Friday, October 30, 2009

Dressed in costume = lack of motivation

I have a BUNCH of friends who are teachers and so many of them were dreading this day. They have a hard enough time keeping their classes tame on a normal day. Throw in costumes, and it just begs for the students to be distracted.

I feel the SAME WAY today!!! I am completely unmotivated to do ANYTHING! I've checked my email and Facebook about 15 times. The first two hours of my day flew by because everyone was far more interested in the costumes and the fun-ness of the day. But the last 52 minutes have dragged on for seemingly EVER! It's almost lunch time...and then I can wander away for another 20 minutes or so.

I work in an office building, so most people are just dressed in their everyday attire. I guess once you get to a certain age, you don't feel like dressing up anymore? Or maybe you just don't have the time or the energy or whatever the case may be. But I love to dress up. I started working here just over three years ago, along with two other newish employees. One of our coworkers told us that everyone in the office dressed up. He gave examples of what everyone normally dressed as and he convinced us all that we should show up in costume, as well.

I'm sure you can see where this is going...

The three of us showed up in costume and not a single other person on the floor was dressed up. JB & I laughed it off, but the other guy was pissed. He'd dressed as a priest, and as soon as he saw that he'd been duped, he went to the washroom and took it off (obviously he had clothes on underneath his robes).

JB and I have since made it a tradition to dress up every Halloween. That first year, I did the quick and easy cat costume - black shirt & pants, ears, tail & whiskers - not the drawn on with eye liner kind, though. They were plastic and had a little ring, which hooked onto the center of my nose. JB was a referee. The next year, I dressed as a dark fairy. Super fun. Black dress & shoes, red, yellow & black wings, a short black pixy wig, and fun, colorful makeup in black & oranges. JB was preggers that year, days from her due date, so she skipped it. Last year, I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Omi made me a dress, I had a long reddish brown wig in braids, I had the ruby slippers and even a picnic basket with Toto in it. JB was a flapper girl.

This year, JB had a costume that she felt wasn't work appropriate, so she came up with a second one - a sock hop girl:

Another one of our coworkers finally joined the party and he wore his costume as well:

I decided to go as a witch this year. I like alternating between good and evil characters every year. The evil ones seem to be much more fun - mostly because I get to go crazy with my makeup.Apologies for the shoddy camera work. My phone had a bunch of dust over the eye.
Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket

I love my makeup today, but I think I may do it differently tomorrow night (not that I'm going out or anything...I'm just passing out candy to the youngins that come to the house). I mean, you've got one opportunity all year to go crazy, why not???

Happy Halloween, Folks! I hope you all have a great (AND SAFE!!!) time this weekend!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's always about a guy, isn't it?

Wow...Well, if that's not a sign from God, I don't know what is...

I had just typed out this long post about how I broke up with Hubby five months before our wedding because I was head over heels with this guy that I'd met at Thursday night Karaoke.

And then when I went to post it, I received an error and the entire post was gone. Guess I wasn't meant to tell that story...I've got another one, but it's far less interesting. :-)

Hubby's stint on 1st shift ends tomorrow. I can't say that I'm sad. I have decided that I like him best on 2nd shift, and that's where he's going, as of Monday. He works 2-10pm and gets home by 11. I don't have to wake him up in the morning, and he's not waking me up at 4am. I can make whatever I want for dinner and don't have to worry about making a second meal for him. I can go to bed when I want, without feeling like an asshat. If I feel like waiting up for him, I can and I won't be exhausted the next morning. Our weekends won't be jacked up like they are when he's on third shift. Yeah, second shift is by far MY favorite.

He's not so excited about it, though. I actually think he's rather bummed about it. He doesn't have any buddies on that shift. And his friends on his game will all be going to bed around the time that he gets home. The last couple of days, he's been sorta down in the dumps. I think it's a combination of the shift change and the acceptance of some of the household responsibilities. Not that he's taking on any new cleaning jobs, but he's FINALLY taking an interest in our finances, realizing that he needs to be an active part of keeping everything in order. But with that, comes some of the stress of it all. And I think he doesn't really know how to handle it. I don't know what to do to try to help him out of his funk. I tried to ask him last night, when I got home at 6:30 and he was already in bed (!!!). But he didn't want to talk about it. He says he just doesn't feel like he's got anything better to do, so why not just go to bed. He doesn't want to eat dinner. And then I feel like as ass for not wanting to go to bed, but sorry, I need to eat some dinner and relax for a few minutes before going to sleep. I don't mind 9 or even 8, but 6? That's just ridiculous. And frankly, I don't have any real suggestions for things for him to do. Nothing that's exciting enough to get him out of bed, anyway.

