Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ABC's of Me!

Stolen from Terri-Sexy Vixen, at 488 Miles Away, one of my new favorite blogs! :-)

Gotta love a Meme!
The ABC's of Me
A - Age: 27
B - Bed size: King
C - Chore you hate: Cleaning the litter boxes
D - Dogs' names: I've only ever had one - her name was Nina
E - Essential start to your day item: Shower
F - Favorite color: I have a hard time picking just one, but today, it'd be turquoise
G - Gold or Silver: Silver
H – Height: 5'5"
I - Instruments you play: I've taken lessons for cello and piano, but can't really play either one. I have a bad habit of giving up when things get too hard
J - Job title: Software Tester/Quality Control/Customer Service, yes, I do it all.
K - Kid(s): Just 2 furbabies, at the moment.
L - Living arrangements: Me, Hubby, and our two cats Bubba & Woofem
M - Mom's name: Christine Therese
N – Nicknames: Jen, Jenni, Murph, Murphinator, Ninder
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: I had pancreatitis in early 06. It was really a very uncomfrotable time. They never were able to tell me how or why I had it. It didn't go away until I was scheduled for a colonoscopy and had to drink this horrible crap called Fleet Phosphosoda beforehand. Every time I get a stomachache now, I worry that I'm going to end up in the hospital again.
P - Pet Peeve: The biggest one is poor spelling & grammar, although there are many, many more.
Q - Quote from a movie: "It's Friday. You ain't got no job, ain't got shit to do..."
R - Right or left handed: Righty
S - Siblings: I'm an only...Something that I didn't really appreciate until I was much older.
T - Time you wake up: During the week, sometime between 4:30 and 5:30, on the weekend, more like 8 or 9.
U- Underwear: Comfy ones
V - Vegetable you dislike: peppers...Yuck!
W - Ways you run late: I turn off the alarm with intentions of getting up...And then fall back asleep for an hour and a half...ARGH!
X - X-rays: Yesterday - at the dentist's office. Damn teeth.
Y - Yummy food you make: Right now, it's anything on the grill. BBQ chicken and baked taters is my fave!
Z - Zoo animals: Any other day, I would say the big cats. However, I had a serious connection with one of the polar bears last week. So, I'm all about the big, white bears today.

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