Friday, November 13, 2009

Hold on to your hat!

I have SOOOO many things that I want to accomplish this weekend.

  • Grocery Shopping
  • Library
  • New Layout for this blog
  • Update FotoJenic with all of the photos that I've taken over the last sixish months
  • Take some photos for next week's You Capture
  • A super secret project that I'm sorta really excited about
  • An icon and the McLinky for my Thankful for...Thursday meme
  • Another super secret project that involves mucho ass kissing
  • Curtains - I have a sliding glass door in my kitchen that seriously needs some curtains. It's a project that I KNOW I can do. I just need to buy the materials and DO it. (This project may have to wait until next week when I get paid again, since my wonderful husband took $100 out of the account last night for God knows what...)
  • Catch up on some tv shows, like pretty much ALL of this week's shows
  • Move all my musica to my desktop, so that I can chuck my piece of garbage laptop out the window ...just kidding ...sorta

Yeah, I'm going to be a busy girl. But I'm really excited about it. These are all pretty fun projects for me. Anything that involves making a mess in my kitchen or playing on the computer makes me happy. Should be a fun and productive weekend!!! :-D

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