the attention.

High school started and that was a new wave of stupid boy-driven decisions. And once I was in high school, all bets were off. This was no longer puppy love. It was all-out 'You will be my squishy' love. I don't remember a time where I was single for more than a couple months since my freshman year in high school began. I was always the girl with the boyfriend. I just couldn't stand to be single. I needed to be loved.

Tell me about your puppy love! Who was the first boy you wanted to love? Who was your first kiss? Who was the first boy that you really did love? Who was the first boy that you treated like crap? Or was that just me? I think about all of these boys still, some of them more often than others.

How fun!

Last night was the first session of the photography class that I'm taking this summer. Good times! The instructor is a girl around my age who has a degree in photography from NIU. She works for a studio in the area that does all the photos for the local schools. So, sporting events, school pictures, dances, etc. How fun does that sound??? I think it sounds like one of the coolest things ever! Not surprisingly, she said the in the last six months or so, she's watched her job go from full-time, pushing overtime on a regular basis to minimal part-time hours. Sucks.

Anyway, the class consists of myself and two other women, probably in their late 50's or early 60's. One is a teacher and the other is a nurse. Both very nice ladies. And the instructor, Cathy, is great, too. Last night's class was just kind of an overview of what we'll be talking about over the next six weeks. But it was very informative already. My assignment is to go out and try out the different settings on my camera, now that I have a little insight as to how they work. Should be fun. I'm going to try to go visit Mel this afternoon. The plan is to take some photos of her kids (and maybe a couple of the two of us, since aside from my wedding, the only ones I have of us are from maybe 8th grade) and just futz around with the settings. I'd really like to get some more photos of PEOPLE in my portfolio. I'm a bit nervous to look like a dummy, but I don't think she or her kids will mind. ;-) I'm looking forward to the classes. Hopefully, I can gain some real insight on how to take better photos.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

7 + 7 = Thank you!

So, I mentioned earlier today that I was going to make another post this evening - something I wanted to give it's own post to, rather than cramming it in with the rest of the weekend bits. So, here it is!!!

Hayley at When I Grow Up officially gave me my first blog award!!!

Yay me! :-D

Onto the rules of the award!!!

1. List 7 things you love.

2. Link to the person who tagged you. (done!)

3. Choose 7 bloggers who you think should receive the award next.

Seven things that I love (I, too, am going to skip the obvious...the whole point is to share something new, right?)

1. The smell of clean sheets on the bed, especially if they've been dried outside on a sunny, breezy day.

2. BBQ Chicken with baked potatoes & corn on the cob. My all-time favorite meal, which I've been making once a week since I got my grill on Easter weekend. lol

3. Accomplishing something that I've put my mind to - like creating a new layout for my blog or planting some new flowers or going to the zoo (by myself) on what could've been a crummy day.

4. TV - I have an unhealthy addiction to tv. And it's compounded by the fact that I don't actually watch them on TV, but on the computer. I download more than 20 shows per season and watch them when I have time. It makes for AWESOME marathons. Don't judge me. :-P

5. Taking a ride down memory lane. It was so much fun going to that wedding a couple weeks ago. Catching up with old friends that I hadn't seen in almost 10 years. And a couple weeks before that, I was sorting through some old photos when I visited my parents. Some of those pictures brought back fantastic memories. Things that I'd tucked away into the back of my brain. Things that made me smile. And made me miss the good ol' days.

6. Camping/road trips - these two go hand in hand. I'd never been camping OR on a road trip until my husband and I started dating. I was terrified the first time we went camping. I didn't have any idea what to expect. But it was so much fun! And I can't wait until we have kids that we can bring along with us. Hubby really knows his stuff and I'll be so excited to watch him teach it all to our children.

7. Planning things. For as long as I can remember, I always loved to be in charge of planning, specifically planning events. In high school, when a dance was about a month out, I started planning the before and after events. While at the dance, I organized our ENORMOUS group of friends into one group photo. I love planning parties and get togethers with friends, even if they never turn out as planned. I like everything to be big and I want everyone to feel like they're an important part of the event. I like to make lists - I write my grocery list out at least two times, maybe even three, before I run out to the store. I'm a planner.

Wow...Started that with one sentence on the first one and then progressively yammered more and more with each one. What else is new.

Next rule! Tag 7 other bloggers who deserve the award.

I'm pretty sure that ALL of you have already gotten this award, but whatev. I thinks ya'll deserves it, so there it is. :-)

1. Hayley, the rules say nothing about giving the award right back to the presenter, so that's what I'm doing. Thank you so much! Both for the award, but also for the kind words and prayers that you offer me. I'm honestly flattered. I find your photos beautiful - they express so much and show off what's important to you, and I feel like I get a window into your world. I must have told you a BUNCH of times already, but I always find your words so poetic. You always seem to know that right thing to say and put it so beautifully. So...again, thanks! :-)

2. Terri at 488 Miles Away. I admire your dedication to your family. You make me realize how important it is to cherish the time that you have with your loved ones. I'm so glad that I asked you some questions about Sexy Stud and even more glad that you took the time to answer them!

