Friday, August 28, 2009

Change is a-brewin...

Next week, Hubby and I are both starting new schedules. Hubby's company is shutting down third shift again (not sure for how long, again), and he was going to go back to second shift. Which, of course, I was super excited about. I think it works best for us. However, his boss offered him first shift this time, which will be a pretty significant change for him. The last time he was working day shift was like 7 years ago. His hours will be 6am - 2pm. This means he has to leave for work at 5. Should be very interesting to see how this goes. He told the boss that he'd like to try it out, but if it doesn't work, he made sure the boss agreed that he could go back to 2nd.

I think I'd be more excited about this if I was starting a later shift next week. :-P One of our customers is FINALLY putting our software into production next week (this has been a very long time coming...Like since before I started working here 3 years it's a pretty big deal). One of my managers asked me & JB to rearrange our schedules so that one of us is here between the hours of 7 and 6. She has a kid and is taking classes, so she's very limited on the days that she could work late. And frankly, I wouldn't want to do 7-3 twice a week and 10-6 the other three days, so I'm gonna suck it up and do the later shift, at least for the next month or so.

I love the idea of not starting until 10. That means I can get up later and still have the time to go for a walk, eat some breakfast, shower and get ready for work. But the other side of that coin is that I have to work until 6pm. Which means that I won't get home until 7. I think I'm going to have to start cooking something on the weekend that I can eat leftovers on for the whole week.

We'll see how it all goes down. I worked the late shift yesterday, and I really thought I was going to die when it was 2pm and I still had 4 hours to go. But that may have been compounded by the fact that JB wasn't here yesterday. Her daughter was sicky, so she had to stay home. Her not being here sucks. lol Having a friend around helps to pass the day. Especially JB. We usually go make/buy lunch together. And we chit chat throughout the day. And we encourage one another to not work. lol

No major plans for the weekend. Going home after work today, putting on my pjs and watching a new show that I just found called "The Colony." It's a reality show...The idea is the some natural/catastrophic event took place and they have to start over, pretty much. It's a group of ten people with different backgrounds - a couple different types of engineers, a doctor, a nurse, a handyman, a marine biologist, a contractor and a few others whose jobs I can't remember - and they have to figure out how to survive. They find an abandoned warehouse and figure out a way to filter rain and river water so that it's drinkable. They generate electricity from some old car batteries, but have to come up with a generator for the batteries. They have to figure out where to get food from and how to survive without the comforts of everything that they would've had pre-disaster. Hubby and I watched the first episode together and he totally loved it. It's kinda like 'Kid Nation' was, if you ever saw that. Except with adults. And no "rewards". I dig it. No plans tomorrow. Sims 3 and Chinese food, I think. lol Sunday, I'm going out to my parents' house for lunch. We're going to visit Opa (my grandfather) in the afternoon. He's not doing so well. They've finished the radiation treatments, but I don't know that it's helped any. They started him on hospice a few weeks ago, which is no good sign. Anyway, I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about him next week, and I'm supposed to be working right now, so tears are not an option.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Hopefully this rain is done for a while and the sun can grace us with his warmth!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What to do...what to do...

I need opinions, Folks!

I recently found my 14 year old cousin on Facebook. We're so very not close. I think the last time that I saw her, she was maybe 9 or 10. Her dad (my mom's younger brother) is very bad about coming to visit and keeping us updated on his kids. I don't know if he keeps my gramma up to date with the girls (he has one daughter from his first marriage - 22 - and two daughters from his second marriage - 14 & 10).

Anyway, I found her on fb...I did a search for her name and this girl comes up, and I think she may be my cousin, but this girl looks more like 18 than 14. And like I said, I haven't seen her in probably 5 years. So, granted, a lot can change in those preteen years. So, I send her a message on fb, which basically said 'I think we're related, but I'm not really sure. If we are, friend me. If we aren't, sorry for the creepiness.' She replies back and has a total freak out (woahhh! yeahhh we are! holy crap i havnt talkd to u in years. wow! im shoched that you found me. its kinda cool tho; now i can finally talk to u! Sidenote: I officially hate internet speak. And children that can't spell...And PS. if you really wanted to talk to me, pick up a phone). We talked back and forth between emails a couple times. She didn't know that I got married three years ago (How do her parents not fill her in on these things? I mean, my uncle KNEW that I got married. Granted, he was too busy to show up, but he sent me a card about a month later and some cash, so he knew it went down. Why not tell your kid that her cousin tied the knot? Whatever.). I ask her what types of things she's into and she says she's been playing softball for years, to which I tell her I'd like to come see a softball game sometime. She gives me her mom's cell phone number, tells me I can get the info from her and that was pretty much the end of it.

