Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm freaking out, man...

Yeah...Funny movie quote. But seriously, I really am freaking out. I have a LOT of bills due and not nearly enough money to cover them.

About six months ago, I started the process of refinancing my home loan. The guy who process our original mortgage sent me an email and asked if I was interested. I told him yes, and things got underway. Shortly thereafter, he emailed me back, saying that he wasn't going to be able to do the refi for us because our credit score had dropped since we purchased the house (I'm horrible about getting bills paid on time. I pay them...Just late, most of the time...And after we bought the house, Hubby went out and got three more credit cards.). So, I just sucked it up and assumed that we were going to have to stick with our existing rate until I could get our score back up. And then a month or two later, he sends me another email, saying that he knows of another loan officer that works for a different company who wouldn't have to do a credit check and would be able to refi for us, just at a slightly higher rate. This higher rate was still significantly less than where we started, so I was all about it.

I called the guy Kirk referred me to and left him a voicemail, explaining the deal and could he please get back to me. He calls me back later that day, but I was on my way to a wedding that I was already late for, so I didn't answer. I tried calling him back that Monday, and got no response. I continued to try to contact this guy and he never returned any of my phone calls.

This is where I should've walked away.

But I didnt. I got a hold of Kirk again and told him that I hadn't heard anything from this other Bozo. Kirk gave Bozo my email address and we finally started communicating. By now, it's the beginning of July. I filled out the application online and I thought things were going smoothly. He tells me that I should not make a mortgage payment for July or August, as he plans to close by the end of July. I'm a little wary of this, but I follow his instructions because WTF do I know? I'd already paid July, so I figure we'll only get out of paying August, but that's still fabulous, since we're going on "vacay" etc. He asks me to fax him some paperwork. I do (albeit a little later than planned). Then he emails me this 40 page document of everything that we need to fill out for the refi. Tells me to email it back to him asap, after we've signed everything, so we can still close in July.

I dropped the ball. Hubby and I didn't get the paperwork filled out and the reason is mostly because I don't understand wtf it says and I want to be sure that I'm not signing something bad. I mean to send it to my dad and forget for weeks and weeks. July goes by and now we're in August. I figure we're still okay, because if we close in August, I'm still on the up & up. But now it's the end of August and the asshole Bozo STILL hasn't gotten back to me. I send him an email with some questions - the first and most important of which is - IF I GET YOU THE PAPERWORK IMMEDIATELY, CAN WE STILL CLOSE IN AUGUST? He doesn't return my email. So, I call him and leave a voicemail saying 'hey. I emailed you. Please look at it and get back to me.' No return email. No return phone call. No fucking anything. And now, here we are on August 26th and I don't have enough money in the bank to cover my already overdue mortgage. Luckily, I get paid this week, and we do have SOME money saved up, so I think I'll be able to swing it. Although, my other bills won't be paid on time...At least we'll be almost caught up on the house.

So, I'm thinking that I'm going to look for another way to refi. My dad keeps telling me to go to the bank that we have our checking acct with, but that's TCF aka Ghetto Bank, and I really don't want to deal with them at all anymore. Perhaps I'll contact Chase...We've got Hubby's carnote with them.

The whole situation is just so stressful, though. It's the first thing i think about when I wake up in the morning and it just weighs on me all day long. I haven't really filled Hubby in on all the details. The combination of me dropping the ball and the shithead loan officer that I shouldn't have listened to in the first place makes me very uncomfortable. I know that I can get it worked out. And life will be good and calm again soon. But until then, I'm SO STRESSED about it!!!

Thank you for listening to my rant.

EDIT: Filled in Hubby a little bit this morning. He handled it a lot better than I thought he would. Gave me some suggestions. Expressed a bit of paranoia that Bozo has all of our info and isn't doing a damn thing for us. Went better than expected. Now, to get it all straightened out!

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