3. Ashley at Ashley's Closet. I get so excited when I see a new blog from her in my reader. I love the funny/sweet/hilarious stories that she shares about her children and her life. She's going through a bit of a rough patch right now, and I'm sending positive mojo her way. Whatever positivity you can send her way, please do.

4. Stephanie at It Happens & Inspirational Madness. I debated about posting only one of your blogs, but I like them both, a lot! Steph, I admire you in so many ways. You're such a free spirit, but at the same time, so dedicated. You are the girl that I know I could turn to no matter what. It could be three in the morning and I'm stuck in the rain with a flat tire. I know that you'd not only answer your phone, but be there as soon as you could. You are an amazing girl and I hope you know I love ya!

5. Stacie @ Stacie's Madness, if for no other reason than the rather large man in the orange croc. lol You are a hoot! You seem like such fun - someone that I'd love spending time with.

6. Beth @ I Should Be Folding Laundry because, well, she's awesome. In my little world, she's like the cool kid that I desperately want to be friends with and hang out with, hoping that some of her coolness will rub off on me. Her photography skills are fabuloso and her strength and love are inspiring.

7. I couldn't leave out Mel @ The Dumbest Smart Girl You Know. She's one of my oldest and best friends. There was a time in our lives when we didn't talk nearly enough and my family would always ask how she was doing. I told them what I'd last heard from her and my dad would always remind me to hold on to that friendship. That she'd stuck by me when many of my other friends hadn't. That we'd been through so many things together and that she'd been a good friend to me and I should be the same for her. He was right (as always). While we don't talk or hang out nearly as much as I wish we could, she IS a great friend; a smart, strong, beautiful woman, a loving mother, and a friend that I plan on holding on to forever. Love ya, Meem!

And now that I've stayed up past my bedtime, I'm off to dreamland. Good night All!

Belated Weekend Update, and then some!

Hello Friends!

I'm getting a little lax on these weekend updates. I mean, we're halfway to next weekend already! (Woohoo!)

This weekend was great! It was so nice to have an extra day off. Saturday, we spent the morning in the yard. Hubby mowed the lawn & did the edging/weed wacking while I trimmed the bushes and pulled weeds. We planted some flowers (petunias, pansies, lamb's ear & New Guinea impatiens. I haven't taken any photos yet - I'll have to get on that sometime this week. We were going to put down mulch, but Hubby made the mistake of asking the neighbor across the street how much he used. He tells Hubby he used THIRTY TWO bags of mulch!!! We only had six. And I'm still not convinced that six wasn't enough. But Hubby didn't want to start the job if we couldn't finish it. So, that was the end of our yardwork. It was fun, though, what we did do. I got a bit of a sunburn, but I needed some color and pink is better than pasty! We took a four hour nap after our hard work outside and then hung out in the office for the rest of the day. Sunday & Monday, we just relaxed. Hubby slept most of the days, while I worked on my blog layout (which, I think I may change again this weekend...Maybe I'll just use a different bgd on the actual blog part...). I grilled a couple times and then it was Monday night and I was back to getting ready for work. :-P

We still don't have any news on the future of our company. My coworkers are doing a demo of our software this week for the high-ups at this other company, who might be interested in buying us. We will see what happens. I have to admit that I was surfing around Monster & CareerBuilder this weekend...Just keeping my eyes & ears open.

I'm starting a photography class through the park district tomorrow. I'm really excited about it! Not just about learning how all the settings on my fancy dancy camera work, but also about meeting other people in the area who have an interest in something that I enjoy. Maybe, just maybe, I'll make a friend!!! Someone who lives less than an hour away! How exciting! It's a six week "beginner's" class, then a break for the week of July 4th, and then another 6 week "intermediate" class. Did I mention how excited I am??? :-)

I have something else to discuss, but that topic will get its own blog post. Probably later today. Until then, hasta!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Curtains Down

Jacked! Rose @ Delightfully Inappropriate posted this gem over the weekend and I couldn't wait to do it myself. I <3 Memes like no other! The rules are....