So, here's the predicament...Now we're friends on fb. And I see all her photos and status updates and I'm like WTF is going on with this girl???? She and her friend are always taking these overly sexy, look at my boobs, my friend is in her underwear, I"M A HOOCHIE pics and posting them for the world to see. She started high school last week and by the end of the week, she and all her friends were talking about how she was supposed to get in a fight after school, but for whatever reason that never happened. I can't imagine that her dad knows about any of this shit. I'm sure her mom does (the parents are divorced now, but still live in the same house...Even though he has his own condo downtown...Awkward!), but I don't know that her mom would be concerned the way that I am. Her mom's a bit of a floozy herself. I dunno. I mean, yeah, I remember being 14. And it wasn't too long after I turned 14 that I started doing ... stuff... But Shit! Do I just go on and not say anything? Or do I mention this to my uncle (whom I haven't seen or spoken to in ages...)? Or should I contact her mom and chat with her at a softball game, maybe? I dunno what to do...Any ideas????

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm freaking out, man...

Yeah...Funny movie quote. But seriously, I really am freaking out. I have a LOT of bills due and not nearly enough money to cover them.

About six months ago, I started the process of refinancing my home loan. The guy who process our original mortgage sent me an email and asked if I was interested. I told him yes, and things got underway. Shortly thereafter, he emailed me back, saying that he wasn't going to be able to do the refi for us because our credit score had dropped since we purchased the house (I'm horrible about getting bills paid on time. I pay them...Just late, most of the time...And after we bought the house, Hubby went out and got three more credit cards.). So, I just sucked it up and assumed that we were going to have to stick with our existing rate until I could get our score back up. And then a month or two later, he sends me another email, saying that he knows of another loan officer that works for a different company who wouldn't have to do a credit check and would be able to refi for us, just at a slightly higher rate. This higher rate was still significantly less than where we started, so I was all about it.

I called the guy Kirk referred me to and left him a voicemail, explaining the deal and could he please get back to me. He calls me back later that day, but I was on my way to a wedding that I was already late for, so I didn't answer. I tried calling him back that Monday, and got no response. I continued to try to contact this guy and he never returned any of my phone calls.

This is where I should've walked away.

But I didnt. I got a hold of Kirk again and told him that I hadn't heard anything from this other Bozo. Kirk gave Bozo my email address and we finally started communicating. By now, it's the beginning of July. I filled out the application online and I thought things were going smoothly. He tells me that I should not make a mortgage payment for July or August, as he plans to close by the end of July. I'm a little wary of this, but I follow his instructions because WTF do I know? I'd already paid July, so I figure we'll only get out of paying August, but that's still fabulous, since we're going on "vacay" etc. He asks me to fax him some paperwork. I do (albeit a little later than planned). Then he emails me this 40 page document of everything that we need to fill out for the refi. Tells me to email it back to him asap, after we've signed everything, so we can still close in July.

I dropped the ball. Hubby and I didn't get the paperwork filled out and the reason is mostly because I don't understand wtf it says and I want to be sure that I'm not signing something bad. I mean to send it to my dad and forget for weeks and weeks. July goes by and now we're in August. I figure we're still okay, because if we close in August, I'm still on the up & up. But now it's the end of August and the asshole Bozo STILL hasn't gotten back to me. I send him an email with some questions - the first and most important of which is - IF I GET YOU THE PAPERWORK IMMEDIATELY, CAN WE STILL CLOSE IN AUGUST? He doesn't return my email. So, I call him and leave a voicemail saying 'hey. I emailed you. Please look at it and get back to me.' No return email. No return phone call. No fucking anything. And now, here we are on August 26th and I don't have enough money in the bank to cover my already overdue mortgage. Luckily, I get paid this week, and we do have SOME money saved up, so I think I'll be able to swing it. Although, my other bills won't be paid on time...At least we'll be almost caught up on the house.

