Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears!

As previously promised, here are some photos from my trip to Brookfield Zoo last week. My favorite ones are the one of the polar bear making love to the camera and the one of the elephant, showing off his trunk.

Welcome to Brookfield Zoo!
I started in Tropic World, one of my favorite places in the zoo, despite the heat and smell of the indoor exhibits. This guy looked like a little old man. After a few photos, he turned around like he was irritated with all the paparazzi.

Dude, really...They're fake leaves...As in not edible...

Every time I go to the zoo, this guy's always got this look on his face - Like 'Don't effin look at me...Or I'll eat you for lunch...'
Such a stark contrast from this one who looks so relaxed. Her little one just got done picking bugs off her back. Ain't that sweet?

After the primates, I moved on to the pachyderms. Hubby and I collect elephants (I really don't know why elephants...I wish there was some great story, but there's really not)...I'm thinking about having a print of this one made and hanging it in the house someplace. It looks a lot darker/shadowy in this size than it does in a larger size.
Usually, I couldn't care less about the hippos, but this guy was pretty cool. Just hanging out in his little pond.
Definitely a photogenic hippopotamus!
And, apparently I can't go anywhere without taking some sort of foliage photos...
The dino in the middle of the zoo, which moves its head & tail, makes noise and even spits water...And scares a lot of small children....Good thing it's not a T-Rex...I think I would've cried too.
Next up were the kitty cats! I arrived by the tigers just in time to see this one pad across his exhibit and flop over for a nap...Reminds me a LOT of my own kitties' behavior

I was going to say that I must've arrived in the big cat section at nap time, but then I remembered that this is what cats do...I hope I come back as a cat in my next life. Preferably not one that's in the wild cuz I don't think they have it as easy as a house or zoo cat.
As I was walking around the big cats, I couldn't find the lions. It seemed that they'd gone inside when I was walking by. I didn't feel like waiting for God knows how long, so I moved on. A bit later, I took a ride on the zoo tram for the first time ever and when we went by the lions - THEY WERE OUT! I missed the Daddy, but the Mama was chillin on the rocks. I was lucky to get this real quick one as we drove on by.

And last, but definitely not least, the polar bear. Either I smelled like lunch or this guy was ready for his photo shoot. As soon as I walked up, he turned his head and was posing for me left and right. I like this one the best because he's looking dead at me; he was probably thinking that I looked pretty tasty!

And this concludes our trip to the zoo. There are plenty more animals that I didn't see and some that I did. But these are the best of the best.