1. Put your iTunes (or other Music Player) on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

IF SOMEONE SAYS “IS THIS OKAY” YOU SAY?? "Too Much" DMB [Actually...That's a response that I give Hubby all the time. Good call iPod!]
WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? "She Don't Use Jelly" Flaming Lips [lmao!!!]
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE? "Lemme Get That" Rihanna [Hellz Yeah!!!]
WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? "Love Don't Live Here Anymore" Madonna [Uh, so very untrue]
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? "Scarlet Begonias" Sublime
WHAT IS 2+2? "I Know Why" Sheryl Crow
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIENDS? "If I Never See Your Face Again" Maroon 5 [I wouldn't say that about my "best" friends...]
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE? "No Sleep Til Brooklyn" Beastie Boys
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? "It Did" Brad Paisley [Awww...Me likey!]
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? "The Heat Is On" Glenn Frey [Hell yeah!! lol]
WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? "Could've Been Me" Billy Ray Cyrus [a. Don't give me shit. b. Touche]
WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? "Online" Brad Paisley [ha ha! Seriously!]
WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? "Money Can't Buy It" Annie Lennox [No, I definitely did not]
WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? "You Oughta Know" Alanis Morisette
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? "Can I Have it Like That" Pharell & Gwen Stefani [Hmmm..]
HOW WILL YOU DIE? "She's Good For You" Deana Carter
WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET? "Lightning Crashes" Live [Yeah, I can see that...This song takes me back to a time when I did some things that I'm not totally proud of...]
WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? "Cool" John Michael Montgomery
WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? "New Thrash" Sublime
WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED? "Figure It Out" Maroon 5 [lol...Yeah, duh!]
WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST? "You Know I'm No Good" Amy Winehouse
DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU? "Sharp Dressed Man" David Cook & ZZ Top [Oh yeah? Sweet!]
IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE? "Everyday" DMB [Wow...I wouldn't go that far!]
WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW? "No Time for Tears" Jo Dee Messina
HOW AM I FEELING TODAY? "Cigarette" Ben Folds Five [Nope, I'm good on that.]
WILL I GET FAR IN LIFE? "I Keep Coming Back" Josh Gracin [Hmm...]
HOW DO MY FRIENDS SEE ME? "You Don't Know How it Feels" Sara Evans
WHAT IS MY BEST FRIEND’S THEME SONG? "Saturday Night" Jo Dee Messina [Ha! Yeah, at some point in their lives, I think this song is a great theme song for each of them!]
WHAT IS THE STORY OF MY LIFE? "Mean Girls" Sugarland [OMFG! Hell yes!]
WHAT WAS HIGH SCHOOL LIKE? "Get Down Tonight" KC & the Sunshine Band [lmfao! I'd say that's pretty accurate. I loved high school...Well, at least the second half]
HOW CAN I GET AHEAD IN LIFE? "Breathe" Anna Nalick [Good advice]
WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT ME? "All or Nothing" Milli Vanilli
HOW IS TODAY GOING TO BE? "These Are the Days" The Calling [Aw, that's nice]
WHAT SONG DESCRIBES MY PARENTS? "No Such Thing" John Mayer [I dunno about all that]
TO DESCRIBE MY GRANDPARENTS? "Follow Your Bliss" B-52's [Aw...They did, too. They met in Germany when my Grandfather was overseas with the army. They had a small wedding over there and came back to the states to begin their lives together. Almost 60 years strong. They've been through so much together. I love them so much!]
HOW IS MY LIFE GOING? "Hero" Mariah Carey [I'll take that, though I'm thinking more about my mom than myself]
WHAT SONG WILL THEY PLAY AT MY FUNERAL? "Lost Children" Tom Petty [Seriously? That's not so nice...]
HOW DOES THE WORLD SEE ME? "March of the Pigs" Nine Inch Nails [Ouch]
WILL I HAVE A HAPPY LIFE? "Dead Souls" Nine Inch Nails [This just got very depressing...And what's with two NiN songs in a row?]
WHAT DO MY FRIEND’S REALLY THINK OF ME? "White Trash Wedding" Dixie Chicks [Aw HHEEELLLLL NO! lol]
HOW CAN I MAKE MYSELF HAPPY? "Disappear" Bubba Sparxxx [Wow...I'll keep that in mind..]
WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY LIFE? "Francis Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle" Nirvana [Seattle, huh?]
WILL I EVER HAVE CHILDREN? "Addicted" Saving Abel [Hmmm...]
WHAT IS SOME GOOD ADVICE FOR ME? "Jailhouse" Sublime [Uh, I think not.]
HOW WILL I BE REMEMBERED? "Can't Buy You Money" Toby Keith
WHAT IS MY SIGNATURE DANCING SONG? "I Love This Bar" Toby Keith [I dunno about dancing, but Kareoke, for SURE!]
WHAT DO I THINK MY CURRENT THEME SONG IS? "Take a Bow" Madonna [Pfft...Not!]
WHAT DOES EVERYONE ELSE THINK MY CURRENT THEME SONG IS? "I Think We're Alone Now" Tiffany [Whoa...I'm not sure I like that...]
WHAT TYPE OF MEN/WOMEN DO YOU LIKE? "Defying Gravity" Idina Menzel/Kristin Chenoweth
WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? "Curtains Down" Eminem

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ta Da!

So...Here's the new layout...It's still not exactly what I had pictured, but it's far closer than the first one I did. I'm pretty happy with it, though, I'm wondering if a. it's too busy and b. it's hard to read with the script in the background...Let me know what you think, huh?

