Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Belated Weekend Update, and then some!

Hello Friends!

I'm getting a little lax on these weekend updates. I mean, we're halfway to next weekend already! (Woohoo!)

This weekend was great! It was so nice to have an extra day off. Saturday, we spent the morning in the yard. Hubby mowed the lawn & did the edging/weed wacking while I trimmed the bushes and pulled weeds. We planted some flowers (petunias, pansies, lamb's ear & New Guinea impatiens. I haven't taken any photos yet - I'll have to get on that sometime this week. We were going to put down mulch, but Hubby made the mistake of asking the neighbor across the street how much he used. He tells Hubby he used THIRTY TWO bags of mulch!!! We only had six. And I'm still not convinced that six wasn't enough. But Hubby didn't want to start the job if we couldn't finish it. So, that was the end of our yardwork. It was fun, though, what we did do. I got a bit of a sunburn, but I needed some color and pink is better than pasty! We took a four hour nap after our hard work outside and then hung out in the office for the rest of the day. Sunday & Monday, we just relaxed. Hubby slept most of the days, while I worked on my blog layout (which, I think I may change again this weekend...Maybe I'll just use a different bgd on the actual blog part...). I grilled a couple times and then it was Monday night and I was back to getting ready for work. :-P

We still don't have any news on the future of our company. My coworkers are doing a demo of our software this week for the high-ups at this other company, who might be interested in buying us. We will see what happens. I have to admit that I was surfing around Monster & CareerBuilder this weekend...Just keeping my eyes & ears open.

I'm starting a photography class through the park district tomorrow. I'm really excited about it! Not just about learning how all the settings on my fancy dancy camera work, but also about meeting other people in the area who have an interest in something that I enjoy. Maybe, just maybe, I'll make a friend!!! Someone who lives less than an hour away! How exciting! It's a six week "beginner's" class, then a break for the week of July 4th, and then another 6 week "intermediate" class. Did I mention how excited I am??? :-)

I have something else to discuss, but that topic will get its own blog post. Probably later today. Until then, hasta!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your photography class, I'm sure you'll have so much fun.