Ugh, this story is just boring. Maybe I'll have something more interesting to share tomorrow. When I'm all dressed up for Halloween!!! WOO HOO!!! Love dressing up at work!

Time to go home now! Hasta Manana, Friends!

Monday, October 26, 2009

A rainbow through the storm

Things have been pretty craptastic lately, and I've been kind enough to share the poop with ya'll. But I think maybe I'm starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday's Memorial service for Opa seems to have calmed me a little bit. I'm trying to remember him in a happy way, rather than be sad for my own loss. Yes, I miss him. And he can never be replaced. Right now, I think there will always be an emptiness where Opa should be. But I feel less chaotic about it. I feel like having a service to remember him helped me to reign in my feelings of despair. Sharing my stories of him and seeing all the people who'd gathered to remember him - it helps me to know that he won't be forgotten.

Yesterday, I took the afternoon off of work. Hubby and I did some shopping and I had time to cook one of my favorite meals. We got the mail and received a letter from the mortgage company, saying that they have submitted instruction to the credit agencies to remove a negative status, which means that sometime next month, we should be closing on our refi. I'll be able to get our money back in order in the next 30 days, which is an enormous weight off my shoulders. Hubby and I were talking yesterday evening, after receiving this letter, about how it was a gift from God that the bank decided to help us out. I agree, but I told him that I think it's more. I think Opa had a hand in it - an anniversary gift from him. Maybe it's hokey, but it makes me smile, so I'll go on thinking it.

Photo from Pixdaus

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Today was Opa's memorial Service. Omi held it at the church that she attends. There were a couple of hymns sung and bibles verses read. After the Gospel and meditation, I was called up to give what I understand now to have been his euology. When Omi asked me to speak, I didn't realize that i'd be the only one. I also didn't realize how difficult it would be to read those words in front of so many people. I found myself focusing on the people who matter so much to me - Omi & my parents. It wasn't so much the words that were hard to say. What made it so difficult was Omi's eyes, staring into mine. I wanted her to know how sorry I am for our loss. I made it through my speech, though barely breathing and choking on a lump in my throat.

After the service, a lot of people came up to me and told me what a nice job I'd done. I thanked them, feeling good that I'd been able to share a little bit of what an amazing man he was to me. A number of people also commented on how brave I'd been to do that. I never even thought of it being about bravity. Omi asked me and I couldn't have imagined saying anything other than yes. Opa always complimented me on how well he thought I did with public speaking. I was able to project my voice and he, terribly hard of hearing, even with hearing aids, was able to understand what I was saying. He used to watch the baseball games on tv with the sound muted because all he could hear was noise. But when I spoke, he was able to hear me loud & clear. I feel like my getting up there today would have made him proud. I feel like he would've given me a pat on the shoulder and said 'That was pretty good, Jennifer. You did a nice job.'

Hubby did a great job. He made sure that he was ready on time, we left early and were 30 minutes early at the church. He held my hand and reminded me to breathe. When I finished speaking, and got back to my seat, that's sort of when I lost it. I just held his hand and tried to keep myself from sobbing.

I felt so many things as I sat in that church today. I felt such grief and sadness for myself. For my uncle, as I watched him with his head down, crying into his hands. For my dad, who so admired and loved his father-in-law. For my mom, who felt as much love and devotion from her father as I do mine. And for Omi, who I suspect I am a lot like. I felt anger toward my uncle's ex wife and her fake ass boyfriend. I felt sympathy for my cousins for not having the opportunities to know Opa like I did. I was so grateful for my husband and for Melissa.

