Here being at my job...But that's about all they can expect from me today. lol
The majority of our customers are in Canada, and since their Thanksgiving is on a different day than ours, we are required to have people in the office today. That being said...I'm not planning on actually doing much today. If an emergency arises, and I'm forced to do some work, I will do it. If not, I will continue to do nix. I could have taken today off, but I would've had to use vacation time. And really, what would I have been doing at home? Not what I should be doing, as I so perfectly demonstrated yesterday.
We didn't do Thanksgiving yesterday. I made Hamburger Helper with ground turkey for dinner. We spent the day as if it were any Saturday. With the exception of the mass amounts of texts that I sent and received, wishing a Happy Turkey Day to the recipients. I confess, I didn't even call the parents. *hanging head in shame*
I kept meaning to call, but before I realized it, it was 9pm and time to go to bed (and argue with Hubby, apparently). Dad was having Loopy (his mother) over for linner. I'm sure his hands were full between her and Mom. Loopy pretty much doesn't recognize anyone anymore. She is thin as a rail and mostly lives in her own head. Dad recently moved her to a retirement community that is less than five minutes from the house. He's had her in a couple different places, but the most recent one bumped up her rent and it was just getting to be too much. And frankly, my dad is the one that sees her the most often and takes care of her the most, so she should be convenient for him to go to.
Anyway, we stayed home yesterday because Hubby threw a fit when I suggested that we drive down to visit for the day. He whined about how he just wanted a weekend where he didn't have do anything (which is total bullshit...He does nothing every weekend). He said he wanted to save the gas money that we'd use to drive the hour and a half down there and back. I gave in, because when we have this argument about Christmas, at least I'll have Turkey Day to cite as a reason why he can't have his way again.
After the argument about not going to see my family, I suggested that we have his mother and her boyfriend over to our house this weekend. She decided to work the holiday (double time, man. If it was offered to me, I would've done it, too!), so we're having them over on Sunday. I'm rather excited to cook for them. Everytime we've had them over in the past, we either had spaghetti (the traditional Italian meal) or we've gone out. So, I think this is the first time I've actually cooked a meal for her.
I'm going to go to the grocery store this afternoon after work and I'm hoping I can get a good deal on some of the traditional Thanksgiving goodies, since it's the day after and I'm sure the stores are going to want to try to get rid of all the extras. I'm going to make a turkey breast (yeah, I'm not going to make a big ass bird just for the four of us. Even if I want leftovers, I have no desire to deal with the neck and insides and YUCK! I'll just get a big breast, tyvm.), Mashed Taters, Sausage & Apple Stuffing, Gravy & Brussel Sprouts - all the things that I LOVE! lol
I found a recipe for 'Night Before' mashed potatoes, which sound a lot like what Omi does, you end up baking them for like an hour before the meal. I've already made the stuffing once and it turned out excellent. I think I'll just steam the sprouts. Mother-in-law's boyf doesn't like sprouts...Thinking I might make some green beans or something for him. Or maybe he just doesn't get a veggie. lol
I need to clean tomorrow...I should have cleaned yesterday, but sat in front of my computer all day, instead. I have a slight addiction to the Sims 3. The game is fun, but the thing that I like doing most is building houses. I find floor plans online for these incredible houses and then try to recreate them in the game. Building and furnishing one house can eat up an entire day. Yeah, I do have a problem, but whatev. It's better than the old habit (WHICH I STOPPED 3 WEEKS AGO ALREADY!!! I could probably start sending out my resume now, without having to worry about that...yay!).
Oh, and I need to put up all my Christmas decorations. This was another task that I had planned to do yesterday and just didn't. First, it was Hubby's fault because he wouldn't get the shit out for me. And then it was my own fault, because, like I said, I have a problem. lol
Anyway, I'm all over the place with this blog. Just wanted to purge some thoughts. :-) I'll try to take some pics of the food that I make this weekend.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday Fill-In
Yes, I slacked on the memes this week. It really was a rather hellish week. But it's just about done and I've declared today the day of doing very little work. We FINALLY (HOORAY!!!!) closed on the refi last night. My mortgage payment is not due until January 1st and it's about $300 less than the last one. I am a happy girl. In celebration, I'm doing a meme. :-) You should do it, too. Click the pretty lil button.
Go there, damnit.

1. We need more national holidays, like Canada. I swear you Canadians get at least one paid holiday a month. I'm just asking 'Why not me?'
2. I shared the bottom of my breakfast cereal milk with Bubba (the fat cat) this morning and it made me smile.
3. If you want holiday photos of your kids and/or family, and live in the Chicagoland area, let me know! I'll be happy to do it for free!
4. I want a new job because I feel unappreciated and am bored with my current one.
5. Massachusetts has a proposed 5% sales tax on elective cosmetic surgery; I think that's a great idea and they should implement it all over the place. You should have to pay a little bit extra to have your boobs enlarged or your nose to look like MJ's.
6. Family, friends and happy decorations (especially the pretty lights!) make for a happy holiday.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to taco Thursday on Friday, tomorrow my plans include getting the H1N1 shot, grocery shopping and chillaxin' and Sunday, I want to do some cooking!
Go there, damnit.
1. We need more national holidays, like Canada. I swear you Canadians get at least one paid holiday a month. I'm just asking 'Why not me?'
2. I shared the bottom of my breakfast cereal milk with Bubba (the fat cat) this morning and it made me smile.
3. If you want holiday photos of your kids and/or family, and live in the Chicagoland area, let me know! I'll be happy to do it for free!
