Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I hate being a grownup

I've been having a lot of dental work done in the last year...Really not my favorite thing to do. As a kid, I was very lucky to have good teeth. I didn't get my first cavity until I was 18. And then it was all downhill from there. I've had quite a few cavities in the last 10 years. It probably has something to do with the fact that I've gotten really lax about going to the dentist. So like a year ago, I was experiencing a good amount of achey pain when I'd eat sweet things or hot or cold. So, I finally gave in and went to the dentist. It'd been probably three years since I'd last seen my old one.

The new dentist checked out me teeth, did x-rays and gave me a cleaning and said I did have a couple spots of decay, but nothing looked real bad. A couple weeks later, I had three fillings done on the left side of my mouth. That ended up being quite a fiasco. Apparently the decay was very deep, and close to the nerve, so it took a lot of time and three separate visits (complete with drilling each time) to get that side all hunky dorey. Six months had passed by that time, so it was time for my next cleaning. Did that. A month later, went in for three more fillings on the other side. This side was much more forgiving and didn't require any extra trips.

But now that that's all taken care of, it's time to deal with my very unhappy wisdom teeth. These buggers started growing in in high school and I wish I'd just had them taken out then. My dentist at the time (the guy I'd been going to my entire life - a friend of my parents' since high school) said that we'd just wait and see if I had any problems with them.

Uh, yeah...Problems 10 years later! One of these wonderful "wisdom" filled teeth is broken now. It chipped maybe a couple years ago, but didn't really bother me too much. And then this weekend, something happened and it chipped some more. It is now scraping on the inside of my mouth. I stick my finger back there and it just feels horrible. And I don't know if it's just because I'm more aware of it now or because I'm paying serious attention to it, but it bothers me. I feel like the whole left side of my mouth is unhappy. I feel like this aching goes up to my cheek bone. It doesn't really hurt, it's just noticeable. The only part of this that is really uncomfortable (other than in my head, I know I have a broken tooth!!) is the sharp edge of the tooth rubbing on the inside of my cheek! And, uh, I don't know if you've had a bad tooth in your mouth, but it sure doesn't make my breath minty fresh.

I got the number for an oral surgeon in the area, but I am friggin terrified of having these suckers ripped out. New dentist wants me to just get rid of all four of them. WHich I would be perfectly fine with, except for the fact that they're ripping my effing teeth out! I hope they put you under for that sort of thing. And I really hope that I have enough moula left on my dental insurance for the year to cover most of it. Yet, another reason why I wish I'd just had these effers taken out in high school. Dad could've foot the bill. lol I'm sure if I asked for the money, he'd be willing to fork it over, but I already owe him money right now. I really can't ask for more.

Hubby suggested that I just use a file and file down the tooth so it stops rubbing...I will not be doing that. Maybe I only get two pulled? Or maybe I just pay to have them removed for the next ten years. That'll be fun.

I hate being a grownup


  1. I would get them all out at once. Why have to go thru that process twice?!

    They ususally put you under, so dont worry about that. Your probably going to be very swollen, but everyone is different.

    I was swollen for days and couldnt eat for a week. It was an awesome diet. lol.

    But some people go to work later that day and dont even notice the swelling or pain.

    Good luck!! :) And Im sure you'll do fine!

  2. i had mine pulled when i was 19 and i actually brag about how great the procedure was. they gave me an IV and gas to put me out, and afterwards my parents gave me a steady diet of antibiotics and vicodin. pretty much slept for two whole days. my mom freaked out when i told her i had taken a vicodin on the third day, so after that i switched to ibuprofen. i had all four removed and two were impacted (none of them had popped), so glad i did it when i had the chance. i would recommend the oral surgeon i had, but he's in palos and i only know which building he's in (if still there).

    hope this was comforting!!! tooth pain is no fun.

  3. Got all of mine taken out the summer before college. They do put you all the way under and the stitches they give you dissolve so I didn't have any further visits after that. It took about a week for me to eat really solid food because my jaw and gums were sore but you get there eventually. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call! I was just as nervous when I was going to get them done