At the luncheon, a family friend, Herbie, took the microphone and wanted to tell a little story about some shenanigans that went down at my wedding. Omi had stayed at my parents' house with my mom during my wedding reception because my mom was just not strong enough to be there. In order to let my dad be there, Omi stayed with Mom. And since Opa was dateless, Herbie grabbed his fancy dancy camera and had Opa go around to every table and each woman took a picture, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Herbie said that he later found out that Opa said it'd been one of the happiest days of his life. lol

Friday, October 23, 2009

My Husband, the Donkey

It's like the man has a sixth sense when I'm bitching about him...I typed the first paragraph and got a text from him, asking me for two chores (aside from the litter boxes, because he's already planning to do those) for him to do when he gets home today. He must sense that I'm pissed about his shitty behavior...

ARGH! Sometimes, he just pisses me off like I can't even explain. Last night, one of my girlfriends came over for dinner. We made tacos and had planned to watch Grey's. She left early, so Grey's didn't happen, which was fine. But Hubby was acting like a complete and total tool all night. He usually gets along with this friend, but for whatever reason, he just didn't want to be sociable. He came downstairs from his man cave and started bitching about the onions that I was going to use, because HE couldn't get one out of the bag peeled last weekend. Then he saw the brand of tortilla shells that I bought and he bitched about that. Sorry Dude, it's all they had at Jewel. His response, well then you should've made a second trip to another store. SERIOUSLY??? You take a trip to the other store since these aren't good enough. What a tool.

We each prepare ourselves three tacos and then he goes back upstairs, commenting that he'll be back down later for more. He comes back down and finds that there's only one shell left. Oh no, here we go again. He bitches that there aren't more. He's pissed that there aren't any leftover ones from last week's taco night. Whatever, man. You don't need to eat 17 tacos, anyway. I had asked him to pick up some tortilla chips on his way home because I prefer nachos to tacos. Lay down a bed of chips, put some meat on top and then melt some velveeta over the whole thing...Mmm...Yummy! But no! That's apparently gourmet cooking (this is what he says about almost everything I prepare). It's "gourmet" because it's more than one thing. He says it's taco night, why do you have to have nachos, too. So, due to his assholishness about the nachos, he only got four tacos. ONLY. :-P

And then I feel like I have to defend him to my friend. He's not always such a dick. When it's just the two of us, he can be much nicer. He doesn't have a chip on his shoulder. He's not always such a grump. Thank God for that. I just wish he didn't feel like he has to act like such a hardass around other people. It seems like the only time he's not an asshat around other people is when my family is around. THEN, he's Mr. Perfect. He says the right things. He acts right. No wonder he hates my family functions...He has to pretend to be someone that he isn't.

Whatever, I was over the attitude this morning. We're talking about bills (because that's all there is to talk about right now) and then when that part of the convo is over he says to me 'I have to tell you something and you're going to be mad.' Okay, what? 'I don't want to go to Opa's memorial service on Sunday.' Sorry. You don't have a choice in the matter. 'It's not like I have anything else that I need to do, I just really don't want to go. I mean, what am I going to do there?' ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? You're going to be there to support me. You're going to hold my hand as I cry. You're going to do the same thing that everyone else there is doing - you're going to help celebrate the life of an amazing man who is no longer with us. Don't you be a fuckhead because you don't want to deal with the emotions. I'm sorry that it's not how you want to spend your Sunday afternoon. Frankly, it's not how I want to spend it either. I don't really WANT to get up there and talk about him. But it needs to happen. And you NEED to be there. So, I'm sorry, end of story. You. Are. Going.

I just wish he wasn't such a tool 90% of the time. I need to find a book on how to control my husband. I should go check out the self help section at the bookstore. There's gotta be at least one book on being more assertive. Something that will teach me how to whip him into a decent human being...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A brighter day!

I do feel a bit better after dumping my issues on all of you yesterday. Thanks for letting me dump on ya'll.

On a more positive note, my friend JB from work, is having a 2nd birthday party for her daughter in a few weeks and she decided that she wanted to make her invitations, rather than go out and buy them. She is doing a ballerina theme and drew a couple of feet in ballet shoes. She brought her drawing in to work Tuesday, and asked me if I had any ideas of how she could color it it - she tried colored pencils and didn't like how it turned out. She talked about using markers. And then she was asking if I had any ideas of how to put the text on it.