So, I'm thinking that I'm going to look for another way to refi. My dad keeps telling me to go to the bank that we have our checking acct with, but that's TCF aka Ghetto Bank, and I really don't want to deal with them at all anymore. Perhaps I'll contact Chase...We've got Hubby's carnote with them.

The whole situation is just so stressful, though. It's the first thing i think about when I wake up in the morning and it just weighs on me all day long. I haven't really filled Hubby in on all the details. The combination of me dropping the ball and the shithead loan officer that I shouldn't have listened to in the first place makes me very uncomfortable. I know that I can get it worked out. And life will be good and calm again soon. But until then, I'm SO STRESSED about it!!!

Thank you for listening to my rant.

EDIT: Filled in Hubby a little bit this morning. He handled it a lot better than I thought he would. Gave me some suggestions. Expressed a bit of paranoia that Bozo has all of our info and isn't doing a damn thing for us. Went better than expected. Now, to get it all straightened out!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Forty Six minutes....Go!

Forty six minutes until the weekend begins. Yay!

Last weekend went pretty well. Mouse's surprise party for her mom was very nice. Mouse was dressed as skanky as ever. I wouldn't expect any less. :-) It was cool hanging out with my Pops for a while. We chit chatted and had a nice prime rib dinner. Mouse's mom didn't recognize me at first - after a little reminder of 'Jenni down the street from kindergarten,' then she got it. She gave me a hug and thanked me for coming and then turned to my dad and said 'And this is your husband?' I laughed and probably turned a little red and then told her, no, this is the guy that used to drop me off at your house just about every weekend. Yikes! Although, I suppose when your own husband is 24 years older than you, that appears normal...? (She just turned 60 and her husband - Mouse's dad - is 84.) We stayed at the party until a bit after 8 and then went back to the 'rents house.

I hung out with my mom for a while, and was reminded that while I do put her on a well-deserved pedestal for being the strong woman that she is, sometimes, she's just a regular mom. We were watching an Ugly Betty rerun when she decides to tell me how America Ferrera went on jenny Craig and lost a bunch of weight. Oh yeah? That's cool. And then she tells me that I should do JC, too. I tell her that it costs a lot and that my problem is mainly that I'm lazy. I HATE getting sweaty. To which she tells me she feels sorry for me. Ugh. Mom, stop. There's no reason to feel sorry for me. Maybe I can't fit into a size 8 dress (hell, I couldn't fit my right ass cheek in a size 8 dress...), but I'm okay with that. Yeah, it'd be nice to be smaller. Might Would help in the baby-making process, but just like ten and fifteen years ago, your telling me that you feel sorry for me, that doesn't help. Just irritates me. So, I take that opportunity to tell my mom I love her and that it's time for me to go now. My dad assures me when I'm walking out that she's just trying to help. :-P Thank you, Mom.

I didn't get home on Friday night until after Hubby left (which was really quite nice. No sandwiches to make, to assholes to wake up. Good times!). I watched some tv, did laundry and went to bed around 1. Woke up at 6 and started getting ready for our camping trip. Hubby got home at 7 and informed me that we wouldn't be camping - just going to the rally and then back home again. I was bummed about the lack of camping, but what're you going to do? We drove down to Pontiac and hung out with all of his parents' buddies from the BMW club. Found out that a friend of mine is dating the roommate of the son of one of the other club members (Lemme break it down...A is my friend. She is dating M. M is living with Z. Z's dad, J, is in the same BMW club as Hubby's mom, and used to be pretty good friends with Hubby's dad before he passed). Small world, right??

The rally was nice. No games or events were going on. Just sitting around in a camping chair, listening to them all tell stories about their bikes and their trips. I was told a couple times that I don't talk enough. Well, yeah. I have no similar stories, Guy. Nothing to banter about when you're talking about your '89 Goldwing. Sorry. I was content to just sit in the shade, with the breeze blowing through, and just listen to them all chat. We got home by 10 on Saturday night and were both sleeping within 20 minutes of arriving at the house.