Oh! I got my resources from Kim's Scrappin' & A-liya.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My First Layout! How exciting!!!

So, I did it. I created a layout. I think it's cute, but it's totally NOT what I had in my head when I started on the journey - not even a little close. Sooooo...I'm going to start the search for all the right things and once I get that put together, I WILL post it here. In the meantime, check out my practice blog - Part Two. I've got the new layout living there for now.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Two things before I hit the sack...

#1. I stole this from Terri @ 488 Miles Away, and just had to share!!! This is too cool!!! Go see it!

#2. Why the hell are there certain blogs that I can't get to anymore!?!?!??? It starts to open and then throws up an error and dies. For example, I can't get to Stacie's Madness right now and I REALLY want to comment on her latest post about the tv shows she watches because, uh...I <3 TV!!! WTF Blogspot? WTF???

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

You Capture - Sweet!

It's that time of the week, kids! It's time for You Capture!


This week's theme was sweet. Naturally, I thought of things that taste sweet. And while I did think about expanding my horizons and photographing things that I think are "sweet," as in super!, I waited til the last minute to take my photos this week. So, I came up with a few sweet things in my kitchen.

An ear of corn from this weekend's BBQ with Hubby's mom. I was incredibly surprised at how sweet it was!

Next, we have a couple shots of caramels...I bought these for some cookies that I intended on making months ago, and never got around to it. Now, the caramels sit in my spice cabinet, waiting to be found by Hubby.

And finally, my favorite bottle of wine (perhaps the reason I'm rambling a bit more than usual tonight. A glass or two bottle will do that, ya know...). I really only drink dessert/sweet wines, so this is perfect. :-)

To see some more sweetness, go on over to I Should Be Folding Laundry and check out some of the other Captures for this week!

Lions and Tigers and Bears!

As previously promised, here are some photos from my trip to Brookfield Zoo last week. My favorite ones are the one of the polar bear making love to the camera and the one of the elephant, showing off his trunk.

Welcome to Brookfield Zoo!
I started in Tropic World, one of my favorite places in the zoo, despite the heat and smell of the indoor exhibits. This guy looked like a little old man. After a few photos, he turned around like he was irritated with all the paparazzi.

Dude, really...They're fake leaves...As in not edible...

Every time I go to the zoo, this guy's always got this look on his face - Like 'Don't effin look at me...Or I'll eat you for lunch...'
Such a stark contrast from this one who looks so relaxed. Her little one just got done picking bugs off her back. Ain't that sweet?

After the primates, I moved on to the pachyderms. Hubby and I collect elephants (I really don't know why elephants...I wish there was some great story, but there's really not)...I'm thinking about having a print of this one made and hanging it in the house someplace. It looks a lot darker/shadowy in this size than it does in a larger size.
Usually, I couldn't care less about the hippos, but this guy was pretty cool. Just hanging out in his little pond.
Definitely a photogenic hippopotamus!
And, apparently I can't go anywhere without taking some sort of foliage photos...
The dino in the middle of the zoo, which moves its head & tail, makes noise and even spits water...And scares a lot of small children....Good thing it's not a T-Rex...I think I would've cried too.
Next up were the kitty cats! I arrived by the tigers just in time to see this one pad across his exhibit and flop over for a nap...Reminds me a LOT of my own kitties' behavior

I was going to say that I must've arrived in the big cat section at nap time, but then I remembered that this is what cats do...I hope I come back as a cat in my next life. Preferably not one that's in the wild cuz I don't think they have it as easy as a house or zoo cat.
As I was walking around the big cats, I couldn't find the lions. It seemed that they'd gone inside when I was walking by. I didn't feel like waiting for God knows how long, so I moved on. A bit later, I took a ride on the zoo tram for the first time ever and when we went by the lions - THEY WERE OUT! I missed the Daddy, but the Mama was chillin on the rocks. I was lucky to get this real quick one as we drove on by.

And last, but definitely not least, the polar bear. Either I smelled like lunch or this guy was ready for his photo shoot. As soon as I walked up, he turned his head and was posing for me left and right. I like this one the best because he's looking dead at me; he was probably thinking that I looked pretty tasty!

And this concludes our trip to the zoo. There are plenty more animals that I didn't see and some that I did. But these are the best of the best.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ABC's of Me!

