Saturday, November 14, 2009

Super Secret Project #1

I've been thinking about doing this for a while and it was just a matter of getting my stuff together and making it happen. Sooooo...SSP#1: Another blog. lol

I love to cook! And I know that there are others that do as well. I wanted a create a place to post my favorite recipes, and yours too! This new blog, Jen's Community Cookbook, will be a place where I can share recipes that I really enjoy. I would also love to share (and test out!) your favorites, as well! Send me your favorites, so I can post them up there with mine!

I've got one recipe up there, so far. A recipe for Ultimate Brownies (which are cooling on the countertop, right now!). They're so easy to do and come out great every time.

I really made a serious dent in my list this morning. I think I'm going to take a break and catch up on some shows until dinner time. This weekend is going fabulously!

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