Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oh, the day from hell...

Today has just been one shit storm after another...Started off bright and early, when my alarm went off at 5. My husband so kindly (No sarcasm...I did appreciate it) hit the snooze for me, so I wouldn't have to get out of bed. He was gone ten minutes later when it went off again. I got up, shut off the alarm and got my phone so I could check my email. Went downstairs, had some breakfast and a cup of coffee. Everything was going so nicely...

And then I left the house. Started out late for my dentist appointment. The place is literally less than 10 minutes from my house, but I can never get there on time. Then, I sat through an hour and a half of rooting around in my mouth, so I could get three new fillings. yay. I left there, thinking that would be the worst of it. My face was completely numb on the right side, I felt like I was drooling and was certain that when I blinked, my right eye was staying completely open.

As I drove to work, I tried to call work to let them know I was on my way. However, I was informed at that point that my service had been suspended due to an unpaid bill. awesome.

I pull into the parking lot at work, and notice that there's a lot of people milling about outside. Oh look! A fire drill. Luckily, I didn't have to deal with that in any way. I drove down into the parking garage, took the elevator up to the main floor and walked up just as the rest of my coworkers were coming in from outside. Apparently, if you behaved, you were rewarded with a sucker. No sucker for me. boo.

Just as I was getting settled in for the morning, the office phone rang. I answered it (because the programmers are too cool to answer the phone, ya know...) and it was the loan officer that FINALLY called me ysterday to say that we'd been approved for the refi and would be closing later this week. Yeah, not so much. He was calling me this morning to let me know that because we paid the September payment on October 1, we're fucked. And can I just mention that this late payment was the LOAN OFFICER'S fault!?!?!!? I started going through this shit again on September 2nd. He tells me on the 25th that we're not going to be able to close in Septmber. Dude, do you really think I have 2 grand just laying around? I had to wait until Hubby got paid, which didn't happen until the 1st. Loan officer tells me to call the current mortgage company and ask if they can help me out. I get transferred around a couple times and hung up on once. Finally, I speak to someone that I can understand. And she tells me that she'll put in a work order and I'll find out in up to 15 business days if they can remove the 30 days past due from my account. WTF? Seriously? The payment was due on Sept 1. I paid it exactly 30 days later. Please help me. I call Loan Officer back, tell him the deal and he says okay, then we just wait. super.

I call the cell phone people, have them turn my service back on, after making a payment (managed to get that taken care of before Hubby found out. Thank the LORD!). Get back to work. Manage to get some work done and then Hubby calls and is like WTF are you talking about? Why isn't the refi gonna go through? And then I have to explain the whole thing to him more than once. We get off the phone, but he's pissed. At me.

Two hours later, he calls back, much calmer, after having talked with his mom and sharing all of our business with her. Whatever. If that's what it takes to have him realize that a. this is not ALL my fault and b. he needs to accept some responsibility, then fine. Let her be all up in our shit. After we talk out the whole mortgage/bills/money thing, he starts telling me about how he wants to move the litter boxes. He wants to put them in a storage closet and put a doggy door on the door to the closet. He'll close off the back part of the closet, so that they can only get to the boxes, but not the rest of the junk in there. I didn't feel like talking about any of this, so I told him we could discuss later. Five minutes later, he sends me a text that the damn cat took another steaming shit on our bed. fuck.

I don't know what the hell is going on with that cat. He pees and poops on the furniture. This is not something new. He's been doing it for years. I don't know why. I've taken him to several vets and no one ever has any solid suggestions. Change his food. Pay more attention to him. Give him kitty valium. And my husband's suggestion...put him to sleep. Is that going to be his suggestion when his child wets the bed?

I wrote this post yesterday, at the end of a horrendous day. And then it was all put into perspective when I found out that a friend had a miscarriage over the weekend (she was about 7 weeks along). I guess that while my day was pretty darn shitty, when you look at the big picture, an unpaid bill and some poop on the bed is pretty insignificant. Here's to having a better day today.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you had such a rough day. I hope you have a better rest of the week.