Stolen from Terri-Sexy Vixen, at 488 Miles Away, one of my new favorite blogs! :-)

Gotta love a Meme!
The ABC's of Me
A - Age: 27
B - Bed size: King
C - Chore you hate: Cleaning the litter boxes
D - Dogs' names: I've only ever had one - her name was Nina
E - Essential start to your day item: Shower
F - Favorite color: I have a hard time picking just one, but today, it'd be turquoise
G - Gold or Silver: Silver
H – Height: 5'5"
I - Instruments you play: I've taken lessons for cello and piano, but can't really play either one. I have a bad habit of giving up when things get too hard
J - Job title: Software Tester/Quality Control/Customer Service, yes, I do it all.
K - Kid(s): Just 2 furbabies, at the moment.
L - Living arrangements: Me, Hubby, and our two cats Bubba & Woofem
M - Mom's name: Christine Therese
N – Nicknames: Jen, Jenni, Murph, Murphinator, Ninder
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: I had pancreatitis in early 06. It was really a very uncomfrotable time. They never were able to tell me how or why I had it. It didn't go away until I was scheduled for a colonoscopy and had to drink this horrible crap called Fleet Phosphosoda beforehand. Every time I get a stomachache now, I worry that I'm going to end up in the hospital again.
P - Pet Peeve: The biggest one is poor spelling & grammar, although there are many, many more.
Q - Quote from a movie: "It's Friday. You ain't got no job, ain't got shit to do..."
R - Right or left handed: Righty
S - Siblings: I'm an only...Something that I didn't really appreciate until I was much older.
T - Time you wake up: During the week, sometime between 4:30 and 5:30, on the weekend, more like 8 or 9.
U- Underwear: Comfy ones
V - Vegetable you dislike: peppers...Yuck!
W - Ways you run late: I turn off the alarm with intentions of getting up...And then fall back asleep for an hour and a half...ARGH!
X - X-rays: Yesterday - at the dentist's office. Damn teeth.
Y - Yummy food you make: Right now, it's anything on the grill. BBQ chicken and baked taters is my fave!
Z - Zoo animals: Any other day, I would say the big cats. However, I had a serious connection with one of the polar bears last week. So, I'm all about the big, white bears today.

Belated Weekend Update

This weekend was quite nice. I already gave ya'll the lowdown on the wedding Friday night. I drove home in the pouring rain, took me nearly two hours. But it was definitely worth it.

Saturday, we did a whole bunch of nothing. I convinced Hubby to help me clean a bit. And I think I cooked dinner, though, for the life of me, I can't tell you what I did or didn't cook...Must've been really great. I made it to level 80 in WoW...This is the highest level and Hubby is definitely more excited about this than I am. He now has another 'toon' to play on. :-P Whatev. I'm so over WoW. I can't wait for Sims 3 to come out! It'll be nonstop, I tell ya!

Sunday, Hubby's Mom & her boyf were planning to come over around noon. I needed to go grocery shopping and Hubby really wanted to get a firepit, in case they stayed after dark. So we hit up the grocery store first. Man, is he like a little kid. Not that he wanted everything he saw, which is how he used to behave when we did the grocery shopping together. No, now he feels like everything I purchase is too much. He tells me I think I'm a gourmet chef. Sorry I don't like mac n cheese, frozen pizza and hot pockets for every meal, Buddy. I prefer real food...Like chicken and beef and vegetables. And God forbid if I want a couple bananas, too. Apparently THIS is why he doesn't go with me anymore. Because I like to buy food that's not processed a million times over. I do my best to ignore the 'tude and we make it out alive. BTW, I spent only $100 and this is for a week's worth of groceries. That's better than I've done in quite a while! After the grocery store, we head over to Menard's to look for the firepit. We set a budget of $150 and end up finding one for $60. We also got some tiki torches to put up near it and a couple other odds & ends. Spent less all together than we planned on spending for the firepit alone. Woohoo!

We went home, got the house all ready and waited for our guests to arrive. His mom showed up at 12:30 without boyf in tow. Turns out he had made plans to go on a ride (he's a motorcycle rider) and had forgotten about it. So whatev. We watched the Cubbies lose (they tried really hard, though!) and then I BBQ'ed. M-I-L has a charcoal grill and doesn't really know about the gas ones. Hubby has no idea how to work any grill. So, it was nice to kinda show off my grillin skills. lol We had burgers (if anyone has a good burger recipe, please pass it along. I had WAY too many onions in the mix...), dogs, corn on the cob and grilled pineapple (my mouth waters every time I think about grilled pineapple...It is one of the best tasting things on earth). Everything got eaten, so I guess it was a hit. Hubby didn't stick his nose up and MIL gave me a couple compliments, so that was nice. After cleaning up all the dishes, we played some Guitar Hero with his mom. We're both pretty out of practice, so we all sucked it up. Good times. :-)

She left around 5:30, we went for a walk and spent the rest of the night relaxing. I was exhausted! I don't know whether it was all the cleaning and cooking or if it was the walk or what, but I was out by 9:30.

Hubby's back on 3rd shift this week - and it sounds like this is going to be the end of the flip flopping. Ugh. Third really sucks, for me anyway. Positive things about third shift:
  • I get the bed to myself - I can sleep sideways, if I choose to.
  • I can snooze in the morning without having to worry about disrupting Hubby (the negative of this is that I turn off the alarm and sleep til 6am...Duh.)
  • If he wanted to, we could have dinner together before he leaves for work.