4. I want a new job because I feel unappreciated and am bored with my current one.
5. Massachusetts has a proposed 5% sales tax on elective cosmetic surgery; I think that's a great idea and they should implement it all over the place. You should have to pay a little bit extra to have your boobs enlarged or your nose to look like MJ's.
6. Family, friends and happy decorations (especially the pretty lights!) make for a happy holiday.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to taco Thursday on Friday, tomorrow my plans include getting the H1N1 shot, grocery shopping and chillaxin' and Sunday, I want to do some cooking!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Cryin' for Me
Today is two months since one of the most influential and incredible people in my life passed away. I still can't quite grasp the concept that he's no longer with us. The first thought that came into my head when my dad told me that Opa had passed away was 'Who will carve the turkey on Thanksgiving?' and that was enough to make the world come crashing down around me.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love getting together with family that I haven't seen in a while. I love most of the traditional Turkey Day foods. I love listening to all the same stories that I hear year after year, reminiscing about years past. I don't think my family's going to do Thanksgiving this year. My mom doesn't eat anymore, Opa's not with us. My dad and Omi would be making some huge feast for four of us. I just don't think it's going to happen. We'll probably go see Hubby's family for the holiday. Which would be okay. I guess it'll be a nice relief that we don't have to eat twice. But I'm just very sad about the whole thing. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe my dad will have his brother and his daughter over. Maybe Omi will invite Opa's sister. We'll see.
Last night, on my way home from a very long day at work, I heard this song on the radio and couldn't control myself. It just says everything that I have been feeling. I'm not cryin 'cause I feel so sorry for you, I'm cryin' for me.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love getting together with family that I haven't seen in a while. I love most of the traditional Turkey Day foods. I love listening to all the same stories that I hear year after year, reminiscing about years past. I don't think my family's going to do Thanksgiving this year. My mom doesn't eat anymore, Opa's not with us. My dad and Omi would be making some huge feast for four of us. I just don't think it's going to happen. We'll probably go see Hubby's family for the holiday. Which would be okay. I guess it'll be a nice relief that we don't have to eat twice. But I'm just very sad about the whole thing. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe my dad will have his brother and his daughter over. Maybe Omi will invite Opa's sister. We'll see.
Last night, on my way home from a very long day at work, I heard this song on the radio and couldn't control myself. It just says everything that I have been feeling. I'm not cryin 'cause I feel so sorry for you, I'm cryin' for me.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Deadline? What is that?
Sometimes, I could just strangle certain people. I'm not the best with deadlines...In high school and college, I would often wait until the last minute on projects and papers. My excuse was that I found that if I was given an extended period of time to work on something like that, I always felt like there was plenty of time to work on it. "I'll get to it later. Why bother now, I have six weeks to work on this 20 page paper. No biggie." I always ended up waiting until there was a week (or less) left and then I'd whip something up, even if it meant staying up all night the night before it was due.
Whatever. I got it done. ON TIME.
And I'm still a bit like that. When it comes to work, I kinda slack for a while and then when I see a deadline coming up, then I plow through like crazy. But I always get my shit done on time.
Unless I'm waiting for someone else.
And then I'm fucked.
Like tonight! I have a release that's scheduled to go out today. We (as in I) set this date over three weeks ago. We set a cut off date for last Thursday. This means that the programmers should complete all of their changes by that date. It allows JB and me just under a week to test all of the fixes that have been applied to make sure that everything is working correctly, as well as go through a set of standard tests - just making sure the stardard transactions go through as expected. This extra week also allows for any overlap, just in case the programmers can't get their code in right on time. Or to fix any errors that JB and I hit in our testing.
We have one programmer who is on the non-core team with JB and me. He is a great programmer. Very smart and quick to jump on random bugs when we send them out. HOWEVER, when it comes to new features, he doesn't do a very good juob of testing his own shit. Which always ends with JB and I waiting until the very last minute to get all of his crap tested. And because he doesn't do much testing on his own, there's usually a lot of bugs. And he just doesn't seem to grasp the concept of the deadline. Not only did he not have his stuff all done by last Thursday - he didn't have it all done until this morning at 9am!!! It takes almost two hours for the code to compile. And then I start testing it. And SURPRISE! There's bugs all over it.
Since JB has class tonight, I'm the lucky girl who gets to stay late and wait for everything to finish. I just love working until 7 or later, driving home for an hour and then coming back at 7am (WE FINALLY GOT APPROVED FOR THE REFI! WE"RE CLOSING TOMORROW AFTERNOON!!!!).
I just feel like every time we have a release going out, I end up taking it up the ass. And I feel like I'm just supposed to smile and say thank you. It just sucks.
On the plus side, I won't have to take vacay for the two hours that I was at the doctor yesterday. Yippee!
Thank you for listening/reading my rant/bitch session.
The End. :-)
Whatever. I got it done. ON TIME.
And I'm still a bit like that. When it comes to work, I kinda slack for a while and then when I see a deadline coming up, then I plow through like crazy. But I always get my shit done on time.
Unless I'm waiting for someone else.
And then I'm fucked.
Like tonight! I have a release that's scheduled to go out today. We (as in I) set this date over three weeks ago. We set a cut off date for last Thursday. This means that the programmers should complete all of their changes by that date. It allows JB and me just under a week to test all of the fixes that have been applied to make sure that everything is working correctly, as well as go through a set of standard tests - just making sure the stardard transactions go through as expected. This extra week also allows for any overlap, just in case the programmers can't get their code in right on time. Or to fix any errors that JB and I hit in our testing.
