Friday, May 29, 2009

Puppy Love - I had a lot of it!

I don't know about you, but I was always looking for or in a relationship. For as long as I can remember. Before I hit high school, I had been in love more times than I can count on one hand.

When I was three or four, my best friend, Rambo, was my next door neighbor. I spent most of my days playing with him and sometimes his older brother, Mario, would join us. We spent a lot of time playing in the backyard. Rambo would bring his He-Man action figures over and I'd want them to fall in love with my Barbies. I think Rambo could've done without the lovefest, but whatever. I'm a girl! Sometimes, when it was really hot out, Rambo & Mario's mom would let us hang out in the basement. The boys played Nintendo, and I pretty much just watched because I sucked. Bad. We listened to Weird Al and Kokomo on a tape player. We played on the slip-n-slide in their backyard. They were good boys - made for great friends. And I was madly in love with Mario. I remember once he asked me to be his girlfriend. I think that only lasted a couple days because Rambo found out and was pissed.

I had a couple crushes early in elementary school, but I think I was more interested in Donnie from NKOTB than any of the boys my age. And then in fourth grade, boys and girls started having girlfriends and boyfriends. And thus started the crush on Billy. O.M.G. I wanted to love Billy so bad. And so did Gina. Gina definitely won that battle. I don't think Billy even knew I existed. The Billy thing continued through fifth grade and into sixth, where it was at its height. Sixth grade, I started to explore other options because Billy and Gina were still going strong, and she had great boobs already. I was no competition. Billy was one of the cool guys, but was always so nice. He never had anything mean to say, even to the nerdy fat girl with the pimple in the middle of her forehead. I'm friends with him on fb now and even still, I have to admit, that that red hair and big smile make me melt. Oh Billy...If only you knew...

And then I transferred schools. I went from a public school where there were probably 120 kids per grade to a private Catholic school, where we had maybe 30 kids per grade. It was a huge change for me, but luckily, I wasn't alone. I had Mel (and another girl who I'm pretty sure has completely fallen off the face of the earth). It didn't take long for me to find a boy to latch onto. First, there was Sully. He was a super nerd, as were all but two or three of the boys in the class. But he was nice and best yet - he liked ME! So, I don't know how we got there, but he was my boyfriend. And then all the 8th graders started giving us shit. He tried to kiss me on the bus one day when they were giving him a hard time...I turned my head, he kissed my cheek. And then I dumped him because I didn't like all the flac that we got. I was embarrassed and didn't want to be put on the spot like that. Sully was always a really nice guy and we remained friendly. I think for a few years after that, we still had a flirty thing between us, and I'm pretty sure that if I'd made the first move, we would've gotten back together.

Eighth grade was a flurry of boyfriends and love interests. For most of the year, I had an actual boyfriend, JD. He was the smartest kid in the class, another nerdy one, nice guy. I totally walked all over him. And I never really got the feeling that his mom liked me. I mean, she wasn't mean and she wasn't outwardly unhappy about me. But she was looking out for her son. She didn't want him to abandon his schoolwork because of me. And she didn't want us moving too fast, I'm sure. I mean, I was the guy's first girlfriend. He was my first real kiss. It was sweet...I wonder if he still remembers it. We both, along with a lot of other kids in our class, volunteered to help with Market Day after school. It was kinda dark and we'd just finsihed helping someone out to their car. We snuck off to the side of the school, underneath the fire escape and had our first real kiss under the yellowey-orange glow of the parking lot lights.

The biggest caveat of my relationship with JD was not his mother, I think if we'd stayed together, she would've warmed up to me more. No, the biggest probably was that I was totally and completely in LOVE with his best friend, JO. Who wanted nothing to do with me. I tried everything I could. I flirted...HARD. But he just wasn't taking the bait. I don't know if it was me or if it was because he was smitten with someone else. But eventually, I got the picture, so I moved on to their other friend, TB. Who was into me for a couple weeks after he had his heart broken. And then realized that I was the rebound girl and was done with me. lol And then I moved on to another guy in the class, who I knew had wanted to rock my socks for quite a while, JG. And after all of that, JD and I ended up back together for a few weeks before summer kicked off. Yeah, I was whoring it up in 8th grade. I liked the attention.