I had her scan her drawing and told her I could use photoshop to color it is, as well as put her text on it. I didn't have time to work on it yesterday, so I did it this morning (instead of working...:-/). She loves how it turned out. And frankly, so do I. :-)

She's going to buy pink ribbon and tie a bow to the ribbon on the left ankle.

I wish I could do something like this for my job. Some sort of graphic design or photo editing. I lose a lot of my creativity when it comes to doing artsy crafty projects. But give me and photoshop, and I really feel like I can produce pretty images.

Ugh. Maybe in my next life.

Today is going to be good. I've decided to have a positive outlook on the day. I'm leaving work at 3 today. Kiss my ass, if you don't like it, people. Making chicken & beef tacos for dinner. My BFF is coming over for din din. We're gonna make a profile for another friend. And we're watching Grey's. I was just going to say 'How could it NOT be a good night?' but I'm pretty sure that if that cat shits someplace other than in the litter box, that could put a damper on the day. Whatever. Positive attitude!

Oh! Another perk to today! I'm either getting a free pizza lunch from the manager (he keeps saying he wants to do this, but hasn't made it happen yet. Tuesday night, as I was leaving, he suggested doing it today. Don't know if it's actually going to happen, though) OR I'm leaving for a while with JB. We're planning to go to JoAnne Fab's for the pink ribbon for her invitations. I LOVE JoAnne's. I might look around for Halloweeny things. Not that I have money to throw away. But, ya know. It's fun to look.

Today's gonna be a good, good day! :-)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Warning: Negativity Ahead

I'm in a real funk lately...I just kinda feel like everything sucks. I have good, smiley moments. But most of the time, I'm just feeling like I'm down in the dumps. Life is not good right now. We don't have money, creditors/bill collectors are calling me nonstop. We're on hold with the refi, which is mostly the reason that the bills are going unpaid. I'm holding on to our cash to make sure we have enough to cover the mortgage, if we have to. My grandfather is gone. The future of my job is unknown. I just feel like I have nothing to look forward to. I'm just in such a negative mood. Last night, I seriously considered crawling into the corner of the closet and staying there. I know how ridiculous that sounds. Believe me. But at the same time, it sounds so much more comforting than dealing with everything.

I hate feeling like this. I don't usually consider myself a negative person. I really do think I'm a glass half full kind of girl. But I just can't shake this feeling of sadness. I don't know. Maybe it's how I'm dealing with Opa's passing. Maybe it's how I'm dealing with all of the shit. I just feel like everything is crappy. I shuffle through my work day, not really investing myself in the work. Pretty much just doing whatever I need to do to get through the day and meet deadlines. And even with that, I'm getting fucked over. But that's been going on for a while. Normally, I would look forward to going home and making dinner, spending some time with my tv shows and my kitties. I don't even feel like doing that much anymore. I don't have time to make dinner, since I don't get home til 6 at the earliest. I just make some bullshit and go to bed at 8 or 9, whenever Hubby gets sleepy.

Yesterday was our 3 year anniversary. I got stuck at work late, even though I came in early, and then Hubby didn't want to make dinner, asked me to bring home some drivethru shit. So, I did. We ate together, watched The Office and then were in bed by 7:45. We laid there, chatting for an hour, and when he rolled over to go to sleep, I couldn't sleep. I laid there and just started crying. I just feel so sad about everything. I wish I could go back to a time in my life where things weren't like this. Where I didn't feel like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. It's so ridiculous. I know there are so many people that are so much worse off. I'm sure that I have plenty of reasons to be positive about life. But I just can't seem to focus on anything other than the negative.

Really, if I could just crawl into a hole and stay there for a few months...That would be awesome. Let this whole work thing play out however it's going to. Maybe the pain that I feel about Opa wouldn't be so fresh and wouldn't hurt so much. Maybe someone else could worry about the bills and the house and the shitting cat. Maybe I could mysteriously get knocked up. Maybe I could lose some weight. I wouldn't need to eat...It would be like hibernating...

