Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You Capture - Colors

Well, after a brief hiatus, I have some new photos to share for this week's You Capture!!! The theme for this week was colors. I was all over this! So many beautiful colors all around. I love this time of year - when everything is coming back to life and so vibrant!
My colors this week all came from the outdoors - it's got the best lighting and it's usually pretty easy to find things to photograph. So, without any more jibber jabber, here they are!
The barn in my hood that I'm in love with. I just like how all the colors play together.
Tulips by the sign to the building that I work in - I looked at these flowers for days before I finally stopped and took some photos on the way out of the office one afternoon.
These next three were all taken at my parents' house - there's so many things to photograph there. I <3 going "Home" sometimes.

This last one is something that I snapped while I was stuck in traffic Tuesday. I was on the entrance ramp to the highway and as we creeped along, I glanced over and noticed this field of yellow. I don't know what they are, but I really like how they've just taken over this little area - surrounded by the dirty, noisy commotion that goes on everyday. I snatched my camera up, switched the lens real quick and started taking photos. I was worried that I wouldn't get any good ones. But as it turns out, I think this may be my favorite this week.
I <3>


  1. Holy cow. I usually only read your posts through my reader...but when I came over to comment, I saw your profile pic. GORGEOUS!!! And I love the little buds against the brick.

    I'm so sorry about the news today. I love you, call me if you want to talk. Hope you had a great time at the zoo, it's such a beautiful day!

  2. Thanks, Dana! Like with everything in life, it takes a lot of practice.

    Meem, thanks for the ego boost there! I recently joined up on and they've got makeup challenges once a week. That photo was my first attempt. You can't really see it very well, but the shadows were purple & green. Nothing I'd really wear out, but it was fun to do. I'll make a post about the news & the zoo later today. Or maybe tomorrow...We'll see how busy I get today.

  3. i love the last one just speaks peace to me.

  4. Amazing macros! I agree, the last one is so peaceful...makes me want to run out there with a blanket and a book and wile the afternoon away.

  5. I'm a sucker for flower pictures and yours are awesome. Great job!

  6. great shots all! that last one is pretty amazing - the colors and the contrast are really good. good eye :O). i was just reading your profile on the sidebar. i know it's hard to get back into church after an absence - been there myself - and i need to get back, too. you are not alone - at least not in the sense of needing to start over. my husband doesn't go to church with me, so it really makes it hard. hang in there, girl! i'll be watching for your 'sweet' shots next week.

    i have my color shots posted now. feel free to come visit and check them out. leave me a comment so i'll know you were there :O). thanks.

  7. BEAUTIFUL photos! You have some major talent girly!

  8. Beautiful pics! Definately great colors.
