Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thankful for... Thursday!!!

I searched all over that neato DailyMeme site for a good Thursday one and was just disappointed at my options. I was going to skip Thursdays (even though I really SHOULD be participating in You Capture on Thursdays...But my capturing has gotten a little non existant since the cousin's wedding...And I still haven't posted pics from that yet. Ugh, as a photo blogger, I suck.). And then this morning, I was thinking about a myspace post that I'd done a couple years ago, after Melissa had done it first (Yes, I get most of my ideas from other people...I'm a copy cat...AND WHAT???), listing things that I'm thankful for.

And then it hit me!

I'll make my own stinking Meme/Mister Linky and YA'LL can participate! How's that for a brilliant idea?? lol

So, I'm working on a Mister Linky and a lil icon and all that good stuff to go along with it. But for now, here's my list of some of the things I'm thankful for this week. Tell me what you're thankful for, too!

UPDATE: I've added an icon and the html for you to plunk into your blogs to participate! I've also added a Mister Linky at the bottom, for you to share your post of the things that you're thankful for this week!

I'm thankful for...
  • leaving work early, even if it is only to go to the doctor.
  • having dinner with girlfriends.
  • the awesome brownie recipe that I found - it's so good that Hubby's buddy from work asked for me to make a whole pan just for him!
  • the brave men and women who have and continue to protect(ed) our country.
  • my friends and family, who love and support me.

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