Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend Update & Brilliant Idea

Happy Monday, Everyone. :-P I hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend. Ours was very nice, though not the most relaxing ever. That's okay. I don't mind a little excitement.

I've been battling this stupid cold since St Patrick's Day - THANKS DAD! I started with a head cold - totally stuffy, head ache, phlegmy cough...Good times. That weekend, I was still a little congested, but I thought I was pretty much done with it. I had some minor coughing, but nothing that I couldn't handle. And then last week, like Thursday, it started to feel like I was getting worse again! Scratchy throat and dry coughing...I feel like I've got something stuck in my throat, but at the same time, I feel like it's dry as hell. When I try to talk after being quiet for a while, I sound horrible. So, the throat's kinda keeping me down, but whatever.

My mouth is mess, too! The fillings didn't really start to bother me until late last week. I can finally close my mouth all the way, and the foreign material is starting to feel more like tooth. But there's a spot on one of my teeth that's just not right. It feels very sharp when I slide my tongue over it. One more week and I'll be going back for the other side. Yay. :-( And then once I recover from all the fillings, I have to go in and have all four wisdom teeth pulled. I'm terrified.

On to the good stuff. My house is CLEAN! Like awesomely clean. My mother-in-law & my grandparents came up to visit on Saturday afternoon, so the house had to be spotless. These two women are the cleanest neat-freaks I know. My grandparents hadn't seen the house yet, and seemed quite impressed with it. Made me very proud. When my mom got sick, they moved down to be near us. They have been a very big part of my life and I am really scared for the day that they're no longer around.

They arrived around 1 and I immediately gave them the tour. After that, we talked about what we were going to do. I told them that I wanted to take them to the winery that we go to and then m-i-l and Omi decided that they wanted to see our grocery store. Side note about the grocery store - it's HUGE. And they've generally got great prices. Hubby and I have both raved about the store, so m-i-l & Omi, being deal chasers, were stoked to check it out. Woodman's (the grocery store) happens to be right across the street from the winery, so we were in luck. We had a little tasting at the winery, Omi & Opa got a couple cheeses & a bottle of Reisling. M-i-l and I tasted some Almond Champagne, which was really fabulous! And then Hubby and I picked out our free bottles, for our wine of the month club. We drove across the street and wandered around Woodman's for a half hour - not my favorite thing to do on Saturday at 3pm, but whatever floats your boat.

When we were done shopping, I suggested we head back to the house, so Omi could refrigerate her purchases (eggs, cheese, pork roast), but she insisted that it'd be okay in the trunk. Yikes! We went to our favorite Chinese place for lunch and had the whole restaurant to ourselves, which was very nice.

After lunch, they decided to head home. I kinda felt bad, as I think m-i-l would've liked to come back to the house and hang out for a while, but Omi & Opa were quite obviously pooped. After getting them back to the highway, we went home and I watched some tv while he played WoW. A very chill evening. Went to bed around 9, which was so nice!!

Sunday, I slept until 8:30 - yes, I slept almost 12 hours. I SO needed it. I didn't make it to mass, and felt sorta guilty about that. I was kinda bummed that I missed the palms, but isn't the Gospel on Palm Sunday like the longest ever? I gotta say, I'm not so bummed about missing that. I'll definitely be there this weekend. Maybe I'll try to drag Hubby. Probably not though. We didn't really do anything Sunday. Played the game for a while and then decided to go back to Woodman's so I could cook dinner for the Hubs. Which leads me to my next BRILLIANT IDEA!

I think I'm going to start posting recipes (perhaps even with pictures). I love to cook and I usually have no one to share it with, since Hubby is very picky about what he will and won't eat. I didn't take any photos last night, but I made a very tasty dinner - one of Hubby's favorites. I figure as long as I'm cooking, it wouldn't hurt to share some of the really good stuff with anyone that happens to be reading, right? Plus, I just recently took some time to delve into The Pioneer Woman. OMG...I thought I was going to die when I started looking at her site. She is everything that I wish I could be. A fabulous cook, photographer, baker, website pro, mother, wife of a cowboy (I mean, really, who doesn't want the Marlboro Man as her husband?), and GORGEOUS, to boot!!! Seriously, enough already! Spread some of the wealth! She's like Martha Stewart, but better. I figure the only way I'm going to get to that level of Susie Homemaker-ness, is if I give it a shot! So...That's my brilliant idea. Perhaps tonight, probably more like tomorrow, I will put up recipes for last night's dinner - Chicken Saltimbaca & Cheesy Au Gratin Potatoes. Woo Hoo!

Oh, PS, we got another 2 inches of snow yesterday. WTF is that all about!?!!??? Where's my effing spring at!?!!???

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