Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sweet Dreams...

First, I just wanted to thank those of you that replied to my last post about the Princess Problem. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only woman on Earth who wouldn't mind being a SAHM and/or housewife. Although, I have to admit, if I was only a housewife, there would be no excuse as to why there's a waist-high pile of dirty laundry in the bedroom or why there's stacks of papers laying on the kitchen table.

Second on my mind, Wow!! The authors of my bloglist must have been feeling exceptionally BLOGGY in the last 24 hours! I've got a TON of reading to catch up on. LOVE it!

Finally, I wanted to share a wonderful dream with you all that I had last night. I dreamt that I was at a doctor's office, and I'm standing there in the exam room all by myself and apparently it's common practice to administer vaccines on your own, in this dream. So I'm gathering all of the pre-filled syringes and preparing them for injection, when a blonde haired girl, who bore a striking resemblence to Maria Lark, from Medium, came running into the room and out again through a door on the opposite side of the room. She was followed by Hubby, who was cradling a newborn. He passed the newborn off to me and went chasing after the little girl. I hollered at the little girl (Shelly, short for Michelle) to come back into the room, but was apparently not heard. I sat down and soon an older man - the doctor - came in the room and was asking questions about the baby.

I woke up with the distinct feeling that these two children were ours. Oh, and don't worry, I didn't inject anyone with anything. Thank goodness! :-) It was a very nice dream. I just wish that it hadn't been 3am when I woke up. lol

Another dream that I have (as in a that I really hope to achieve) is to lose about 15 lbs. by Christmas. I bought this beautiful dress about a month ago, with the intention of wearing it to a friend's baby shower. But it didn't fit quite right. I was rather uncomfortable and decided not to wear it. I was sadly going to return the dress, but then couldn't find the receipt and am unwilling to accept $15 for a dress that I paid $40 for. So, I've decided that my goal will be to wear this dress for Christmas. I just need to lose some weight in the middle, so that it hangs better and doesn't point out the fact that my boobs don't match the rest of me. I think 15/20lbs is achievable in 7 weeks. The only problem that I have is I don't know how to go about doing it! I need to get moving...Maybe walking a few times a week. And eating smaller portions. That's the plan. Keep your fingies crossed for me!

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