Thursday, May 21, 2009

Two things before I hit the sack...

#1. I stole this from Terri @ 488 Miles Away, and just had to share!!! This is too cool!!! Go see it!

#2. Why the hell are there certain blogs that I can't get to anymore!?!?!??? It starts to open and then throws up an error and dies. For example, I can't get to Stacie's Madness right now and I REALLY want to comment on her latest post about the tv shows she watches because, uh...I <3 TV!!! WTF Blogspot? WTF???


  1. I was having the same problem today -- I restarted my laptop and problem solved. Irritating though, no?

  2. Thank you! I'll give that a shot and see if it doesn't help!!!
