Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins

I told you I'd be doing a new meme every day. You don't like it?

I don't care. :-)

Love you, though!

Today's first meme is Friday Fill-Ins

1. The last band I saw live was Sarah McLachlan and others at Lillith Faire like 10 years ago.
2. What I look forward to most on Thanksgiving is getting together with family & friends (plus the food...I LOVE turkey & mashed taters & effing pumpkin pie!!) (if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, insert your favorite holiday)
3. My Christmas/holiday shopping is going to be on a tight budget this year. Crummy.
4. Thoughts of my to-do list for the weekend fill my head.
5. I wish I could wear loud, bright, creative makeup every day.
6. Bagpipes are really neat - the music from Braveheart - AWESOME.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on tv shows, tomorrow my plans include cooking and blogging and Sunday, I want to make some curtains for my kitchen!


  1. Wow! I wish I could sew. I need curtains for my bedroom.

  2. I couldn't agree more about the food at Thanksgiving!

    Have a good weekend.

  3. Cute Blog! I couldn't agree more....Thanksgiving equals great food (I love Turkey) and the music from Braveheart is AWESOmE, I like the movie too but it's hard to watch (it's sad).

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. thanks for stopping by my blog =)

    all the best with the curtains