We have one programmer who is on the non-core team with JB and me. He is a great programmer. Very smart and quick to jump on random bugs when we send them out. HOWEVER, when it comes to new features, he doesn't do a very good juob of testing his own shit. Which always ends with JB and I waiting until the very last minute to get all of his crap tested. And because he doesn't do much testing on his own, there's usually a lot of bugs. And he just doesn't seem to grasp the concept of the deadline. Not only did he not have his stuff all done by last Thursday - he didn't have it all done until this morning at 9am!!! It takes almost two hours for the code to compile. And then I start testing it. And SURPRISE! There's bugs all over it.
Since JB has class tonight, I'm the lucky girl who gets to stay late and wait for everything to finish. I just love working until 7 or later, driving home for an hour and then coming back at 7am (WE FINALLY GOT APPROVED FOR THE REFI! WE"RE CLOSING TOMORROW AFTERNOON!!!!).
I just feel like every time we have a release going out, I end up taking it up the ass. And I feel like I'm just supposed to smile and say thank you. It just sucks.
On the plus side, I won't have to take vacay for the two hours that I was at the doctor yesterday. Yippee!
Thank you for listening/reading my rant/bitch session.
The End. :-)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, Monday...
Yesterday, I spent the majority of the day moving files around from one computer to another and burning other files onto DVD's, so make room for more files from the other computer. It was a very productive day, even though it probably looked like I just sat around in my pj's, playing on the computer all day.
I accomplished most of the items on my to-do list this weekend. I'm rather proud of myself.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Super Secret Project #1
I've been thinking about doing this for a while and it was just a matter of getting my stuff together and making it happen. Sooooo...SSP#1: Another blog. lol
I love to cook! And I know that there are others that do as well. I wanted a create a place to post my favorite recipes, and yours too! This new blog, Jen's Community Cookbook, will be a place where I can share recipes that I really enjoy. I would also love to share (and test out!) your favorites, as well! Send me your favorites, so I can post them up there with mine!
I've got one recipe up there, so far. A recipe for Ultimate Brownies (which are cooling on the countertop, right now!). They're so easy to do and come out great every time.
I really made a serious dent in my list this morning. I think I'm going to take a break and catch up on some shows until dinner time. This weekend is going fabulously!
I love to cook! And I know that there are others that do as well. I wanted a create a place to post my favorite recipes, and yours too! This new blog, Jen's Community Cookbook, will be a place where I can share recipes that I really enjoy. I would also love to share (and test out!) your favorites, as well! Send me your favorites, so I can post them up there with mine!
I've got one recipe up there, so far. A recipe for Ultimate Brownies (which are cooling on the countertop, right now!). They're so easy to do and come out great every time.
I really made a serious dent in my list this morning. I think I'm going to take a break and catch up on some shows until dinner time. This weekend is going fabulously!
Making Progress!
I've been updating my to-do list as I complete tasks on it.
I did the grocery shopping last night and watched a couple shows. Last night was way more about just taking it easy than getting anything accomplished.
This morning, I got up and started cooking and cleaning. I'm about halfway done with all of that stuff. I also have updated my layout here (Purdy, no???). I decided to take the easy route and use stuff that other people have done. It's a lot more work to create layouts on your own. And frankly, these look a lot better than what I come up with. My only objection to using premade layouts is that other people could be (and probably are, because they're super cute) using the same ones. But I just gave in to the ease and prettiness. lol
I also added a Mister Linky & an icon to my page for my new Thankful for...Thursday meme. I hope that you all will participate next week! :-)
I'm off to start baking brownies and one of my super secret projects next! Hope you're all having a great weekend!
I did the grocery shopping last night and watched a couple shows. Last night was way more about just taking it easy than getting anything accomplished.
This morning, I got up and started cooking and cleaning. I'm about halfway done with all of that stuff. I also have updated my layout here (Purdy, no???). I decided to take the easy route and use stuff that other people have done. It's a lot more work to create layouts on your own. And frankly, these look a lot better than what I come up with. My only objection to using premade layouts is that other people could be (and probably are, because they're super cute) using the same ones. But I just gave in to the ease and prettiness. lol
I also added a Mister Linky & an icon to my page for my new Thankful for...Thursday meme. I hope that you all will participate next week! :-)
I'm off to start baking brownies and one of my super secret projects next! Hope you're all having a great weekend!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Hold on to your hat!
I have SOOOO many things that I want to accomplish this weekend.
Grocery Shopping- Library
New Layout for this blog- Update FotoJenic with all of the photos that I've taken over the last sixish months
- Take some photos for next week's You Capture
A super secret project that I'msortareally excited aboutAn icon and the McLinky for my Thankful for...Thursday meme- Another super secret project that involves mucho ass kissing
- Curtains - I have a sliding glass door in my kitchen that seriously needs some curtains. It's a project that I KNOW I can do. I just need to buy the materials and DO it. (This project may have to wait until next week when I get paid again, since my wonderful husband took $100 out of the account last night for God knows what...)
- Catch up on some tv shows, like pretty much ALL of this week's shows
- Move all my musica to my desktop, so that I can chuck my piece of garbage laptop out the window ...just kidding ...sorta
Yeah, I'm going to be a busy girl. But I'm really excited about it. These are all pretty fun projects for me. Anything that involves making a mess in my kitchen or playing on the computer makes me happy. Should be a fun and productive weekend!!! :-D
Friday Fill-Ins
I told you I'd be doing a new meme every day. You don't like it?