Yeah, that's all I've got...But it's something, right? :-)

I have some sorta unsettling news, as well. On Friday, the reason that I was wearing a skirt was that the programmers were giving a demo of our product to a gentleman who works for another software company. There is potential that he could do marketing for our product to the European market, which could be great for our company. However, the programmers that I work with are a bit leary about this, as another option is that they could be interested in buying us out. And honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if the big Boss decided that was the route he wanted to take. He's all about the bottom line - and for him, it's all about the money. If he can see better potential with a buyout, I would imagine he'd have no hesitation.

So, let's just say he does sell. Where does that leave me? One of the "managers" that I work with seems to think that if Big Boss sold out, he'd be loyal to us. As in, part of the sale/contract would be that they keep all of us on for five years, or something like that. I can't imagine, even if that did happen, that it'd be a good situation to be in. So...this leads me to the question of where would I go? What would I do? Do I look for another job testing software? Do I look for a job that's related to accounting? Do I try to find something related to my degree, which was in business administration? Do I fall back on what's easy and familiar, and I have connections - retail? Or do I sit down and think long and hard about what I want to do? What could I be passionate about? What would I enjoy doing every day and be excited about doing? If you asked me right now what my dream job would be, I couldn't answer you. Teacher? Hair stylist? Chef? Event planner? Computer programmer? Software tester? I'm sure I have no idea...

If you were given the opportunity to start anew, in terms of your career, what would you do?

Let's Play a Little Catch Up!

So, Thursday I went to see the doc. She gave me another pregnancy test and, for those who don't already know, it came back negative again. So, I'm inclined to believe her. I can't say I was surprised, but I was really hoping against hope that the home tests were just wrong. I still haven't gotten my period, but the doc says there really isn't anything to worry about when you miss a month. She said if I miss another month to come see her again, as there may be something wrong. She also gave me some other signs to look for if/when I DO get my period, things that might signify an ovarian cyst or an ectopic. So, yay.

So, after leaving there, I stuck with my plan for the zoo. I made the hour drive over there, got lost trying to find the South parking lot because I HATE the North Gate. If you've ever been to Brookfield Zoo, you probably came in the North gate. You have to cross 31st St and they have this massive tunnel under the road. And the hill at either side of the tunnel is like climbing Mt. Everest. (I'm exaggerating - I just really hate the tunnel) So I finally find parking, make my way into the zoo, grab a map and start making me way around. I only stayed for a few hours - it was a gorgeous day and I got a little sun, which has already faded back to pasty white. I saw most of my favorite animals - lions, tigers, bears, monkeys. And a dino. Mel - you should so take the kids. Brookfield has this huge dino thing going on right now. Although, I have to admit there were a number of children who seemed terrified by the ginormous brotosaurus by the fountain. It costs extra to go in to the dino exhibit, and I wasn't THAT interested, so I chose not to pay the $3. (I'm gonna post pics later...I haven't gotten a chance to edit them, yet)

Friday morning, I got up early and go to work by 7, so I could leave at 3 for my friend's wedding. What an UGLY day for a wedding. It rained all mother loving day. And not just a drizzle. I'm talking downpour for a good portion of the day. Phooey. I leave work at 3, and swing by the Walgreens down the road, before getting on the highway. I was very intent on not slipping and falling in the parking lot, since I was essentially wearing high heel flip flops. I made it in the door without falling down, took two steps into the cosmetic section and felt something soft on my foot and ankles. I look down and MY SKIRT WAS ON THE FLOOR!!!! omg. I couldn't believe it! I was wearing Spanxx (very tight spandex-y shorts), so at least it wasn't my green and yellow underwear alone, and I don't think anyone ACTUALLY saw it, but I was mortified. I wanted to run out of there, but didn't because I really needed to get what I was there for. So I snatched up my skirt, pulled it back up where it belonged and went about looking for the items I needed. Got up to the register, and booked it out of there. If anyone saw my skirtless ass, at least they were kind enough to not say anything or point and laugh loudly enough for me to hear.

I got to my parents' house later than planned, was ready 15 minutes after the ceremony started. I got on the road and what should have taken 15 minutes ended up taking 45 because the damn road I was planning to take was under construction. I finally show up at the hall (which totally wasn't where I thought it was, so it's a good thing I wasn't trying to have a date meet me there. I would have gotten whoever it was lost!). I park, find a couple people I knew from high school and chat them up for a while.

Spunky - a tall, lanky guy that I was very good friends with in high school - was the best man. He gave me a huge hug and we talked about what we're doing now. He's a lawyer and works for one of the more well-known bankruptcy firms in the Chicagoland office. Hopefully I'll never need the help, but it's good to know that if I do, he offered a free one, on him. lol He's dating someone that he's VERY happy with and says this is the first relationship he's ever had that he felt serious about. They've only been together nine months, so I think he's still a little honeymooning, but I'm glad to hear that he's happy.

