Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend Update!

So, I should totally be working for the next 32 minutes. Instead, I'm going to fill you all in on my wonderful weekend. And then if I have any time left over, I'll be making out my grocery list. So there!

This weekend was actually great, as have been many weekends in the last few months. I'm so glad that things have turned around for us. Hubby seems to have taken a chill pill. Or maybe I've stepped up my game. Or maybe God smiled on us. Or maybe all of the above. Whatever the reason, I'm happy.

Thursday morning, I peed on another stick. Once again, I saw that dreaded single line. A minus sign. Telling me you are "without" child. Ugh. Asshole stick. I still haven't started bleeding yet. I'm 3 and a half weeks late. I called the doctor's office this afternoon, spoke with the nurse, who suggested that I come in and see the doctor, though she wasn't too terribly worried about it. So, this Thursday, I go to the doctor. We'll see what she has to say. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed (yeah, I love being let down) that both tests were wrong and that by some miracle, there's a baby in there.

Thursday was also the day that the flowers that I sent to my mom, my grandmother and my mother-in-law were delivered. They all seemed to like them, though they all told me I shouldn't have spent the money. Why can't these women just say thank you and enjoy them? Whatev. I liked sending them.

Friday, after work, I went to visit the fam. It was also Omi's (Omi is German for grandma) birthday, so I had another gift that I knew was going to get the same 'Don't spend your money' response. Before she could even get it out, I told her to just enjoy it and say thank you. Everyone laughed a bit, she called me a Smart Alec and proceded to open the gift. I got a bottle of Reisling and a variety box of cheeses that are specially chosen to go with Reisling. As I though she might, she loved the gift. After that, I went outside with my camera and took some photos of flowers and things around the yard. Mom & Omi are/were very Martha Stewart, so there are so many possible subjects for photos. While I was out there, I noticed how many young children are in the neighborhood again. It's nice to see all the kids out playing together again. Reminds me of when I was a kid. Granted, there are also a lot of older kids that hog the road when you're trying to drive down it, but it's nice to hear the squeals of children and see them enjoying life. Gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling. :-) Once I finished my photo shoot, I went down to the basement and dug out a box of photos. I wanted to pull out some pics of me and past friends to scan and post on Facebook, because seriously, who doesn't like to be embarrassed by photos of themselves in 7th grade? lol I was amazed at how skinny I looked back then. Even in high school. God, I wish I were that thin still....:-P Finished the evening with dinner with my dad and his brother and then watched Happy Feet with my mom. A very nice Friday night.

Saturday morning, got up a bit early, made some coffee and got ready for the handyman!!! We FINALLY had our garage door opener installed!!!!!! The darn thing has been sitting in the garage, in the box, since October. Hubby insisted for months that he was going to do it. When we got our tax return in February, he finally gave in and said that I could pay someone to do it. And why have I been waiting all this time? No good reason. I just never did it. So, he and another guy came on Saturday morning and now I can get in and out of my house with so much more ease! I am THRILLED! The rest of Saturday was spent lazing around, playing WoW and editing photos (Yay Picnik!). Made burgers for dinner on the grill and Hubby actually ate them - an amazing feat, as he never eats anything that's not out of a box or the drivethru.

Sunday, got up around 9, when I could no longer deal with the pain in my shoulder/back. I dunno what it is. A pulled muscle or something. Hurts like a bitch during the night. Made cinnamon rolls and coffee and woke up Hubby around 10. Spent the day doing laundry and playing some more WoW. Started to try to figure out making my own blog layout. I SO want to do this. I have this fabulous idea in my head, but I've just got to a. pull it all together and b. figure out how the hell to get it to work. lol One of these days... Oh! And I took my last test for the class I've been taking!!! I got a 92, which solidifies my A in the class. Yay!

Things I'm excited about this week - Grilling steaks tonight and BBQ chicken later in the week, going to the zoo on Thursday after the doctor (I really want to go to the zoo to take photos. But I want to go alone. I don't want Hubby rushing me or stealing the camera. So, I decided to take the whole day off. After the doctor, I'll drive my happy behind out to the zoo and spend the evening there taking photos of all my favorite animals. Hopefully they won't all be hiding...And the weather cooperates with this plan...), buying and using some new fun makeup, and a wedding for a friend from high school on Friday night. I can't decide if I'm more excited about seeing a. the friend that's getting married and the best man or b. the person that I'm hoping to take as my date. Another very old school friend, who used to hang out with all of us back in the day. God, it's been like 10 years. Boy, do I have stories about her!!! Maybe I will share some tomorrow. For now, it's time to pack up and hit the road, I spent an extra 7 minutes on this post!!!


  1. ohmygoodness. WHO is getting married? WHO is this date? Use code names, I don't care, but WHO???

  2. I'm so glad to see you are feeling uplifted! I think about you often and keep you in my prayers. I know what you are going through too. I tried for two and a half years for my miracle baby, Heller. He was worth the wait IN EVERY WAY. God has a plan, we just have to wait for it. Sigh...I will pray for your results tomorrow.

    The plant in my photo was a bougainvillea. They are incredibly beautiful when they bloom and LOW MAINTENANCE, which is always crucial with my brown thumb. Their flowers are more like leaves, but so colorful.

    Keep up the spirits! Hugs to you!

  3. Hayley,
    Thank you so much for the warm thoughts & prayers. The doctor's visit didn't turn out as I was hoping for, though I have to admit that I really wasn't expecting it to. It's always good to have hope though, right? :-)

    Are bougainvillea something native to the south? When I was a sophmore in high school, we did the play 'Mame' and this plant was mentioned in one of the songs. But I had never seen one before and being that the play is set in the south and you're from the south...I'm a quick one, you see? :-)