I don't care. :-)
Love you, though!
Today's first meme is Friday Fill-Ins

1. The last band I saw live was Sarah McLachlan and others at Lillith Faire like 10 years ago.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is getting together with family & friends (plus the food...I LOVE turkey & mashed taters & effing pumpkin pie!!) (if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, insert your favorite holiday)
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is going to be on a tight budget this year. Crummy.
4. Thoughts of my to-do list for the weekend fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear loud, bright, creative makeup every day.
6. Bagpipes are really neat - the music from Braveheart - AWESOME.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on tv shows, tomorrow my plans include cooking and blogging and Sunday, I want to make some curtains for my kitchen!
I don't care. :-)
Love you, though!
Today's first meme is Friday Fill-Ins
1. The last band I saw live was Sarah McLachlan and others at Lillith Faire like 10 years ago.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is getting together with family & friends (plus the food...I LOVE turkey & mashed taters & effing pumpkin pie!!) (if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, insert your favorite holiday)
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is going to be on a tight budget this year. Crummy.
4. Thoughts of my to-do list for the weekend fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear loud, bright, creative makeup every day.
6. Bagpipes are really neat - the music from Braveheart - AWESOME.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on tv shows, tomorrow my plans include cooking and blogging and Sunday, I want to make some curtains for my kitchen!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thankful for... Thursday!!!
I searched all over that neato DailyMeme site for a good Thursday one and was just disappointed at my options. I was going to skip Thursdays (even though I really SHOULD be participating in You Capture on Thursdays...But my capturing has gotten a little non existant since the cousin's wedding...And I still haven't posted pics from that yet. Ugh, as a photo blogger, I suck.). And then this morning, I was thinking about a myspace post that I'd done a couple years ago, after Melissa had done it first (Yes, I get most of my ideas from other people...I'm a copy cat...AND WHAT???), listing things that I'm thankful for.
And then it hit me!
I'll make my own stinking Meme/Mister Linky and YA'LL can participate! How's that for a brilliant idea?? lol
So, I'm working on a Mister Linky and a lil icon and all that good stuff to go along with it. But for now, here's my list of some of the things I'm thankful for this week. Tell me what you're thankful for, too!
UPDATE: I've added an icon and the html for you to plunk into your blogs to participate! I've also added a Mister Linky at the bottom, for you to share your post of the things that you're thankful for this week!
I'm thankful for...
And then it hit me!
I'll make my own stinking Meme/Mister Linky and YA'LL can participate! How's that for a brilliant idea?? lol
So, I'm working on a Mister Linky and a lil icon and all that good stuff to go along with it. But for now, here's my list of some of the things I'm thankful for this week. Tell me what you're thankful for, too!
UPDATE: I've added an icon and the html for you to plunk into your blogs to participate! I've also added a Mister Linky at the bottom, for you to share your post of the things that you're thankful for this week!
I'm thankful for...
- leaving work early, even if it is only to go to the doctor.
- having dinner with girlfriends.
- the awesome brownie recipe that I found - it's so good that Hubby's buddy from work asked for me to make a whole pan just for him!
- the brave men and women who have and continue to protect(ed) our country.
- my friends and family, who love and support me.
Oh, the things I should be doing...
I have some stuff that I should be working on right now, but I'm SO not feeling it. Instead, I'll share my strange dream from last night.
I believe this dream was supposed be before my wedding or maybe some other big event. I was at a friend's house and he was doing my hair for this event. I believe that it was a trial run, not the actual event. Anyway, Steve's doing my hair and while he's in the middle of it, there were a couple other people that showed up (for some reason, I'm thinking it was my dad, but I'm not entirely sure) and they just stopped in to tell me that they were leaving. I think I thought I was supposed to go with them because I left Steve's and I started walking somewhere else.
I ended up in Park Forest, at Western Ave & Sauk Trail, waiting to cross the street and two of my sorority sisters appeared. I'm not exceptionally close to either of these girls, and I have NO IDEA a. why they showed up in this particular place and b. why they showed up in my dream at all! Jess & Wedgie (These are their real names/nicknames...I don't feel the need to protect them...There's no bad stuff goin on here...) gave me a hug and we walked together to Jess' parents' house, which was right on Western. We went inside and apparently Jess' parents owned a catering business and were going to cater this event. They were giving me samples of the food that they'd prepared and while they were kinda doubting the quality of the food (I remember, I was very reassuring, letting them know how much I liked it.
And then I woke up. And I thought to myself 'What about a catering business........'
I could cook, which I love doing, and I would be involved in event planning, another thing that I love to do... A friend once asked me if I'd considered doing catering. I had been complaining about my current job and saying how much I love to cook. But a good friend has discouraged that idea, as she's had a lot of BAD experience with the restaurant business. And the more I think about it, the more I realize that a restaurant would not be good for me. I LOVE to cook, but at my own pace. I watch shows like Hells Kitchen & Top Chef and man, they've gotta bust ass. I just couldn't handle that shit. But a catering business...? That might be a little more relaxed...
Or maybe I'll just continue to work a desk job where I have a steady income and dread going in every morning and count down the hours til it's time to go home...:-P
I believe this dream was supposed be before my wedding or maybe some other big event. I was at a friend's house and he was doing my hair for this event. I believe that it was a trial run, not the actual event. Anyway, Steve's doing my hair and while he's in the middle of it, there were a couple other people that showed up (for some reason, I'm thinking it was my dad, but I'm not entirely sure) and they just stopped in to tell me that they were leaving. I think I thought I was supposed to go with them because I left Steve's and I started walking somewhere else.
