Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Belated Weekend Update

This weekend was quite nice. I already gave ya'll the lowdown on the wedding Friday night. I drove home in the pouring rain, took me nearly two hours. But it was definitely worth it.

Saturday, we did a whole bunch of nothing. I convinced Hubby to help me clean a bit. And I think I cooked dinner, though, for the life of me, I can't tell you what I did or didn't cook...Must've been really great. I made it to level 80 in WoW...This is the highest level and Hubby is definitely more excited about this than I am. He now has another 'toon' to play on. :-P Whatev. I'm so over WoW. I can't wait for Sims 3 to come out! It'll be nonstop, I tell ya!

Sunday, Hubby's Mom & her boyf were planning to come over around noon. I needed to go grocery shopping and Hubby really wanted to get a firepit, in case they stayed after dark. So we hit up the grocery store first. Man, is he like a little kid. Not that he wanted everything he saw, which is how he used to behave when we did the grocery shopping together. No, now he feels like everything I purchase is too much. He tells me I think I'm a gourmet chef. Sorry I don't like mac n cheese, frozen pizza and hot pockets for every meal, Buddy. I prefer real food...Like chicken and beef and vegetables. And God forbid if I want a couple bananas, too. Apparently THIS is why he doesn't go with me anymore. Because I like to buy food that's not processed a million times over. I do my best to ignore the 'tude and we make it out alive. BTW, I spent only $100 and this is for a week's worth of groceries. That's better than I've done in quite a while! After the grocery store, we head over to Menard's to look for the firepit. We set a budget of $150 and end up finding one for $60. We also got some tiki torches to put up near it and a couple other odds & ends. Spent less all together than we planned on spending for the firepit alone. Woohoo!

We went home, got the house all ready and waited for our guests to arrive. His mom showed up at 12:30 without boyf in tow. Turns out he had made plans to go on a ride (he's a motorcycle rider) and had forgotten about it. So whatev. We watched the Cubbies lose (they tried really hard, though!) and then I BBQ'ed. M-I-L has a charcoal grill and doesn't really know about the gas ones. Hubby has no idea how to work any grill. So, it was nice to kinda show off my grillin skills. lol We had burgers (if anyone has a good burger recipe, please pass it along. I had WAY too many onions in the mix...), dogs, corn on the cob and grilled pineapple (my mouth waters every time I think about grilled pineapple...It is one of the best tasting things on earth). Everything got eaten, so I guess it was a hit. Hubby didn't stick his nose up and MIL gave me a couple compliments, so that was nice. After cleaning up all the dishes, we played some Guitar Hero with his mom. We're both pretty out of practice, so we all sucked it up. Good times. :-)

She left around 5:30, we went for a walk and spent the rest of the night relaxing. I was exhausted! I don't know whether it was all the cleaning and cooking or if it was the walk or what, but I was out by 9:30.

Hubby's back on 3rd shift this week - and it sounds like this is going to be the end of the flip flopping. Ugh. Third really sucks, for me anyway. Positive things about third shift:
  • I get the bed to myself - I can sleep sideways, if I choose to.
  • I can snooze in the morning without having to worry about disrupting Hubby (the negative of this is that I turn off the alarm and sleep til 6am...Duh.)
  • If he wanted to, we could have dinner together before he leaves for work.

Yeah, that's all I've got...But it's something, right? :-)

I have some sorta unsettling news, as well. On Friday, the reason that I was wearing a skirt was that the programmers were giving a demo of our product to a gentleman who works for another software company. There is potential that he could do marketing for our product to the European market, which could be great for our company. However, the programmers that I work with are a bit leary about this, as another option is that they could be interested in buying us out. And honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if the big Boss decided that was the route he wanted to take. He's all about the bottom line - and for him, it's all about the money. If he can see better potential with a buyout, I would imagine he'd have no hesitation.

So, let's just say he does sell. Where does that leave me? One of the "managers" that I work with seems to think that if Big Boss sold out, he'd be loyal to us. As in, part of the sale/contract would be that they keep all of us on for five years, or something like that. I can't imagine, even if that did happen, that it'd be a good situation to be in. So...this leads me to the question of where would I go? What would I do? Do I look for another job testing software? Do I look for a job that's related to accounting? Do I try to find something related to my degree, which was in business administration? Do I fall back on what's easy and familiar, and I have connections - retail? Or do I sit down and think long and hard about what I want to do? What could I be passionate about? What would I enjoy doing every day and be excited about doing? If you asked me right now what my dream job would be, I couldn't answer you. Teacher? Hair stylist? Chef? Event planner? Computer programmer? Software tester? I'm sure I have no idea...

If you were given the opportunity to start anew, in terms of your career, what would you do?

1 comment:

  1. take it as a sign to really evaluate what you want to be doing in life. especially now, you're young enough to make a change like this, and it seems to be pretty common in people our age. they get in the work force for a few years (4-5), and then start thinking about whether this is what they want to do the rest of their life. i can tell you, i'm kinda in that same boat myself, although, i do not have the pressure of a buy-out/lay off in my immediate future to really make me seriously reflect.