Sunday was grocery shopping and relaxing. And then back to work on Monday.

This week has had its fair share of ups and downs. Wednesday took the prize for the worst day in a long ass time. Got stuck in traffic on the way to work, which resulted in my getting here at 8:30, instead of the usual 7 or 7:30. Work was going all kinds of wrong. Not enough programmers in the office. A deadline that looked like it wasn't going to be made. Ended up staying late. And then the drive home...At a thunderstorm...with no a/c...I had to drive with the windows cracked, so I could get some cool air circulating. So, I'm getting rained on. And then, since it was 5pm, traffic was essentially standing still. I decided to take a different route home, thinking it'd be easier than the planned route. But there were lights to deal with. Every time I had to sit at a light, my windows got all fogged up and I got re-drenched as the rain came in the open window. Luckily, I wore two shirts that day, so I was able to take one off and wipe off the windshield as needed. When I got close to home, I hear tornado sirens going off and then I'm in the middle of horrible wind, downpouring rain, the sky's all greenish. I was pretty much scared shitless, but I managed to make it home in one piece. I made a yummy (leftover) dinner, put on my PJs and watched Top Chef, so that aided in making it a better night.

And then yesterday was a total 180 from the previous day. I waited for Hubby to get home, so I took HIS air conditioned car to work. Traffic wasn't horrendous. I stopped at Walmart (which is apparently growing on me...I'm a bit scared...), and bought a new shirt, which is totally cute and a fabulous color, for $15. I didn't work much in the morning and then we took an almost three hour team lunch at Maggiano's (paid for by the manager). After lunch, I futzed around for another hour and a half, and then was out of here. Picked up my photos for class (which were AWESOME! - I'll post them on FotoJenic soon) and headed to my last photography class. I felt very accomplished with my photos...I do feel like I've learned a little something. And I got some really interesting photos out of the deal.

Today's almost over (just 12 minutes left!)...On the way home today, I'm planning to stop and get my nails done...Afterward, I'll head home for a bottle of wine and some dinner. Maybe catch up on some missed shows from the week. Excited to get out of here and let my weekend begin.

Tomorrow is actually the first wedding of this summer. I'm letting Hubby stay home and bringing my BFF as my date. She just moved back here from TX, and I'm SO happy to have her back. She's freaking out a bit at the lack of control she has over her own life right now, but she's here and that makes ME (at the very least) a happy girl. Sunday will probably be spent chillaxin and doing laundry. Why does it seem that there's always more dishes to be washed and more laundry to be done? No matter how often I do them both, there's always more!!!

Anyway...1 minute left. I think that's close enough. Hope everyone has a fabu weekend!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm still kickin...

I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. And I haven't gone into hibernation (though the idea of it is really, really nice...). I've just been busy sucked into a new tv show. I started watching Rescue Me a couple weeks ago, and have finally watched every episode, including the latest one which aired on Tuesday. I'm so in love with Denis Leary right now. He's not hot...But there's something about him or the character that's so super sexy.

I've actually had shit going on in life, too. Work's been a bit busy, so that's nice. When I don't have time to blog and/or read other blogs while I'm at work, that means I'm actually doing something worthy of being paid. Well, either that or I'm checking Facebook every five minutes for new updates and quizzes and emails from another tv-obsessed friend of mine.

A few weeks ago, some of my girlfriends and I got together for our first book club meeting. It was fantabulous! We went to dinner, where we discussed the book ("My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult) and then after chatting for a while, went to see the movie in the local theater. We chose our next book ("The Time Traveller's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger, a Chicago native! Woot! Reppin' the hometown!) and decided that we'd do the same thing for our next meeting - dinner & discussion, followed by a viewing of the movie. I haven't gotten very far in the book. Not that I'm not into it, just that I've been so busy with Tommy Gavin, I haven't had time for reading. Our next book club meeting is on the coming up soon, so I'll have to get on that.