I ended up in Park Forest, at Western Ave & Sauk Trail, waiting to cross the street and two of my sorority sisters appeared. I'm not exceptionally close to either of these girls, and I have NO IDEA a. why they showed up in this particular place and b. why they showed up in my dream at all! Jess & Wedgie (These are their real names/nicknames...I don't feel the need to protect them...There's no bad stuff goin on here...) gave me a hug and we walked together to Jess' parents' house, which was right on Western. We went inside and apparently Jess' parents owned a catering business and were going to cater this event. They were giving me samples of the food that they'd prepared and while they were kinda doubting the quality of the food (I remember, I was very reassuring, letting them know how much I liked it.
And then I woke up. And I thought to myself 'What about a catering business........'
I could cook, which I love doing, and I would be involved in event planning, another thing that I love to do... A friend once asked me if I'd considered doing catering. I had been complaining about my current job and saying how much I love to cook. But a good friend has discouraged that idea, as she's had a lot of BAD experience with the restaurant business. And the more I think about it, the more I realize that a restaurant would not be good for me. I LOVE to cook, but at my own pace. I watch shows like Hells Kitchen & Top Chef and man, they've gotta bust ass. I just couldn't handle that shit. But a catering business...? That might be a little more relaxed...
Or maybe I'll just continue to work a desk job where I have a steady income and dread going in every morning and count down the hours til it's time to go home...:-P
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Random Linkage
Just wanted to share some randomosity that I happened upon today...
Finger Painting
Japanese Barcodes
Mario on Mushrooms
Disney, Deconstructed
I speak from experience...
You got me!
Finger Painting
Japanese Barcodes
Mario on Mushrooms
Disney, Deconstructed
I speak from experience...
You got me!
I WANT... Wednesday
I LOVE finding ways to waste time...And while doing an impromptu google search for "Blog Memes", I came across a site that lists a BUNCH of blogs that do daily/weekly memes. The one that I picked up for today is....

It's an easy one...Go to the blog to find out the question of the week. You answer that question on your own blog by posting your answer as well as any other wants that you have and then link back.
Essentially, make a list of things you want (I mean, seriously??? What's better than that????)
So, without further ado...
This week's question:
Other things that I want this week:
It's an easy one...Go to the blog to find out the question of the week. You answer that question on your own blog by posting your answer as well as any other wants that you have and then link back.
Essentially, make a list of things you want (I mean, seriously??? What's better than that????)
So, without further ado...
This week's question:
I want to hear that we've been approved for our refi and the closing will be next week!What kind of good news do you want to get today?
Other things that I want this week:
- I want to go to the library - I have two books that I need to read
- I want to write a letter to Omi - a handwritten, just thinking of you letter
- I want to cook some tasty meals - Edamame Corn Chowder & Beef Stroganoff are what I have planned
- I want to redo the layout of this blog - It's so hard to read!!
- I want to copy all of my music over to my personal computer at home, rather than my work laptop!
- I want to update my photography blog
- I want to go to dinner with a couple girlfriends tomorrow night
- I want you all to have a great day/week!!! :-)
Coming Clean
Damnit all to hell, Blogger...I totally had a post neatly typed out and then when I went to post, it took a dump on me and wiped out the whole thing. I hate when that happens. Let's try again. :-P
I've decided to stop posting as 'Easily Manipulated'. I've started to resent that part of my personality and if I want to shed it, I think maybe a symbolic first step is to no longer accept it as my title. I debated with myself over sharing Hubby's real name with those of you who don't know me/us in "real life". But he doesn't even like to have his photo taken, let alone have his name out there on the interwebs with all the bitching that I do about him. So, I'll let him remain annonymous.
I've recently started to look at myself and how I deal with people. I have such a fear of rejection that I'm constantly trying to make everyone else happy, regardless of my own feelings. I think this weekend, I really worried/stressed myself into the ickiness that I was feeling. Tired of worrying about whether friends will send me packing for choosing myself and my own wants over theirs. I feel like my husband and a couple of my close friends often take advantage of the fact that I can't stand to have people unhappy with me. I'm just over it.
So, anyway, no longer accepting the psuedonym of 'Easily Manipulated' and completely putting myself out there - JenniferAnne. :-)
I've decided to stop posting as 'Easily Manipulated'. I've started to resent that part of my personality and if I want to shed it, I think maybe a symbolic first step is to no longer accept it as my title. I debated with myself over sharing Hubby's real name with those of you who don't know me/us in "real life". But he doesn't even like to have his photo taken, let alone have his name out there on the interwebs with all the bitching that I do about him. So, I'll let him remain annonymous.
I've recently started to look at myself and how I deal with people. I have such a fear of rejection that I'm constantly trying to make everyone else happy, regardless of my own feelings. I think this weekend, I really worried/stressed myself into the ickiness that I was feeling. Tired of worrying about whether friends will send me packing for choosing myself and my own wants over theirs. I feel like my husband and a couple of my close friends often take advantage of the fact that I can't stand to have people unhappy with me. I'm just over it.