I was at a different table from Spunky, but was with another friend from hs. Diego was another one of our 'Back Hall Crew.' He was there with his girlfriend, who I'd never met before. She asked me what Diego was like in high school. I had a hard time coming up with words to describe him. He and I had shared roles in stage techs, but he always did far more work and I just organized people. I had a huge crush on him, but then, I had crushes on MANY MANY guys in high school. I have a sneaking suspicion that Diego was/is a stoner. His locker was a couple down from mine. All in all, he was a good guy. He's now in a local union and seems to be pretty happy. He told me about a couple brothers that also hung out with us SM & MM. SM is working for some vaccuum company in marketing, and is happy. But the real news is MM, who works for OPRAH in editing. Apparently, she's taking all her people on a cruise next month and MM gets to go. I'm so jealous. I need to get in touch with that guy and see if he can get me tickets. I <3 Oprah!!!

There was another set of brothers at the wedding - these two are twins - one a complete and total douchebag, the other a complete and total sweetheart...Pretty much the same way that they were 10 years ago. The douche thinks he's God's gift to women, but seriously, he's got the biggest beak I've ever seen, he's skinnier than any girl I know and he's got the WORST attitude ever. I watched him as he was waiting to get a drink and he was making goo goo eyes at himself in the mirror. Ew. The sweet one was always pretty quiet and it seemed like he always just followed his brother around, trying to keep himself out of trouble. He was nice to see.

So, the special couple...God, I can't even explain how happy the groom looked when he walked in that room. When we were younger, he was always a key? He wrote poetry and stories that involved a lot of blood and death and darkness. But after talking with Spunky and seeing L's smile while he walked in, I know that he's going to be okay. He was just beaming. And he's such a smart, nice guy. I'm so glad to see that he's found someone that makes him happy. Spunky told me that they've been together about 4 years and that he met her online. Obviously, I didn't get a chance to talk to him - he was a bit busy - but I was just happy to be there and to see that he'd found someone that he loves so very much.

This post is so much longer than I'd intended. I have a ton more to update ya'll on, but I think I'll make a second post with the weekend info.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Yes, I wiped out the old layout. It was cute, but I wasn't happy with it. I really really want to design my own and this was the first step in doing so. I'll get there...One of these days.

You Capture - Colors

Well, after a brief hiatus, I have some new photos to share for this week's You Capture!!! The theme for this week was colors. I was all over this! So many beautiful colors all around. I love this time of year - when everything is coming back to life and so vibrant!
My colors this week all came from the outdoors - it's got the best lighting and it's usually pretty easy to find things to photograph. So, without any more jibber jabber, here they are!
The barn in my hood that I'm in love with. I just like how all the colors play together.
Tulips by the sign to the building that I work in - I looked at these flowers for days before I finally stopped and took some photos on the way out of the office one afternoon.
These next three were all taken at my parents' house - there's so many things to photograph there. I <3 going "Home" sometimes.

This last one is something that I snapped while I was stuck in traffic Tuesday. I was on the entrance ramp to the highway and as we creeped along, I glanced over and noticed this field of yellow. I don't know what they are, but I really like how they've just taken over this little area - surrounded by the dirty, noisy commotion that goes on everyday. I snatched my camera up, switched the lens real quick and started taking photos. I was worried that I wouldn't get any good ones. But as it turns out, I think this may be my favorite this week.
I <3>

Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend Update!

So, I should totally be working for the next 32 minutes. Instead, I'm going to fill you all in on my wonderful weekend. And then if I have any time left over, I'll be making out my grocery list. So there!

This weekend was actually great, as have been many weekends in the last few months. I'm so glad that things have turned around for us. Hubby seems to have taken a chill pill. Or maybe I've stepped up my game. Or maybe God smiled on us. Or maybe all of the above. Whatever the reason, I'm happy.

Thursday morning, I peed on another stick. Once again, I saw that dreaded single line. A minus sign. Telling me you are "without" child. Ugh. Asshole stick. I still haven't started bleeding yet. I'm 3 and a half weeks late. I called the doctor's office this afternoon, spoke with the nurse, who suggested that I come in and see the doctor, though she wasn't too terribly worried about it. So, this Thursday, I go to the doctor. We'll see what she has to say. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed (yeah, I love being let down) that both tests were wrong and that by some miracle, there's a baby in there.

Thursday was also the day that the flowers that I sent to my mom, my grandmother and my mother-in-law were delivered. They all seemed to like them, though they all told me I shouldn't have spent the money. Why can't these women just say thank you and enjoy them? Whatev. I liked sending them.