I know this post is totally disjointed and perhaps redundant. I just needed to get it out there. Maybe if I dump it all on my blog, it won't be in my GD head so much.

Nice 100th post, huh?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


1. I’ve come to realize that my chest-size. . . just does NOT match the rest of me. I have to be the flattest fat chick around. :-P

2. I’ve come to realize that my job. . . will not always be exactly what I want.

3. I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving alone. . . I'm usually hollering at the asshole in front of me that isn't driving fast enough.

4. I’ve come to realize that I need. . . to prioritize.

5. I’ve come to realize that I have lost. . .my some of my artistic ability that I had as a kid. I just don't feel as creative as I once was.

6. I’ve come to realize that I hate it when. . .I disappoint people. I don't like feeling like I've let someone down.

7. I’ve come to realize that if I’m drunk. . . there must be a blue moon. I miss getting inebriated.

8. I’ve come to realize that money. . .is very slippery.

9. I’ve come to realize that certain people. . .can tolerate a lot more bullshit than others.

10. I’ve come to realize that I’ll always. . .wish I was better able to connect with people.

11. I’ve come to realize that my sibling(s). . .uh...are nonexistant.

12. I’ve come to realize that my mom. . .is who I have and will become - both the good and the bad.

13. I’ve come to realize that cell phones. . .are so much better than they were ten years ago.

14. I’ve come to realize that when I woke up this morning. . . it was too effing early.

15. I’ve come to realize that last night before I went to sleep. . . I was feeling really down.

16. I’ve come to realize that right now I am thinking. . . I oughta be working, but am disinclined.

17. I’ve come to realize that my dad. . .is one of my best friends. I <3 my Daddy.

18. I’ve come to realize that when I get on Facebook. . .I become a complete and total stalker. And what?

19. I’ve come to realize that today. . .is so much better than yesterday.

20. I’ve come to realize that tonight. . .will involve cleaning the bathroom, a bottle of wine and some chicken tetrazzini.

21. I’ve come to realize that tomorrow. . .will be one step closer to the weekend.

22. I’ve come to realize that I really want to. . .learn how to manipulate my husband...I just don't know how some women have such power over their husbands...

23. I’ve come to realize that some people. . .will always have drama in their lives. But that doesn't mean that I shouldn't still be their friend.

24. I’ve come to realize that life. . .can be incredibly stressful.

25. I’ve come to realize that this weekend. . .should be fun. Hubby's cousin and his new wife will be coming over on Saturday. She & I will be putting together her wedding album (I took photos at their wedding) and making dinner for our hubbies, since it'll be "Sweetest Day." Sunday may involve pumpkin picking...We shall see.

26. I’ve come to realize the best music to listen to when I am upset. . .whatever will lighten the mood.

27. I’ve come to realize that my friends. . .are irreplaceable.

28. I’ve come to realize that this year. . .has flown by...

29. I’ve come to realize that my ex. . .is a pretty good guy and I hope that he enjoys his new job in Texas.

30. I’ve come to realize that maybe I should. . .get better about saving money.

31. I’ve come to realize that I love. . .cuddling, country music, makeup, cheese rolls from Labriola, tv...I really could go on for a long, long time.

32. I’ve come to realize that I don’t understand. . .my husband's thought process.

33. I’ve come to realize my past. . .has taught me some invaluable lessons.

34. I’ve come to realize that parties. . .were something that I really sorta missed out on in college.

35. I’ve come to realize that I’m totally terrified. . .of being alone.

36. I’ve come to realize that my life. . .has its ups and downs, just like everyone else, but for the most part, I'm pretty happy with it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oh, the day from hell...

Today has just been one shit storm after another...Started off bright and early, when my alarm went off at 5. My husband so kindly (No sarcasm...I did appreciate it) hit the snooze for me, so I wouldn't have to get out of bed. He was gone ten minutes later when it went off again. I got up, shut off the alarm and got my phone so I could check my email. Went downstairs, had some breakfast and a cup of coffee. Everything was going so nicely...