So, anyway, no longer accepting the psuedonym of 'Easily Manipulated' and completely putting myself out there - JenniferAnne. :-)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I hate being a grownup
I've been having a lot of dental work done in the last year...Really not my favorite thing to do. As a kid, I was very lucky to have good teeth. I didn't get my first cavity until I was 18. And then it was all downhill from there. I've had quite a few cavities in the last 10 years. It probably has something to do with the fact that I've gotten really lax about going to the dentist. So like a year ago, I was experiencing a good amount of achey pain when I'd eat sweet things or hot or cold. So, I finally gave in and went to the dentist. It'd been probably three years since I'd last seen my old one.
The new dentist checked out me teeth, did x-rays and gave me a cleaning and said I did have a couple spots of decay, but nothing looked real bad. A couple weeks later, I had three fillings done on the left side of my mouth. That ended up being quite a fiasco. Apparently the decay was very deep, and close to the nerve, so it took a lot of time and three separate visits (complete with drilling each time) to get that side all hunky dorey. Six months had passed by that time, so it was time for my next cleaning. Did that. A month later, went in for three more fillings on the other side. This side was much more forgiving and didn't require any extra trips.
But now that that's all taken care of, it's time to deal with my very unhappy wisdom teeth. These buggers started growing in in high school and I wish I'd just had them taken out then. My dentist at the time (the guy I'd been going to my entire life - a friend of my parents' since high school) said that we'd just wait and see if I had any problems with them.
Uh, yeah...Problems 10 years later! One of these wonderful "wisdom" filled teeth is broken now. It chipped maybe a couple years ago, but didn't really bother me too much. And then this weekend, something happened and it chipped some more. It is now scraping on the inside of my mouth. I stick my finger back there and it just feels horrible. And I don't know if it's just because I'm more aware of it now or because I'm paying serious attention to it, but it bothers me. I feel like the whole left side of my mouth is unhappy. I feel like this aching goes up to my cheek bone. It doesn't really hurt, it's just noticeable. The only part of this that is really uncomfortable (other than in my head, I know I have a broken tooth!!) is the sharp edge of the tooth rubbing on the inside of my cheek! And, uh, I don't know if you've had a bad tooth in your mouth, but it sure doesn't make my breath minty fresh.
I got the number for an oral surgeon in the area, but I am friggin terrified of having these suckers ripped out. New dentist wants me to just get rid of all four of them. WHich I would be perfectly fine with, except for the fact that they're ripping my effing teeth out! I hope they put you under for that sort of thing. And I really hope that I have enough moula left on my dental insurance for the year to cover most of it. Yet, another reason why I wish I'd just had these effers taken out in high school. Dad could've foot the bill. lol I'm sure if I asked for the money, he'd be willing to fork it over, but I already owe him money right now. I really can't ask for more.
Hubby suggested that I just use a file and file down the tooth so it stops rubbing...I will not be doing that. Maybe I only get two pulled? Or maybe I just pay to have them removed for the next ten years. That'll be fun.
I hate being a grownup
The new dentist checked out me teeth, did x-rays and gave me a cleaning and said I did have a couple spots of decay, but nothing looked real bad. A couple weeks later, I had three fillings done on the left side of my mouth. That ended up being quite a fiasco. Apparently the decay was very deep, and close to the nerve, so it took a lot of time and three separate visits (complete with drilling each time) to get that side all hunky dorey. Six months had passed by that time, so it was time for my next cleaning. Did that. A month later, went in for three more fillings on the other side. This side was much more forgiving and didn't require any extra trips.
But now that that's all taken care of, it's time to deal with my very unhappy wisdom teeth. These buggers started growing in in high school and I wish I'd just had them taken out then. My dentist at the time (the guy I'd been going to my entire life - a friend of my parents' since high school) said that we'd just wait and see if I had any problems with them.
Uh, yeah...Problems 10 years later! One of these wonderful "wisdom" filled teeth is broken now. It chipped maybe a couple years ago, but didn't really bother me too much. And then this weekend, something happened and it chipped some more. It is now scraping on the inside of my mouth. I stick my finger back there and it just feels horrible. And I don't know if it's just because I'm more aware of it now or because I'm paying serious attention to it, but it bothers me. I feel like the whole left side of my mouth is unhappy. I feel like this aching goes up to my cheek bone. It doesn't really hurt, it's just noticeable. The only part of this that is really uncomfortable (other than in my head, I know I have a broken tooth!!) is the sharp edge of the tooth rubbing on the inside of my cheek! And, uh, I don't know if you've had a bad tooth in your mouth, but it sure doesn't make my breath minty fresh.
I got the number for an oral surgeon in the area, but I am friggin terrified of having these suckers ripped out. New dentist wants me to just get rid of all four of them. WHich I would be perfectly fine with, except for the fact that they're ripping my effing teeth out! I hope they put you under for that sort of thing. And I really hope that I have enough moula left on my dental insurance for the year to cover most of it. Yet, another reason why I wish I'd just had these effers taken out in high school. Dad could've foot the bill. lol I'm sure if I asked for the money, he'd be willing to fork it over, but I already owe him money right now. I really can't ask for more.
Hubby suggested that I just use a file and file down the tooth so it stops rubbing...I will not be doing that. Maybe I only get two pulled? Or maybe I just pay to have them removed for the next ten years. That'll be fun.
I hate being a grownup
Sunny Days, Sweepin the Clouds Away
I LOVED Sesame Street! I don't think it's the same show now as it was 20 years ago, though. I love how Google's been celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Sesame with creative Google Doodles. Although, today's doodle was sorta disappointing.
