Sunday, May 10, 2009


Holy Smokes!!! Beth at Folding Laundry recently made a post saying that she was going to offer some tips for photo editing, using Picasa and Picnik. Both are free programs - if you like to take photos - check them out!! I had downloaded Picasa about a month ago, and at the time, was like, whoa! This is the coolest ever!!! And since then, I've been using it to do editing and really like it, but it didn't do everything that I wanted to do. And since I always LOVE how Beth's photos turn out, I was a little bummed that I didn't have the photo editing skills to make mine look so pretty.
And then she posts about Picnik. I went to have a look at it yesterday...Ended up spending HOURS (literally!) editing some photos that I took at my parents' house, while visiting on Friday. So, for your viewing pleasure (and mine), I've included some of them below. I took a LOT more, but I'm going to wait until Wednesday to post those for this week's You Capture. The theme this week is colors, which is SOOO much easier than the last couple have been.
So...Here we go! Hope you likey! :-) This first one is a barn that's near my house - I drive by it on a regular basis and think how picturesque it is. I finally decided to pull over one afternoon on my way home and take a photo.
These next four were all taken at my parents' house on Friday. A blossom from my mom's flowering pear tree, a daffodil in the front yard, a new growth on one of the oaks that I HATED growing up (100+ year oak = acorns + countless leaves = pita!), & a crab apple tree in the backyard.

And, of course, some photos of my furbabies - Woofie in his sunny perch
Bubba - one of the few shots I could get of him with his eyes open. He's not a fan of the camera.

I had a great time editing these! And now that I know about picnik, I'm so unbelievably excited!!!

1 comment:

  1. Picnik totally rocks! I love it. Your shots are awesome.

