Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh, the things I should be doing...

I have some stuff that I should be working on right now, but I'm SO not feeling it. Instead, I'll share my strange dream from last night.

I believe this dream was supposed be before my wedding or maybe some other big event. I was at a friend's house and he was doing my hair for this event. I believe that it was a trial run, not the actual event. Anyway, Steve's doing my hair and while he's in the middle of it, there were a couple other people that showed up (for some reason, I'm thinking it was my dad, but I'm not entirely sure) and they just stopped in to tell me that they were leaving. I think I thought I was supposed to go with them because I left Steve's and I started walking somewhere else.

I ended up in Park Forest, at Western Ave & Sauk Trail, waiting to cross the street and two of my sorority sisters appeared. I'm not exceptionally close to either of these girls, and I have NO IDEA a. why they showed up in this particular place and b. why they showed up in my dream at all! Jess & Wedgie (These are their real names/nicknames...I don't feel the need to protect them...There's no bad stuff goin on here...) gave me a hug and we walked together to Jess' parents' house, which was right on Western. We went inside and apparently Jess' parents owned a catering business and were going to cater this event. They were giving me samples of the food that they'd prepared and while they were kinda doubting the quality of the food (I remember, I was very reassuring, letting them know how much I liked it.

And then I woke up. And I thought to myself 'What about a catering business........'

I could cook, which I love doing, and I would be involved in event planning, another thing that I love to do... A friend once asked me if I'd considered doing catering. I had been complaining about my current job and saying how much I love to cook. But a good friend has discouraged that idea, as she's had a lot of BAD experience with the restaurant business. And the more I think about it, the more I realize that a restaurant would not be good for me. I LOVE to cook, but at my own pace. I watch shows like Hells Kitchen & Top Chef and man, they've gotta bust ass. I just couldn't handle that shit. But a catering business...? That might be a little more relaxed...

Or maybe I'll just continue to work a desk job where I have a steady income and dread going in every morning and count down the hours til it's time to go home...:-P

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