Friday, August 21, 2009

Forty Six minutes....Go!

Forty six minutes until the weekend begins. Yay!

Last weekend went pretty well. Mouse's surprise party for her mom was very nice. Mouse was dressed as skanky as ever. I wouldn't expect any less. :-) It was cool hanging out with my Pops for a while. We chit chatted and had a nice prime rib dinner. Mouse's mom didn't recognize me at first - after a little reminder of 'Jenni down the street from kindergarten,' then she got it. She gave me a hug and thanked me for coming and then turned to my dad and said 'And this is your husband?' I laughed and probably turned a little red and then told her, no, this is the guy that used to drop me off at your house just about every weekend. Yikes! Although, I suppose when your own husband is 24 years older than you, that appears normal...? (She just turned 60 and her husband - Mouse's dad - is 84.) We stayed at the party until a bit after 8 and then went back to the 'rents house.

I hung out with my mom for a while, and was reminded that while I do put her on a well-deserved pedestal for being the strong woman that she is, sometimes, she's just a regular mom. We were watching an Ugly Betty rerun when she decides to tell me how America Ferrera went on jenny Craig and lost a bunch of weight. Oh yeah? That's cool. And then she tells me that I should do JC, too. I tell her that it costs a lot and that my problem is mainly that I'm lazy. I HATE getting sweaty. To which she tells me she feels sorry for me. Ugh. Mom, stop. There's no reason to feel sorry for me. Maybe I can't fit into a size 8 dress (hell, I couldn't fit my right ass cheek in a size 8 dress...), but I'm okay with that. Yeah, it'd be nice to be smaller. Might Would help in the baby-making process, but just like ten and fifteen years ago, your telling me that you feel sorry for me, that doesn't help. Just irritates me. So, I take that opportunity to tell my mom I love her and that it's time for me to go now. My dad assures me when I'm walking out that she's just trying to help. :-P Thank you, Mom.

I didn't get home on Friday night until after Hubby left (which was really quite nice. No sandwiches to make, to assholes to wake up. Good times!). I watched some tv, did laundry and went to bed around 1. Woke up at 6 and started getting ready for our camping trip. Hubby got home at 7 and informed me that we wouldn't be camping - just going to the rally and then back home again. I was bummed about the lack of camping, but what're you going to do? We drove down to Pontiac and hung out with all of his parents' buddies from the BMW club. Found out that a friend of mine is dating the roommate of the son of one of the other club members (Lemme break it down...A is my friend. She is dating M. M is living with Z. Z's dad, J, is in the same BMW club as Hubby's mom, and used to be pretty good friends with Hubby's dad before he passed). Small world, right??

The rally was nice. No games or events were going on. Just sitting around in a camping chair, listening to them all tell stories about their bikes and their trips. I was told a couple times that I don't talk enough. Well, yeah. I have no similar stories, Guy. Nothing to banter about when you're talking about your '89 Goldwing. Sorry. I was content to just sit in the shade, with the breeze blowing through, and just listen to them all chat. We got home by 10 on Saturday night and were both sleeping within 20 minutes of arriving at the house.

Sunday was grocery shopping and relaxing. And then back to work on Monday.

This week has had its fair share of ups and downs. Wednesday took the prize for the worst day in a long ass time. Got stuck in traffic on the way to work, which resulted in my getting here at 8:30, instead of the usual 7 or 7:30. Work was going all kinds of wrong. Not enough programmers in the office. A deadline that looked like it wasn't going to be made. Ended up staying late. And then the drive home...At a thunderstorm...with no a/c...I had to drive with the windows cracked, so I could get some cool air circulating. So, I'm getting rained on. And then, since it was 5pm, traffic was essentially standing still. I decided to take a different route home, thinking it'd be easier than the planned route. But there were lights to deal with. Every time I had to sit at a light, my windows got all fogged up and I got re-drenched as the rain came in the open window. Luckily, I wore two shirts that day, so I was able to take one off and wipe off the windshield as needed. When I got close to home, I hear tornado sirens going off and then I'm in the middle of horrible wind, downpouring rain, the sky's all greenish. I was pretty much scared shitless, but I managed to make it home in one piece. I made a yummy (leftover) dinner, put on my PJs and watched Top Chef, so that aided in making it a better night.

And then yesterday was a total 180 from the previous day. I waited for Hubby to get home, so I took HIS air conditioned car to work. Traffic wasn't horrendous. I stopped at Walmart (which is apparently growing on me...I'm a bit scared...), and bought a new shirt, which is totally cute and a fabulous color, for $15. I didn't work much in the morning and then we took an almost three hour team lunch at Maggiano's (paid for by the manager). After lunch, I futzed around for another hour and a half, and then was out of here. Picked up my photos for class (which were AWESOME! - I'll post them on FotoJenic soon) and headed to my last photography class. I felt very accomplished with my photos...I do feel like I've learned a little something. And I got some really interesting photos out of the deal.

Today's almost over (just 12 minutes left!)...On the way home today, I'm planning to stop and get my nails done...Afterward, I'll head home for a bottle of wine and some dinner. Maybe catch up on some missed shows from the week. Excited to get out of here and let my weekend begin.

Tomorrow is actually the first wedding of this summer. I'm letting Hubby stay home and bringing my BFF as my date. She just moved back here from TX, and I'm SO happy to have her back. She's freaking out a bit at the lack of control she has over her own life right now, but she's here and that makes ME (at the very least) a happy girl. Sunday will probably be spent chillaxin and doing laundry. Why does it seem that there's always more dishes to be washed and more laundry to be done? No matter how often I do them both, there's always more!!!

Anyway...1 minute left. I think that's close enough. Hope everyone has a fabu weekend!!!

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