Why, you ask? Because SNUFFY ISN"T THERE!!! What the heck is going on??? There's a bunch of random girl muppets that are maybe more prevalent in the show now than when I was a kid, but seriously, where the heck is Mr. Snuffleupagus??? I love Bert & Ernie. And I don't know if they're really gay or not, but they effing should be. I hear Cookie Monster counts veggies instead of cookies now, WTF is that? Who is that other red guy? There's Elmo & Telly, but I don't know that other guy's name.
I miss the days of Sesame Street. Life was so much easier back then. I wonder when it's on now...I might like to camp out in front of the boob tube, On my way, to where the air is sweeeet! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street???
I miss the days of Sesame Street. Life was so much easier back then. I wonder when it's on now...I might like to camp out in front of the boob tube, On my way, to where the air is sweeeet! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street???
Monday, November 9, 2009
Lame Weekend Update
Ugh...This weekend was really rather crappy. Friday afternoon, I went to visit the fam. That was the highlight of the weekend, for sure. Played dice with Mom & Omi. Had dinner with Dad & Uncle. Was exhausted by 6:30. Cancelled plans with Melissa because I'm lame and wanted to go to bed. And did just that as soon as I got home.
Woke up early on Saturday, with a pounding headache. It was so bad that I felt lightheaded and nauseous. SO not the way I wanted to start my weekend. Especially since I had plans with my BFF to go out for her birthday. I made coffee, hoping the headache was due to lack of caffeine, but I think that just made me feel worse. I camped myself out in bed and tried to sleep it off. I napped and watched food network on and off all day. I was committed to going out. I got up around 4 and showered (in the dark), hoping that would help, but that didn't do it either. I felt horrible, but I ended up cancelling with Bestie.
I just felt like a terrible friend. I know how disappointed I'd have been if it had been my birthday and my friend cancelled on me. But I really would NOT have been any fun, if I'd gone out. We were supposed to go bar hopping and just the idea of alcohol or loud noise made me want to cry. So, I called her up and heard the disappointment in her voice, and at the last minute, considered sucking it up and going out anyway, but I ended up staying in bed.
I was feeling a bit better on Sunday, headache and nausea were gone, but I still had a scratchy throat. Honey lemon tea and Theraflu helped with that, so I did some grocery shopping and made a turkey breast with sausage & apple stuffing and mashed potatoes for dinner. We started to watch HP & the Half Blood Prince and ended up going to bed an hour into the movie.
I'm feeling much better today and have made plans to take Bestie to dinner to make up for my flaking out on Saturday night. JB isn't at work again today - sounds like she's got the same thing I had this weekend - so I'm relatively busy. Although, apparently not so busy that I couldn't post to my blog. lol
I'm going to try to hit up the library tonight after work. I need to get the book for my book club and I just cannot afford it right now. What's a library for, afterall? I just need to figure out where it is. lol!
Happy Monday, Ya'll!
Woke up early on Saturday, with a pounding headache. It was so bad that I felt lightheaded and nauseous. SO not the way I wanted to start my weekend. Especially since I had plans with my BFF to go out for her birthday. I made coffee, hoping the headache was due to lack of caffeine, but I think that just made me feel worse. I camped myself out in bed and tried to sleep it off. I napped and watched food network on and off all day. I was committed to going out. I got up around 4 and showered (in the dark), hoping that would help, but that didn't do it either. I felt horrible, but I ended up cancelling with Bestie.
I just felt like a terrible friend. I know how disappointed I'd have been if it had been my birthday and my friend cancelled on me. But I really would NOT have been any fun, if I'd gone out. We were supposed to go bar hopping and just the idea of alcohol or loud noise made me want to cry. So, I called her up and heard the disappointment in her voice, and at the last minute, considered sucking it up and going out anyway, but I ended up staying in bed.
I was feeling a bit better on Sunday, headache and nausea were gone, but I still had a scratchy throat. Honey lemon tea and Theraflu helped with that, so I did some grocery shopping and made a turkey breast with sausage & apple stuffing and mashed potatoes for dinner. We started to watch HP & the Half Blood Prince and ended up going to bed an hour into the movie.
I'm feeling much better today and have made plans to take Bestie to dinner to make up for my flaking out on Saturday night. JB isn't at work again today - sounds like she's got the same thing I had this weekend - so I'm relatively busy. Although, apparently not so busy that I couldn't post to my blog. lol
I'm going to try to hit up the library tonight after work. I need to get the book for my book club and I just cannot afford it right now. What's a library for, afterall? I just need to figure out where it is. lol!
Happy Monday, Ya'll!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sweet Dreams...
First, I just wanted to thank those of you that replied to my last post about the Princess Problem. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only woman on Earth who wouldn't mind being a SAHM and/or housewife. Although, I have to admit, if I was only a housewife, there would be no excuse as to why there's a waist-high pile of dirty laundry in the bedroom or why there's stacks of papers laying on the kitchen table.
Second on my mind, Wow!! The authors of my bloglist must have been feeling exceptionally BLOGGY in the last 24 hours! I've got a TON of reading to catch up on. LOVE it!
Finally, I wanted to share a wonderful dream with you all that I had last night. I dreamt that I was at a doctor's office, and I'm standing there in the exam room all by myself and apparently it's common practice to administer vaccines on your own, in this dream. So I'm gathering all of the pre-filled syringes and preparing them for injection, when a blonde haired girl, who bore a striking resemblence to Maria Lark, from Medium, came running into the room and out again
through a door on the opposite side of the room. She was followed by Hubby, who was cradling a newborn. He passed the newborn off to me and went chasing after the little girl. I hollered at the little girl (Shelly, short for Michelle) to come back into the room, but was apparently not heard. I sat down and soon an older man - the doctor - came in the room and was asking questions about the baby.

