Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Let's Play a Little Catch Up!

So, Thursday I went to see the doc. She gave me another pregnancy test and, for those who don't already know, it came back negative again. So, I'm inclined to believe her. I can't say I was surprised, but I was really hoping against hope that the home tests were just wrong. I still haven't gotten my period, but the doc says there really isn't anything to worry about when you miss a month. She said if I miss another month to come see her again, as there may be something wrong. She also gave me some other signs to look for if/when I DO get my period, things that might signify an ovarian cyst or an ectopic. So, yay.

So, after leaving there, I stuck with my plan for the zoo. I made the hour drive over there, got lost trying to find the South parking lot because I HATE the North Gate. If you've ever been to Brookfield Zoo, you probably came in the North gate. You have to cross 31st St and they have this massive tunnel under the road. And the hill at either side of the tunnel is like climbing Mt. Everest. (I'm exaggerating - I just really hate the tunnel) So I finally find parking, make my way into the zoo, grab a map and start making me way around. I only stayed for a few hours - it was a gorgeous day and I got a little sun, which has already faded back to pasty white. I saw most of my favorite animals - lions, tigers, bears, monkeys. And a dino. Mel - you should so take the kids. Brookfield has this huge dino thing going on right now. Although, I have to admit there were a number of children who seemed terrified by the ginormous brotosaurus by the fountain. It costs extra to go in to the dino exhibit, and I wasn't THAT interested, so I chose not to pay the $3. (I'm gonna post pics later...I haven't gotten a chance to edit them, yet)

Friday morning, I got up early and go to work by 7, so I could leave at 3 for my friend's wedding. What an UGLY day for a wedding. It rained all mother loving day. And not just a drizzle. I'm talking downpour for a good portion of the day. Phooey. I leave work at 3, and swing by the Walgreens down the road, before getting on the highway. I was very intent on not slipping and falling in the parking lot, since I was essentially wearing high heel flip flops. I made it in the door without falling down, took two steps into the cosmetic section and felt something soft on my foot and ankles. I look down and MY SKIRT WAS ON THE FLOOR!!!! omg. I couldn't believe it! I was wearing Spanxx (very tight spandex-y shorts), so at least it wasn't my green and yellow underwear alone, and I don't think anyone ACTUALLY saw it, but I was mortified. I wanted to run out of there, but didn't because I really needed to get what I was there for. So I snatched up my skirt, pulled it back up where it belonged and went about looking for the items I needed. Got up to the register, and booked it out of there. If anyone saw my skirtless ass, at least they were kind enough to not say anything or point and laugh loudly enough for me to hear.

I got to my parents' house later than planned, was ready 15 minutes after the ceremony started. I got on the road and what should have taken 15 minutes ended up taking 45 because the damn road I was planning to take was under construction. I finally show up at the hall (which totally wasn't where I thought it was, so it's a good thing I wasn't trying to have a date meet me there. I would have gotten whoever it was lost!). I park, find a couple people I knew from high school and chat them up for a while.

Spunky - a tall, lanky guy that I was very good friends with in high school - was the best man. He gave me a huge hug and we talked about what we're doing now. He's a lawyer and works for one of the more well-known bankruptcy firms in the Chicagoland office. Hopefully I'll never need the help, but it's good to know that if I do, he offered a free one, on him. lol He's dating someone that he's VERY happy with and says this is the first relationship he's ever had that he felt serious about. They've only been together nine months, so I think he's still a little honeymooning, but I'm glad to hear that he's happy.

I was at a different table from Spunky, but was with another friend from hs. Diego was another one of our 'Back Hall Crew.' He was there with his girlfriend, who I'd never met before. She asked me what Diego was like in high school. I had a hard time coming up with words to describe him. He and I had shared roles in stage techs, but he always did far more work and I just organized people. I had a huge crush on him, but then, I had crushes on MANY MANY guys in high school. I have a sneaking suspicion that Diego was/is a stoner. His locker was a couple down from mine. All in all, he was a good guy. He's now in a local union and seems to be pretty happy. He told me about a couple brothers that also hung out with us SM & MM. SM is working for some vaccuum company in marketing, and is happy. But the real news is MM, who works for OPRAH in editing. Apparently, she's taking all her people on a cruise next month and MM gets to go. I'm so jealous. I need to get in touch with that guy and see if he can get me tickets. I <3 Oprah!!!

There was another set of brothers at the wedding - these two are twins - one a complete and total douchebag, the other a complete and total sweetheart...Pretty much the same way that they were 10 years ago. The douche thinks he's God's gift to women, but seriously, he's got the biggest beak I've ever seen, he's skinnier than any girl I know and he's got the WORST attitude ever. I watched him as he was waiting to get a drink and he was making goo goo eyes at himself in the mirror. Ew. The sweet one was always pretty quiet and it seemed like he always just followed his brother around, trying to keep himself out of trouble. He was nice to see.

So, the special couple...God, I can't even explain how happy the groom looked when he walked in that room. When we were younger, he was always a little....off key? He wrote poetry and stories that involved a lot of blood and death and darkness. But after talking with Spunky and seeing L's smile while he walked in, I know that he's going to be okay. He was just beaming. And he's such a smart, nice guy. I'm so glad to see that he's found someone that makes him happy. Spunky told me that they've been together about 4 years and that he met her online. Obviously, I didn't get a chance to talk to him - he was a bit busy - but I was just happy to be there and to see that he'd found someone that he loves so very much.

This post is so much longer than I'd intended. I have a ton more to update ya'll on, but I think I'll make a second post with the weekend info.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, good for L! That's so sweet. I always thought he was a nice boy. And Spunky, too. It's good to hear that he's rocking the legal world...I can totally see that, too. I bet he was super handsome. What does the bf look like? Oh, the Nix's...LoL Were Joe and Jolene there? You got pix?
