Wednesday, May 27, 2009

7 + 7 = Thank you!

So, I mentioned earlier today that I was going to make another post this evening - something I wanted to give it's own post to, rather than cramming it in with the rest of the weekend bits. So, here it is!!!

Hayley at When I Grow Up officially gave me my first blog award!!!

Yay me! :-D

Onto the rules of the award!!!

1. List 7 things you love.

2. Link to the person who tagged you. (done!)

3. Choose 7 bloggers who you think should receive the award next.

Seven things that I love (I, too, am going to skip the obvious...the whole point is to share something new, right?)

1. The smell of clean sheets on the bed, especially if they've been dried outside on a sunny, breezy day.

2. BBQ Chicken with baked potatoes & corn on the cob. My all-time favorite meal, which I've been making once a week since I got my grill on Easter weekend. lol

3. Accomplishing something that I've put my mind to - like creating a new layout for my blog or planting some new flowers or going to the zoo (by myself) on what could've been a crummy day.

4. TV - I have an unhealthy addiction to tv. And it's compounded by the fact that I don't actually watch them on TV, but on the computer. I download more than 20 shows per season and watch them when I have time. It makes for AWESOME marathons. Don't judge me. :-P

5. Taking a ride down memory lane. It was so much fun going to that wedding a couple weeks ago. Catching up with old friends that I hadn't seen in almost 10 years. And a couple weeks before that, I was sorting through some old photos when I visited my parents. Some of those pictures brought back fantastic memories. Things that I'd tucked away into the back of my brain. Things that made me smile. And made me miss the good ol' days.

6. Camping/road trips - these two go hand in hand. I'd never been camping OR on a road trip until my husband and I started dating. I was terrified the first time we went camping. I didn't have any idea what to expect. But it was so much fun! And I can't wait until we have kids that we can bring along with us. Hubby really knows his stuff and I'll be so excited to watch him teach it all to our children.

7. Planning things. For as long as I can remember, I always loved to be in charge of planning, specifically planning events. In high school, when a dance was about a month out, I started planning the before and after events. While at the dance, I organized our ENORMOUS group of friends into one group photo. I love planning parties and get togethers with friends, even if they never turn out as planned. I like everything to be big and I want everyone to feel like they're an important part of the event. I like to make lists - I write my grocery list out at least two times, maybe even three, before I run out to the store. I'm a planner.

Wow...Started that with one sentence on the first one and then progressively yammered more and more with each one. What else is new.

Next rule! Tag 7 other bloggers who deserve the award.

I'm pretty sure that ALL of you have already gotten this award, but whatev. I thinks ya'll deserves it, so there it is. :-)

1. Hayley, the rules say nothing about giving the award right back to the presenter, so that's what I'm doing. Thank you so much! Both for the award, but also for the kind words and prayers that you offer me. I'm honestly flattered. I find your photos beautiful - they express so much and show off what's important to you, and I feel like I get a window into your world. I must have told you a BUNCH of times already, but I always find your words so poetic. You always seem to know that right thing to say and put it so beautifully. So...again, thanks! :-)

2. Terri at 488 Miles Away. I admire your dedication to your family. You make me realize how important it is to cherish the time that you have with your loved ones. I'm so glad that I asked you some questions about Sexy Stud and even more glad that you took the time to answer them!

3. Ashley at Ashley's Closet. I get so excited when I see a new blog from her in my reader. I love the funny/sweet/hilarious stories that she shares about her children and her life. She's going through a bit of a rough patch right now, and I'm sending positive mojo her way. Whatever positivity you can send her way, please do.

4. Stephanie at It Happens & Inspirational Madness. I debated about posting only one of your blogs, but I like them both, a lot! Steph, I admire you in so many ways. You're such a free spirit, but at the same time, so dedicated. You are the girl that I know I could turn to no matter what. It could be three in the morning and I'm stuck in the rain with a flat tire. I know that you'd not only answer your phone, but be there as soon as you could. You are an amazing girl and I hope you know I love ya!

5. Stacie @ Stacie's Madness, if for no other reason than the rather large man in the orange croc. lol You are a hoot! You seem like such fun - someone that I'd love spending time with.

6. Beth @ I Should Be Folding Laundry because, well, she's awesome. In my little world, she's like the cool kid that I desperately want to be friends with and hang out with, hoping that some of her coolness will rub off on me. Her photography skills are fabuloso and her strength and love are inspiring.

7. I couldn't leave out Mel @ The Dumbest Smart Girl You Know. She's one of my oldest and best friends. There was a time in our lives when we didn't talk nearly enough and my family would always ask how she was doing. I told them what I'd last heard from her and my dad would always remind me to hold on to that friendship. That she'd stuck by me when many of my other friends hadn't. That we'd been through so many things together and that she'd been a good friend to me and I should be the same for her. He was right (as always). While we don't talk or hang out nearly as much as I wish we could, she IS a great friend; a smart, strong, beautiful woman, a loving mother, and a friend that I plan on holding on to forever. Love ya, Meem!

And now that I've stayed up past my bedtime, I'm off to dreamland. Good night All!


  1. Oh, Jen! Thank you.

    I have been feeling soooooo down on myself...thank you for the compliments. True friends are so few and far between. I'm blessed to count you as mine!

  2. Very cool!
    Love your answers.

  3. Yay you!! Very nice post. I'm so excited to see that I am not the only obsessive list-maker. My dad used to make fun of me for my list making. When I was in high-school, I would make daily "to do" lists that started with, 1. Wake up 2. Smile at everyone get the idea. I still do to an extent. Hugs to you! Now, I'm off to check out your 7 blogs of wonder!

  4. Ditto your #4. I can't watch TV the old fashion way anymore-- and wait A WHOLE WEEK for another episode. Who does that? No judging here.


  5. Aw, those are fun facts about you! And congrats on the blog award. :)

    Love the new layout, btw. ;)