I woke up with the distinct feeling that these two children were ours. Oh, and don't worry, I didn't inject anyone with anything. Thank goodness! :-) It was a very nice dream. I just wish that it hadn't been 3am when I woke up. lol
Another dream that I have (as in a that I really hope to achieve) is to lose about 15 lbs. by Christmas. I bought this beautiful dress about a month ago, with the intention of wearing it to a friend's baby shower. But it didn't fit quite right. I was rather uncomfortable and decided not to wear it. I was sadly going to return the dress, but then couldn't find the receipt and am unwilling to accept $15 for a dress that I paid $40 for. So, I've decided that my goal will be to wear this dress for Christmas. I just need to lose some weight in the middle, so that it hangs better and doesn't point out the fact that my boobs don't match the rest of me. I think 15/20lbs is achievable in 7 weeks. The only problem that I have is I don't know how to go about doing it! I need to get moving...Maybe walking a few times a week. And eating smaller portions. That's the plan. Keep your fingies crossed for me!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A post of randomness...What else is new
It's 9:31 on Wednesday morning and I am the only person in the office. Not because I'm some weirdo that enjoys coming in on holidays and weekends, but because 2 out of 7 people called emailed in sick, or whatever.
I typed out this long, whining thing about how I'm pissed that JB called in again, but whatever. Ya'll don't want to read that. I have found that the blogs that I really enjoy reading are the ones that aren't whining about how life sucks. Bitch and moan and wah wah wah...How are you supposed to comment when all I'm doing is vomiting my irrational foul mood at you? Paragraphs erased...Onto another topic.
It's now 9:47 and I'm STILL all alone. I really need to look for a new job. This morning, DreX was talking about how many women in the workforce view their job as that, a JOB, rather than a career. And many have what they called the "Princess Problem." Meaning that women work in order to provide for themselves until a man comes along and sweeps them off their feet and they live happily ever after. The two women on the show were appalled at this idea of men being the provider and blah blah blah.
You mean to tell me that if Richy Rich came to your rescue and said 'You never have to work again. I will rescue you from the pit of despair that is your job.' that you would turn him down??? Because I wouldn't!!!
If Hubby made enough money to support us both comfortably, my fat ass would be sitting at home, watching the end of Oprah right now.
I just got a text message from a friend of mine, saying that she's in labor. She was one of my sorority sisters, got her degree in teaching, worked in a bank for the last two years and, as far as I know, worked until yesterday. And today begins her retirement. Her husband makes enough money to allow her to stay home and raise her children, and she won't have to work. I'm so completely and totally jealous. Not only of the baby (not having that pity party today, tyvm), but also of the fact that she will get to be home with him after he's born. And not just for 6 weeks, but for as long as she wants!
I dunno, maybe it's because of how I grew up. My mom decided the same thing that my friend did, when I was born, she stopped working. I don't know if she would've gone back to work if she hadn't gotten MS, but I kinda think not. My dad was the provider. And in that picture in my head, I always imagined the same thing for myself.
Am I alone in this? I mean, for those of you that work, if Prince Charming swept you off your feet, would you choose to stay home? Or would you want to continue to work and advance your career - support yourself, rather than depending on a man?
Hey, 10:03 and finally, there's someone else here! I can go in search of coffee and a pee break! Lucky me!
I typed out this long, whining thing about how I'm pissed that JB called in again, but whatever. Ya'll don't want to read that. I have found that the blogs that I really enjoy reading are the ones that aren't whining about how life sucks. Bitch and moan and wah wah wah...How are you supposed to comment when all I'm doing is vomiting my irrational foul mood at you? Paragraphs erased...Onto another topic.
It's now 9:47 and I'm STILL all alone. I really need to look for a new job. This morning, DreX was talking about how many women in the workforce view their job as that, a JOB, rather than a career. And many have what they called the "Princess Problem." Meaning that women work in order to provide for themselves until a man comes along and sweeps them off their feet and they live happily ever after. The two women on the show were appalled at this idea of men being the provider and blah blah blah.
You mean to tell me that if Richy Rich came to your rescue and said 'You never have to work again. I will rescue you from the pit of despair that is your job.' that you would turn him down??? Because I wouldn't!!!
If Hubby made enough money to support us both comfortably, my fat ass would be sitting at home, watching the end of Oprah right now.
I just got a text message from a friend of mine, saying that she's in labor. She was one of my sorority sisters, got her degree in teaching, worked in a bank for the last two years and, as far as I know, worked until yesterday. And today begins her retirement. Her husband makes enough money to allow her to stay home and raise her children, and she won't have to work. I'm so completely and totally jealous. Not only of the baby (not having that pity party today, tyvm), but also of the fact that she will get to be home with him after he's born. And not just for 6 weeks, but for as long as she wants!
I dunno, maybe it's because of how I grew up. My mom decided the same thing that my friend did, when I was born, she stopped working. I don't know if she would've gone back to work if she hadn't gotten MS, but I kinda think not. My dad was the provider. And in that picture in my head, I always imagined the same thing for myself.
Am I alone in this? I mean, for those of you that work, if Prince Charming swept you off your feet, would you choose to stay home? Or would you want to continue to work and advance your career - support yourself, rather than depending on a man?
Hey, 10:03 and finally, there's someone else here! I can go in search of coffee and a pee break! Lucky me!
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