High school started and that was a new wave of stupid boy-driven decisions. And once I was in high school, all bets were off. This was no longer puppy love. It was all-out 'You will be my squishy' love. I don't remember a time where I was single for more than a couple months since my freshman year in high school began. I was always the girl with the boyfriend. I just couldn't stand to be single. I needed to be loved.

Tell me about your puppy love! Who was the first boy you wanted to love? Who was your first kiss? Who was the first boy that you really did love? Who was the first boy that you treated like crap? Or was that just me? I think about all of these boys still, some of them more often than others.


  1. Ohmygosh, so much to say!

    First, BILLY! I didn't remember that you wanted to love him! I see him out every now and then. Still so nice. He remembered me from way back when, I couldn't believe it.

    Oh, the Saint Liborius boys. All really good guys. I believe you forgot to mention JM (not you). Because who didn't want to snuggle up to THAT guy. I mean, I still do. Or his dirty dirty brother. If he smiles at me a little too long, I'm instantly 12, blushing and giggling.

    I was the fact I can answer every one of your questions with one person. I wish I had dated more, and differently. One date doesn't make a boyfriend. If it doesn't feel right, I wish I'd chalk it up to experience and not have another, just see what's out there, what I like and don't...because I feel like I've barely gotten my dating feet wet!


  2. I did leave out JM. I had a little blurb about him in here...About how he and I were such good 'friends' for a while when he was trying to love Drunky Skunky. And then when she was done with him, he was done with me. Boy, did I want to love him, too. And then there was a friend of his dirty brother's that I was oddly hooked on. Do you remember that guy? Oh! And there was another one in their class that I REALLY wanted to love, who ended up knocking up Wendy when they were sophmores...I'm sure there's plenty of other boys I'm leaving out of this.

    I always kinda wondered why you weren't more interested in boys in junion high & hs. But I figured, I was fawning over them enough for the both of us, so I just left it alone.

  3. Not Larkin! Is it? There's something weird about that guy...he gives me a major case of the creeps...or Tuna? Is it him? I saw him on fb. Totally bald. That's unfortunate!

    I don't know. I guess I was a late bloomer...and then just wanted to make out with EVERYONE in college! LoL Good times.

  4. I think I have had that problem with being smitten with people or stuck on people my whole life. I should be a more pro active dater.

  5. Oh, snap! No idea that you might be a reader! lol When I saw your name pop up on there, I have to admit, my face turned a bright shade of crimson. Not sure why... Obviously, you knew I loved you!

    Anyway, yeah! Get out there! Be proactive! Let me set you up with one of my many single sorority sisters! lol

    PS. What the hell happened to Matt S? Is he still living in PF? I know his sister has a kid now, i took photos for them when I was working at Sears. I look for the boy on fb all the time, to no avail.

  6. MattS was in Indiana last time I heard, he is on fb, he is my brother's friend apparently, he hasn't said yes to my friend request. Yeah his sis had a kid and I think is back in PF but his parents had to move to Ohio with the gradma. I think they might have lost the house. Kim is living with the baby daddy.

    Haha mostly I feel old in a town of young people.

  7. I am racking my brain. I don't remember ANYONE named Wendy...and I can't think of a JS either. I need more clues.

  8. JO - I'll have to look for Matt again. He was another one of those 15 minutes love-of-my-life...The list continues to grow.

    Mel, let's see...He was a year older than us. I seem to remember that he and Mike W were good friends until there were rumors that they made out in the coatroom. He shares a first name with our friend JO...If you don't figure it out, I'll remind you this afternoon. :-)

  9. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Yeah, I forgot he existed.