And then I left the house. Started out late for my dentist appointment. The place is literally less than 10 minutes from my house, but I can never get there on time. Then, I sat through an hour and a half of rooting around in my mouth, so I could get three new fillings. yay. I left there, thinking that would be the worst of it. My face was completely numb on the right side, I felt like I was drooling and was certain that when I blinked, my right eye was staying completely open.

As I drove to work, I tried to call work to let them know I was on my way. However, I was informed at that point that my service had been suspended due to an unpaid bill. awesome.

I pull into the parking lot at work, and notice that there's a lot of people milling about outside. Oh look! A fire drill. Luckily, I didn't have to deal with that in any way. I drove down into the parking garage, took the elevator up to the main floor and walked up just as the rest of my coworkers were coming in from outside. Apparently, if you behaved, you were rewarded with a sucker. No sucker for me. boo.

Just as I was getting settled in for the morning, the office phone rang. I answered it (because the programmers are too cool to answer the phone, ya know...) and it was the loan officer that FINALLY called me ysterday to say that we'd been approved for the refi and would be closing later this week. Yeah, not so much. He was calling me this morning to let me know that because we paid the September payment on October 1, we're fucked. And can I just mention that this late payment was the LOAN OFFICER'S fault!?!?!!? I started going through this shit again on September 2nd. He tells me on the 25th that we're not going to be able to close in Septmber. Dude, do you really think I have 2 grand just laying around? I had to wait until Hubby got paid, which didn't happen until the 1st. Loan officer tells me to call the current mortgage company and ask if they can help me out. I get transferred around a couple times and hung up on once. Finally, I speak to someone that I can understand. And she tells me that she'll put in a work order and I'll find out in up to 15 business days if they can remove the 30 days past due from my account. WTF? Seriously? The payment was due on Sept 1. I paid it exactly 30 days later. Please help me. I call Loan Officer back, tell him the deal and he says okay, then we just wait. super.

I call the cell phone people, have them turn my service back on, after making a payment (managed to get that taken care of before Hubby found out. Thank the LORD!). Get back to work. Manage to get some work done and then Hubby calls and is like WTF are you talking about? Why isn't the refi gonna go through? And then I have to explain the whole thing to him more than once. We get off the phone, but he's pissed. At me.

Two hours later, he calls back, much calmer, after having talked with his mom and sharing all of our business with her. Whatever. If that's what it takes to have him realize that a. this is not ALL my fault and b. he needs to accept some responsibility, then fine. Let her be all up in our shit. After we talk out the whole mortgage/bills/money thing, he starts telling me about how he wants to move the litter boxes. He wants to put them in a storage closet and put a doggy door on the door to the closet. He'll close off the back part of the closet, so that they can only get to the boxes, but not the rest of the junk in there. I didn't feel like talking about any of this, so I told him we could discuss later. Five minutes later, he sends me a text that the damn cat took another steaming shit on our bed. fuck.

I don't know what the hell is going on with that cat. He pees and poops on the furniture. This is not something new. He's been doing it for years. I don't know why. I've taken him to several vets and no one ever has any solid suggestions. Change his food. Pay more attention to him. Give him kitty valium. And my husband's suggestion...put him to sleep. Is that going to be his suggestion when his child wets the bed?

I wrote this post yesterday, at the end of a horrendous day. And then it was all put into perspective when I found out that a friend had a miscarriage over the weekend (she was about 7 weeks along). I guess that while my day was pretty darn shitty, when you look at the big picture, an unpaid bill and some poop on the bed is pretty insignificant. Here's to having a better day today.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Eulogy for Opa's Memorial Service

I typed this up on here, based on the post that I made on the morning that I found out my grandfather had passed away. This is not the exact speech that I gave - I took a couple parts out and added another story, as I was writing it down the day before the service. I cried most of the way through the speech, but felt proud that I'd been able to express my thoughts and words. For my Opa, words cannot express how much I miss you.

Good Afternoon. I think most of you know who I am already, but if not, my name is Jennifer, Iggy was my grandfather and my good friend. Especially on my birthdays and , he'd tell anyone around: 'Jennifer was always my good friend.' Omi called me a couple weeks ago and asked if I would share some funny stories from when I was a kid. I don't know that these stories are so much funny, as they are fond memories of times that I had with him.

