Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What a crazy dream...

I woke up at 3:30 this morning after having a horrible dream. It wasn't really scary...I didn't wake up feeling panicked, but it was just crazy. And I didn't take any NyQuil last night, so I have no idea where this came from...

I was at my parents' house, out in the backyard, and I think I was having a picnic with someone...Not sure who, or why, but that's what we were doing. And there was a construction crew or maybe someone from a utility company or something...I can't remember the exact details, but there was a very tall pole of some sort precariously propped up against a very tall tree. And there was a worker up in the air, tethered to some kind of wire. Another worker caused the pole to fall, it caught on the wire that worker #1 was dangling from and snapped the wire. Worker #1 fell, through the roof of the sunroom, attached to the back of my parents' house, and died when he crashed to the ground.

I didn't actually LOOK at the guy, I just knew he was dead. I went inside the house (whoever I was picnicking with disappeared) and was all 'hey, uh...there's a dead guy in the sunroom.' Which, apparently everyone knew about. I know my grandparents were both there, as was Mom's CNA, Rose. Everyone was very calm about the whole thing, and the dead guy just continued to lay out there. None of the other workers were doing anything about him. And my family just kinda was milling around the kitchen. I remember thinking that I liked Rose's new glasses, but that it really wasn't a proper time to tell her that.

And then, I saw the guy move. Like he was having a seizure or an electric shock. I said something like, 'Hey! He's not dead! I just saw him move,' and Rose told me that no, he was dead, and it was just something that happened when people died in a traumatic way.

And then I woke up, saying to myself WTF was that??? I wonder what a dream interpretation would say about that...I wish we'd done that topic for science fair. We might not have gotten as far as we did with allelopathy, but it would have been far more interesting, and way less smelly. lol

1 comment:

  1. That is SO weird. And yeah, stinkiest science fair project EVER! LoL I still have that little corn man, and the kids think he is hilarious.
