Friday, August 7, 2009

How Hubby Came to be Hubby, Pt. 2

Find Part One here!

One night, after dropping B (the high school sweetheart) off at home, and having nothing better to do, I drove around for a while and then called C (now Hubby). I asked what he was doing and if he wanted to hang out. He said he was grounded, but that I could come over if I wanted to. I decided that I would and showed up at his house 15 minutes later. His mom wasn't home and he didn't want to bring me in the house, due to the grounding. So we sat on the front porch, talking while it got dark out. Every once in a while, his dad would holler out the window that he was grounded and needed to say goodnight. C would beg for a few more minutes and we'd continue to talk.

It was a cool fall night and had just started to drizzle a bit. He was sitting behind me on the front steps and had been rubbing my neck and shoulders (when you're 17, this is apparently the best move ever. I wish he'd rub my effing neck every once in a while now...I could really use some stress relief now and then!) and I can remember holding my hair up, out of the way, so he'd stop pulling my GD hair. lol And then he kissed my neck. And that apparently opened the floodgates and was the perfect way to get me to turn around and kiss him back. Even now, as soon as he puts his face in that crook of my neck, all bets are off.

We kissed in the rain for a while and then his dad had had enough. It was time for C to go inside and me to go home. Of course I liked it, but I was ashamed that I'd just kissed another boy while I was with B. I felt guilty and just flat out shitty about it, so I tried to cut off ties with C. I stopped calling him and when he'd call the house and someone else would answer, I'd ask them to tell him I wasn't home. I started referring to him as "Stalker C," but that didn't change the fact that after teaching CCD on Saturday mornings, I'd usually drag Mel over to MickeyD's where he worked, so I could pretend like I didn't like feeling his eyes on me. And it didn't stop the fact that I'd drive by his house whenever I was out cruising, hoping maybe he'd be outside and see me drive by. Now that I think about it, maybe I was the stalker...:-/

After a while, though, I think C got the hint and stopped calling. And we stopped going to MickeyD's and he mostly disappeared off my radar. I still drove by his house on occasion. But that wasn't special for him...I drove by a lot of boys' houses. What? There's not a whole lot else to do when you're 17 and living in a small town.

B and I broke up in March of my senior year (completely and totally unrelated to C). And prom was slowly creeping up on me. Being newly single, I didn't know what to do. I considered calling C and asking him, but ended up going with another friend instead. I graduated from high school, got accepted to a college about an hour from home and was working a part time job at the mall that summer. I was having a good time dating (I use that term loosely...It was more like screwing) a few guys and I was not really looking for a boyfriend. I was happy to be on my own for the first time since I was 13.

And then, one day in August, I was driving home from work and noticed a shiny black car going around the corner, as I waited for the light. I mean, who doesn't notice a nice clean car and hope that some cute boy is going to be driving it? And also hope that said cute boy might notice me and smile. As soon as the car completed its turn, I saw C in the driver's seat, and he saw me. We locked eyes for a moment and I knew that he'd be calling me later that day. And sure enough, by the end of the night, he'd managed to remember my phone number and gave me a call.

The rest of that summer was spent with early morning breakfast dates (he worked overnights - got off at 6am and would call and wake me up for breakfast at the ass crack of dawn...The stupid things we do for boys that we like...) and little white lies to my parents about where I was spending the night (Mel, you may or may not have been my cover story a few times...).

Today is our 9 year "anniversary". On August 7, 2000, after a day spent probably hanging out at C's house, watching Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and a dinner of Tuna Helper (*GAG*), he drove me home and we sat in his car, in the street, all of the front windows of the house blocked by the large evergreen in the front yard. C thought tickling was cute, and as I bucked and pushed to get him to stop, I punched him square in the lip. Tickling ceased immediately. And he says 'Now I'm going to have to go to work and explain to everyone how my girlfriend gave me a fat lip.' I looked at him and asked 'Girlfriend?' and that was that.

Just a note, you'd think he'd learn that when we wrestle, he's the one that's always going to get hurt. When I'm defending myself, I'm not going to hold back, fat lips, ripped eyebrow rings, bruises, Indian burns, scratches and the like have been his fate. But that's another story for another day.

Anyway, Happy "Anniversay" Hubby.

Not that I'd EVER encourage you to read my blog...I'm just sayin...:-)


  1. I've been waiting for part 2 .

    LOL the things we do for those boys.

  2. Aw! Such a sweet story. And don't worry, I think I've been EVERYBODY'S cover story! :) Happy anniversary!