Last weekend, I spent Saturday running errands and pampering myself with a fresh fill on my nails. Spent some "quality time" with Hubby. Twice. lol Sunday, I made some potato salad for a BBQ at a friend's house (which apparently turned out quite well...Everyone seemed to like it. I'll post the recipe some time. SO easy!). I managed to get Hubby to get out of the house and go to the BBQ with me. I didn't really give him an option of saying no. I just told him WE were going. That worked out pretty well. He wasn't the most social person at the shindig...He spent most of the afternoon on the couch, watching Mythbusters, but at least he came with me. He chatted with a couple guys that he's talked to before and tried to at least listen to what was going on. I wish that he was more outgoing sometimes. I feel bad when we go to one of these parties and he puts himself in the loner seat. I like to be in the conversation, rather than standing around on the outside. But when he's with me, I don't want to make his uncomfortable-ness worse by leaving him to fend for himself. So, I stick around and keep him company. Anyway, the BBQ was a great time.

I'm super stoked about this weekend. Tomorrow night, my dad and I are going to a surprise party for the mother of one of my oldest friends (Mouse). I've known Mouse since kindergarten. So, that's like 22 years. Shit. After kindergarten, we never got placed in the same class. I always wondered if they did that on purpose...I assumed so. I mean, there was something like 120 kids in our class, spread between four classrooms. But we didn't let that hinder our friendship. We sat together on the bus and played clapping games like 'Miss Mary Mack' and 'Down, Down Baby'. I'm pretty sure we were laughed at. Whatever. It was fun for us. Every Saturday morning, after I got out of CCD, my dad and I would go pick her up and she & I would go rollerskating. Toward the end of elementary school, we started growing apart. She was hanging out with a different crowd and in junior high, I transferred schools. We lost touch, but then freshman year of high school, I got in contact with her again (gotta love the internet!). She started dating my boyfriend's best friend, and then after we broke up with those boys, we still continued to hang out. However, in high school, things started getting a little crazy. There were some incidents that involved beer and cigarettes and boys. Oh, the plethora of boys.

Since then, we've had this relationship where we drift in and out of one another's lives. But I've always considered her a friend. She was supposed to go to a wedding with me a couple months ago and while that didn't pan out, she did invite me to her mom's 60th bday party, which is where I started with this whole thing. She invited me and a guest, which was supposed to be Hubby, but he has to work. And the whole anti-social thing...So, I asked my dad to go with me. I'm pretty stoked about the whole thing. I got THE CUTEST DRESS which I'll pair with a white, short-sleeved sweater, brown wedge sandals and this incredibly hot piece of jewelry, which I can't find on the FB website. I'll try to take a pic tomorrow. I'm kind of excited to have a night out with my Dad. I've always been Daddy's Little Girl and it'll be nice to have a dinner with him that he doesn't have to prepare first. I doubt that we'll know anyone else there, but it's cool. Should be fun.

Saturday, we're driving out to Pontiac, IL, for what's referred to as the Dinks Rally. It's a motorcycle/camping...thing... Something that Hubby grew up doing and his mom still does. It'll be about a three hour drive for us. I haven't been to this rally before, but apparently they do funny games and there's a band and sounds like a good time. Hubby says there should be a couple hundred people there. I just hope the weather cooperates. It's supposed to be stupid hot again, but if it isn't too muggy, I can probably deal. I think I'm going to lug the camera with me. I'm not usually one for participating in stuff, especially stuff that's going to result in me looking stupid, but I'm always up for capturing OTHER PEOPLE making fools of themselves. :-)

We'll camp Saturday night (that's the tentative plan...Hubby may put the kabash on that, depending on the weather) and then drive back home on Sunday morning. The rest of Sunday will probably be spent recuperating, and then back to the grind on Monday.

Anyway...I started this post thinking it was going to be short and sweet...Saying I'm still alive and this blog will soon return to it's regularly scheduled blathering. But apparently, I just had too much to say to keep it all in! I think I've expelled all I have for now. Hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

How Hubby Came to be Hubby, Pt. 2

Find Part One here!