Friday, after work, I went to visit the fam. It was also Omi's (Omi is German for grandma) birthday, so I had another gift that I knew was going to get the same 'Don't spend your money' response. Before she could even get it out, I told her to just enjoy it and say thank you. Everyone laughed a bit, she called me a Smart Alec and proceded to open the gift. I got a bottle of Reisling and a variety box of cheeses that are specially chosen to go with Reisling. As I though she might, she loved the gift. After that, I went outside with my camera and took some photos of flowers and things around the yard. Mom & Omi are/were very Martha Stewart, so there are so many possible subjects for photos. While I was out there, I noticed how many young children are in the neighborhood again. It's nice to see all the kids out playing together again. Reminds me of when I was a kid. Granted, there are also a lot of older kids that hog the road when you're trying to drive down it, but it's nice to hear the squeals of children and see them enjoying life. Gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling. :-) Once I finished my photo shoot, I went down to the basement and dug out a box of photos. I wanted to pull out some pics of me and past friends to scan and post on Facebook, because seriously, who doesn't like to be embarrassed by photos of themselves in 7th grade? lol I was amazed at how skinny I looked back then. Even in high school. God, I wish I were that thin still....:-P Finished the evening with dinner with my dad and his brother and then watched Happy Feet with my mom. A very nice Friday night.

Saturday morning, got up a bit early, made some coffee and got ready for the handyman!!! We FINALLY had our garage door opener installed!!!!!! The darn thing has been sitting in the garage, in the box, since October. Hubby insisted for months that he was going to do it. When we got our tax return in February, he finally gave in and said that I could pay someone to do it. And why have I been waiting all this time? No good reason. I just never did it. So, he and another guy came on Saturday morning and now I can get in and out of my house with so much more ease! I am THRILLED! The rest of Saturday was spent lazing around, playing WoW and editing photos (Yay Picnik!). Made burgers for dinner on the grill and Hubby actually ate them - an amazing feat, as he never eats anything that's not out of a box or the drivethru.

Sunday, got up around 9, when I could no longer deal with the pain in my shoulder/back. I dunno what it is. A pulled muscle or something. Hurts like a bitch during the night. Made cinnamon rolls and coffee and woke up Hubby around 10. Spent the day doing laundry and playing some more WoW. Started to try to figure out making my own blog layout. I SO want to do this. I have this fabulous idea in my head, but I've just got to a. pull it all together and b. figure out how the hell to get it to work. lol One of these days... Oh! And I took my last test for the class I've been taking!!! I got a 92, which solidifies my A in the class. Yay!

Things I'm excited about this week - Grilling steaks tonight and BBQ chicken later in the week, going to the zoo on Thursday after the doctor (I really want to go to the zoo to take photos. But I want to go alone. I don't want Hubby rushing me or stealing the camera. So, I decided to take the whole day off. After the doctor, I'll drive my happy behind out to the zoo and spend the evening there taking photos of all my favorite animals. Hopefully they won't all be hiding...And the weather cooperates with this plan...), buying and using some new fun makeup, and a wedding for a friend from high school on Friday night. I can't decide if I'm more excited about seeing a. the friend that's getting married and the best man or b. the person that I'm hoping to take as my date. Another very old school friend, who used to hang out with all of us back in the day. God, it's been like 10 years. Boy, do I have stories about her!!! Maybe I will share some tomorrow. For now, it's time to pack up and hit the road, I spent an extra 7 minutes on this post!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Holy Smokes!!! Beth at Folding Laundry recently made a post saying that she was going to offer some tips for photo editing, using Picasa and Picnik. Both are free programs - if you like to take photos - check them out!! I had downloaded Picasa about a month ago, and at the time, was like, whoa! This is the coolest ever!!! And since then, I've been using it to do editing and really like it, but it didn't do everything that I wanted to do. And since I always LOVE how Beth's photos turn out, I was a little bummed that I didn't have the photo editing skills to make mine look so pretty.
And then she posts about Picnik. I went to have a look at it yesterday...Ended up spending HOURS (literally!) editing some photos that I took at my parents' house, while visiting on Friday. So, for your viewing pleasure (and mine), I've included some of them below. I took a LOT more, but I'm going to wait until Wednesday to post those for this week's You Capture. The theme this week is colors, which is SOOO much easier than the last couple have been.
So...Here we go! Hope you likey! :-) This first one is a barn that's near my house - I drive by it on a regular basis and think how picturesque it is. I finally decided to pull over one afternoon on my way home and take a photo.
These next four were all taken at my parents' house on Friday. A blossom from my mom's flowering pear tree, a daffodil in the front yard, a new growth on one of the oaks that I HATED growing up (100+ year oak = acorns + countless leaves = pita!), & a crab apple tree in the backyard.

And, of course, some photos of my furbabies - Woofie in his sunny perch
Bubba - one of the few shots I could get of him with his eyes open. He's not a fan of the camera.

I had a great time editing these! And now that I know about picnik, I'm so unbelievably excited!!!