Thursday, April 2, 2009

You Capture - Signs of Spring!

I finally did it! I managed to get my stuff together and take some photos for this week's You Capture over at I Should Be Folding Laundry (which, btw is one of my FAVORITE blogs of all time!!!!)


This week's challenge was Spring. Pfft! If you remember from this post, Mother Nature dumped a bunch of snow on us this weekend. So, my signs of spring, really look a lot like winter. :-/

I think this first one is my favorite...The little bumps are actually buds on the bush - a sign that spring is TRYING to come to life, covered by the snow. Gives it a really cool looking texture, I think!

This one comes in a close second. It's the bush in my front yard. I just love how everything looks so magical when the snow sticks to it.
I had more, but these two were the best of the bunch.


  1. You're right, that first shot is awesome - love the texture!!!

  2. great pictures....but I feel a chill coming up just viewing these. :)

  3. It does look cool, but I love that those buds are trying so hard to come out anyway. Nice job!

  4. Beautiful captures. Love the first one

  5. That last shot is very beautiful! I am sorry about your snow :(

  6. Love your photography! Great shots. I took mine right before a thin layer of snow arrived. Come on SPRING!!!

  7. Love the snow covered buds! Great job!

  8. The second shot does look magical! Here's to the snow melting SOON.

  9. Poor you... you have snow shots like me! Their beautiful though!

  10. That should be... THEY'RE beautiful though...

    (grammer issues, sorry)

  11. Your second shot reminds me of a snow globe.

  12. Wow, that is one cold spring. ;) I really LOVE the texture on the first picture - those bud bumps are just so cute.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog!

  13. oh now that is just sad - for you!!!

  14. What's sadder than ER ending? SNOW when it's supposed to be SPRING!
    Great pictures, awesome capture!