One night, after dropping B (the high school sweetheart) off at home, and having nothing better to do, I drove around for a while and then called C (now Hubby). I asked what he was doing and if he wanted to hang out. He said he was grounded, but that I could come over if I wanted to. I decided that I would and showed up at his house 15 minutes later. His mom wasn't home and he didn't want to bring me in the house, due to the grounding. So we sat on the front porch, talking while it got dark out. Every once in a while, his dad would holler out the window that he was grounded and needed to say goodnight. C would beg for a few more minutes and we'd continue to talk.

It was a cool fall night and had just started to drizzle a bit. He was sitting behind me on the front steps and had been rubbing my neck and shoulders (when you're 17, this is apparently the best move ever. I wish he'd rub my effing neck every once in a while now...I could really use some stress relief now and then!) and I can remember holding my hair up, out of the way, so he'd stop pulling my GD hair. lol And then he kissed my neck. And that apparently opened the floodgates and was the perfect way to get me to turn around and kiss him back. Even now, as soon as he puts his face in that crook of my neck, all bets are off.

We kissed in the rain for a while and then his dad had had enough. It was time for C to go inside and me to go home. Of course I liked it, but I was ashamed that I'd just kissed another boy while I was with B. I felt guilty and just flat out shitty about it, so I tried to cut off ties with C. I stopped calling him and when he'd call the house and someone else would answer, I'd ask them to tell him I wasn't home. I started referring to him as "Stalker C," but that didn't change the fact that after teaching CCD on Saturday mornings, I'd usually drag Mel over to MickeyD's where he worked, so I could pretend like I didn't like feeling his eyes on me. And it didn't stop the fact that I'd drive by his house whenever I was out cruising, hoping maybe he'd be outside and see me drive by. Now that I think about it, maybe I was the stalker...:-/

After a while, though, I think C got the hint and stopped calling. And we stopped going to MickeyD's and he mostly disappeared off my radar. I still drove by his house on occasion. But that wasn't special for him...I drove by a lot of boys' houses. What? There's not a whole lot else to do when you're 17 and living in a small town.

B and I broke up in March of my senior year (completely and totally unrelated to C). And prom was slowly creeping up on me. Being newly single, I didn't know what to do. I considered calling C and asking him, but ended up going with another friend instead. I graduated from high school, got accepted to a college about an hour from home and was working a part time job at the mall that summer. I was having a good time dating (I use that term loosely...It was more like screwing) a few guys and I was not really looking for a boyfriend. I was happy to be on my own for the first time since I was 13.

And then, one day in August, I was driving home from work and noticed a shiny black car going around the corner, as I waited for the light. I mean, who doesn't notice a nice clean car and hope that some cute boy is going to be driving it? And also hope that said cute boy might notice me and smile. As soon as the car completed its turn, I saw C in the driver's seat, and he saw me. We locked eyes for a moment and I knew that he'd be calling me later that day. And sure enough, by the end of the night, he'd managed to remember my phone number and gave me a call.

The rest of that summer was spent with early morning breakfast dates (he worked overnights - got off at 6am and would call and wake me up for breakfast at the ass crack of dawn...The stupid things we do for boys that we like...) and little white lies to my parents about where I was spending the night (Mel, you may or may not have been my cover story a few times...).

Today is our 9 year "anniversary". On August 7, 2000, after a day spent probably hanging out at C's house, watching Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and a dinner of Tuna Helper (*GAG*), he drove me home and we sat in his car, in the street, all of the front windows of the house blocked by the large evergreen in the front yard. C thought tickling was cute, and as I bucked and pushed to get him to stop, I punched him square in the lip. Tickling ceased immediately. And he says 'Now I'm going to have to go to work and explain to everyone how my girlfriend gave me a fat lip.' I looked at him and asked 'Girlfriend?' and that was that.

Just a note, you'd think he'd learn that when we wrestle, he's the one that's always going to get hurt. When I'm defending myself, I'm not going to hold back, fat lips, ripped eyebrow rings, bruises, Indian burns, scratches and the like have been his fate. But that's another story for another day.

Anyway, Happy "Anniversay" Hubby.

Not that I'd EVER encourage you to read my blog...I'm just sayin...:-)