Last weekend, I was picking up some Chinese takeout for dinner, and as I waited for my order to come up, I noticed a man and his grandson, also waiting for their food. I smiled, bittersweetly picturing Opa and me, 20 years ago, waiting to pick up our pizza. I always liked spending time with him, whether it was going to pick up dinner or waiting for Mom & Omi while they shopped or going for a bike ride around the neighborhood.

One of Opa's favorite stories to recall was an afternoon when he took me to a park when he and Omi were living in Mount Prospect. While he pushed me on the swing, his wallet must have fallen out of his pocket. Being the curious kid that I was, I noticed it and asked if he'd lost his wallet. Sure enough, it was his and while I don't remember much else from that day, I do remember how thankful he was and how proud he seemed. I don't know why that memory stuck with him so much, but it was one of those stories that he'd share as evidence of what a good friend I was to him.

Opa was always a joker. As I tried to come up with some good stories to tell about him today, so many of my memories were filled with his smile and laughter. He was the one that could make my mom laugh for no obvious reason, complete with snorting and tears. I have to admit that he had the same affect on me, as well. When I'd go stay with Omi & Opa for a weekend, at bedtime, he'd come tuck me in, and we would tell one another stories until I fell asleep. I wish I could remember what those stories were about, but they seem to have escaped me. However, I do remember laughing with him like crazy.

When they moved to Crete, Opa was my compadre a lot of the time. When Mom and I would go out with Omi & Opa, we always split up for the shopping part. Omi & Mom would go shop for whatever they needed and Opa and I would hang out. One thing that it seemed like we always forgot to do on these shopping trips was to set up a meeting place and time to get back together with Omi & Mom. I remember so many of these adventures ending with Omi showing up, ticked that we weren't where they'd left us. It never bothered Opa and me very much. We kept one another entertained with knock knock jokes. My favorite was 'Orange you glad I didn't say banana,' but his were a little less overdone than mine. He tried to teach me words and phrases in Polish, but I'm not sure they ever came out right or even what they meant - Sootfooeyiminimity...Like I said, no idea what it means, but it kept us entertained.

One summer, I took swimming lessons at a local high school with another girl from down the street. Opa drove us both to lessons and would sit in the stands, watching. He was always amazed at how much I loved the water. He thought it was the funniest thing watching this little girl jumping in the 12 foot deep water. I'd splash in, swim to the ladder and do it all over again. The other girl that took lessons with me didn't know what to call him, so she called him Opa, too. Boy, did that get under my skin. I remember thinking That's MY Opa! Not hers! She can't call him that! Only child syndrome, I suppose.

When I got a little older, Opa used to take me on bike rides all over the neighborhood. He had an odometer on his bike and we'd track how far we'd gone. Exploring new streets, riding up and down the hills by the golf course. Since Omi & Opa lived just a few blocks from our house, I could ride my bike over to their condo. I'd park in back and knock on the glass door, announcing that I was there. We would all sit down at the kitchen table, drink orange soda and play cards until it was time for me to go home. It was like having a best friend in the body of my grandfather.

After a while, I got to know the streets and I knew where I was and wasn't allowed to go, so I started to go on those long winding bike rides on my own. I thought I was so cool, riding around without a care in the world. I was about a mile from the house and out of nowhere, my front tire found a pothole and I flipped my bike, injuring myself and the bike so badly that there was no way I'd be able to ride home. After a couple moments of panic, I walked myself to the nearest house, hoping that they were home and sane, and asked to use their telephone. I called home, and in ten minutes or less, Opa showed up to bring me and my busted bike back home.

He came to my rescue on more than one occasion. When I was in high school, my first job was at a family fun center. They had, among other things, bumper boats. On one particularly slow day, I was working the boats and a man and his young daughter wanted to ride. Since there was no one else around to ride on the boats, I got in one, so that they would have someone to bump around with. After their time was up, I called them back to the dock and started to hook my own boat up, so that I could help them out. I had one foot on the dock and one foot on the boat, and before I could hook it up, the boat started drifting away from the side of the pool. I tried with all my might to pull the boat back to the dock, but before I knew it, I was in the pool, fully clothed and soaked from head to toe. To make matters worse, I just happened to be without a car that day. Again, I called home and Opa came and picked me up in my wet clothes, brought me back home to change and then drove me back to work.

