Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A post of randomness...What else is new

It's 9:31 on Wednesday morning and I am the only person in the office. Not because I'm some weirdo that enjoys coming in on holidays and weekends, but because 2 out of 7 people called emailed in sick, or whatever.

I typed out this long, whining thing about how I'm pissed that JB called in again, but whatever. Ya'll don't want to read that. I have found that the blogs that I really enjoy reading are the ones that aren't whining about how life sucks. Bitch and moan and wah wah wah...How are you supposed to comment when all I'm doing is vomiting my irrational foul mood at you? Paragraphs erased...Onto another topic.

It's now 9:47 and I'm STILL all alone. I really need to look for a new job. This morning, DreX was talking about how many women in the workforce view their job as that, a JOB, rather than a career. And many have what they called the "Princess Problem." Meaning that women work in order to provide for themselves until a man comes along and sweeps them off their feet and they live happily ever after. The two women on the show were appalled at this idea of men being the provider and blah blah blah.


You mean to tell me that if Richy Rich came to your rescue and said 'You never have to work again. I will rescue you from the pit of despair that is your job.' that you would turn him down??? Because I wouldn't!!!

If Hubby made enough money to support us both comfortably, my fat ass would be sitting at home, watching the end of Oprah right now.

I just got a text message from a friend of mine, saying that she's in labor. She was one of my sorority sisters, got her degree in teaching, worked in a bank for the last two years and, as far as I know, worked until yesterday. And today begins her retirement. Her husband makes enough money to allow her to stay home and raise her children, and she won't have to work. I'm so completely and totally jealous. Not only of the baby (not having that pity party today, tyvm), but also of the fact that she will get to be home with him after he's born. And not just for 6 weeks, but for as long as she wants!

I dunno, maybe it's because of how I grew up. My mom decided the same thing that my friend did, when I was born, she stopped working. I don't know if she would've gone back to work if she hadn't gotten MS, but I kinda think not. My dad was the provider. And in that picture in my head, I always imagined the same thing for myself.

Am I alone in this? I mean, for those of you that work, if Prince Charming swept you off your feet, would you choose to stay home? Or would you want to continue to work and advance your career - support yourself, rather than depending on a man?

Hey, 10:03 and finally, there's someone else here! I can go in search of coffee and a pee break! Lucky me!


  1. I agree with you! I'd love to stay at home with our kids if we could afford it. And I grew up the same way. We lived with my grandparents, so my Grandma would take care of me while my parent's worked. I always wanted the same for my children.

    On the otherhand, Joe's mom worked all the time while Joe and his brother were younger. She'd drop them off at a daycare woman's house. Joe has no memory of this woman who took care of him for 6+ years, plus who babysat him after school. This sadens me. I'd prefer to be able to give my children a relative, if it can't be myself, to shape their younger years, not some stranger.

  2. whoa. I was listening to Drex this morning too...and think that I might just have this thing they call a princess problem.

    Or I'm just whiny, one of the two. ;-)

  3. Are you kidding me? I would quit my job in a New York minute!

    After awhile Im sure I would work from home (scrapbooking. That always made me pretty good cash) or take a part time job a couple of days a week, but that would be it.

    I am beyond jealous of the girls that get to stay home and just be housewives. All they do is cook and bake and clean.

    I already do that, but I still have to go to work everyday!

  4. I've been a SAHM for 16 years! Since the day Daughter A was born. While it does come with perks, there are just as many downsides to being a SAHM. I have been called a spoiled rich bitch so many times it's not even funny. ALL of my friends work, so the days can be really lonely. Sometimes the only adult I talk to for days is the lady ringing up my groceries.

    I wouldn't change it for the world, but there are times when I wished I worked outside the home.... if only to have a different change of view.

  5. i probably would still work (i'm weird i guess). although i would probably focus more time on volunteering or finding a more flexible job where i could work from home. it's interesting because for so long women fought to be part of the workforce, and now it's boomeranging to more wanting to stay at home.

  6. Dude, shake that princess syndrome off, girls! I was never as unhappy as when I stayed at home. Being the only caretaker of the two kids (and Gram) was sooo stressful, and I never got a break. You can never punch out, can never just breathe alone. I used to LONG FOR an adult to talk to. Face to face, not just on the phone.

    Now that I'm working, I appreciate my time with the kids. I appreciate my time away from them, too. And I look forward to both! And it feels so good to know that the kids have what they do because of me, not just their dad. I guess the grass is always greener, but I'm just saying, I've been there, and it's not as ideal as you may think.