Opa and I had a lot of good times together. He was so many things to me - my buddy, my chauffeur, my babysitter, my playmate, my Opa. I love him and miss him more than I can ever express. But I can't imagine that he'd want me to be sad for him. I know that he lived a long, fulfilled life and that he would have wanted me to focus on the happy times that we had. So, I'd like to close with one of our old knock knock jokes. Knock Knock! Who's there? Canada! Canada Who? Canada be the trees that fills the breeze with warm and magic perfume.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Three Weeks

Wow...I can't believe it's been three weeks, already. It's incredible to me how quickly the time has gone by.

I guess I can say that things have gotten a bit easier. Or maybe it's just easier to push those sad thoughts to another corner of my brain while I try to get other things done. Because honestly, as soon as I think about Opa not being there, tears fill my eyes and I've got to swallow a lump the size of my ass, just to keep from breaking into sobs.

Omi called on Friday and told me that she's going to have the Memorial Service on the 25th. She asked me if I would speak at the services. I told her that I would, and through her tears, she asked me to tell some funny stories from when I was a kid. I was thinking about sharing one of our old knock knock jokes and maybe some of the tidbits that I shared in my blog the morning Daddy told me he'd passed.

I don't know if I've fully come to terms with him being gone. Since we haven't had any services, it just doesn't feel real to me. The time that I've spent at Mom & Dad's house just felt like he was at his own house, while Omi, Mom & I played dice and painted Mom's fingernails. No one talked about it. No one cried. We just went about life as if nothing had changed.

I'm really nervous about speaking at the memorial. I know that it will be good for me and for others to hear happy stories about him. But it just makes me sad that he's not there to remember those stories with us. I miss him so much...It's not like I saw him all the time. Three weeks is actually a pretty short amount of time to have gone by between visits. But the knowing that he won't be there the next time...I never truly understood what it meant to lose someone. To feel that sadness. I feel like words can't even express how much it hurts...To say I'm sad about the loss...It's so understated. I'm sad that the stupid Cubs can't pull their shit together to win a series. I'm sad that I have to spend most of my paycheck every week on bills. To say I'm sad about losing Opa? It just doesn't measure up.

I have so much shit going on in my life right now. Besides dealing with this, things at work are really up in the air. The week that Opa passed, we had people from the company that is buying from Bossman Bob in the office. They talked about employment contracts and benefits and the future of the company. They've decided to sign the 18 month employment contract for the 5 core team members. I am not a part of this core team. I also get NO sort of employment guarantee or anything. They're saying that we'll all keep our jobs, but they're unwilling to extend some kind of offer (not even an increased severance package) to the remaining three of us. They keep talking about how they want to grow the business and improve the software. How everything's going to be hunky dorey. I feel like I'd have to be an idiot to just blindly believe that everything's going to be okay for me.

So, I've been looking online for job postings. Talking to friends about openings where they work. I need to update my resume pronto. My dad is worried that I'm going to wait around and get canned and then it'll be too late. It's a gamble, ya know? On one hand, I go out looking for jobs and get an offer for a really good job, paying about the same as what I'm getting now, but I start over. I'm bottom of the barrel again. I have to learn all new tasks, get to know a whole new group of coworkers, develop a new routine. On the other hand, I could stay with my current company, and if things go well, I could end up having an important role in the development of the company. If they're serious about building up the company, it'd be good to get in early, right? There's so much more room for opportunity, that's what the core 5 team members keep telling the other three of us. But it also could go terribly wrong and I could end up laid off, with three weeks severance and then what? Unemployment until I find something that's maybe as good as what I was doing/making. Hubby's income plus unemployment is not going to be enough to cover our bills. I can't wait for that shoe to drop. I need to be proactive. I need to go out and find the next big thing. And just hope that it provides a better, more stable future for myself.

Anyway, my bad for being a little all over the place. Hope everyone's doing well. I've been a terrible blogger/blog reader lately. Sorry, ya'll. One of these days, I'll get back into the swing of things. Until then...