Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm still kickin...

I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. And I haven't gone into hibernation (though the idea of it is really, really nice...). I've just been busy sucked into a new tv show. I started watching Rescue Me a couple weeks ago, and have finally watched every episode, including the latest one which aired on Tuesday. I'm so in love with Denis Leary right now. He's not hot...But there's something about him or the character that's so super sexy.

I've actually had shit going on in life, too. Work's been a bit busy, so that's nice. When I don't have time to blog and/or read other blogs while I'm at work, that means I'm actually doing something worthy of being paid. Well, either that or I'm checking Facebook every five minutes for new updates and quizzes and emails from another tv-obsessed friend of mine.

A few weeks ago, some of my girlfriends and I got together for our first book club meeting. It was fantabulous! We went to dinner, where we discussed the book ("My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult) and then after chatting for a while, went to see the movie in the local theater. We chose our next book ("The Time Traveller's Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger, a Chicago native! Woot! Reppin' the hometown!) and decided that we'd do the same thing for our next meeting - dinner & discussion, followed by a viewing of the movie. I haven't gotten very far in the book. Not that I'm not into it, just that I've been so busy with Tommy Gavin, I haven't had time for reading. Our next book club meeting is on the coming up soon, so I'll have to get on that.

Last weekend, I spent Saturday running errands and pampering myself with a fresh fill on my nails. Spent some "quality time" with Hubby. Twice. lol Sunday, I made some potato salad for a BBQ at a friend's house (which apparently turned out quite well...Everyone seemed to like it. I'll post the recipe some time. SO easy!). I managed to get Hubby to get out of the house and go to the BBQ with me. I didn't really give him an option of saying no. I just told him WE were going. That worked out pretty well. He wasn't the most social person at the shindig...He spent most of the afternoon on the couch, watching Mythbusters, but at least he came with me. He chatted with a couple guys that he's talked to before and tried to at least listen to what was going on. I wish that he was more outgoing sometimes. I feel bad when we go to one of these parties and he puts himself in the loner seat. I like to be in the conversation, rather than standing around on the outside. But when he's with me, I don't want to make his uncomfortable-ness worse by leaving him to fend for himself. So, I stick around and keep him company. Anyway, the BBQ was a great time.

I'm super stoked about this weekend. Tomorrow night, my dad and I are going to a surprise party for the mother of one of my oldest friends (Mouse). I've known Mouse since kindergarten. So, that's like 22 years. Shit. After kindergarten, we never got placed in the same class. I always wondered if they did that on purpose...I assumed so. I mean, there was something like 120 kids in our class, spread between four classrooms. But we didn't let that hinder our friendship. We sat together on the bus and played clapping games like 'Miss Mary Mack' and 'Down, Down Baby'. I'm pretty sure we were laughed at. Whatever. It was fun for us. Every Saturday morning, after I got out of CCD, my dad and I would go pick her up and she & I would go rollerskating. Toward the end of elementary school, we started growing apart. She was hanging out with a different crowd and in junior high, I transferred schools. We lost touch, but then freshman year of high school, I got in contact with her again (gotta love the internet!). She started dating my boyfriend's best friend, and then after we broke up with those boys, we still continued to hang out. However, in high school, things started getting a little crazy. There were some incidents that involved beer and cigarettes and boys. Oh, the plethora of boys.

Since then, we've had this relationship where we drift in and out of one another's lives. But I've always considered her a friend. She was supposed to go to a wedding with me a couple months ago and while that didn't pan out, she did invite me to her mom's 60th bday party, which is where I started with this whole thing. She invited me and a guest, which was supposed to be Hubby, but he has to work. And the whole anti-social thing...So, I asked my dad to go with me. I'm pretty stoked about the whole thing. I got THE CUTEST DRESS which I'll pair with a white, short-sleeved sweater, brown wedge sandals and this incredibly hot piece of jewelry, which I can't find on the FB website. I'll try to take a pic tomorrow. I'm kind of excited to have a night out with my Dad. I've always been Daddy's Little Girl and it'll be nice to have a dinner with him that he doesn't have to prepare first. I doubt that we'll know anyone else there, but it's cool. Should be fun.

Saturday, we're driving out to Pontiac, IL, for what's referred to as the Dinks Rally. It's a motorcycle/camping...thing... Something that Hubby grew up doing and his mom still does. It'll be about a three hour drive for us. I haven't been to this rally before, but apparently they do funny games and there's a band and sounds like a good time. Hubby says there should be a couple hundred people there. I just hope the weather cooperates. It's supposed to be stupid hot again, but if it isn't too muggy, I can probably deal. I think I'm going to lug the camera with me. I'm not usually one for participating in stuff, especially stuff that's going to result in me looking stupid, but I'm always up for capturing OTHER PEOPLE making fools of themselves. :-)

We'll camp Saturday night (that's the tentative plan...Hubby may put the kabash on that, depending on the weather) and then drive back home on Sunday morning. The rest of Sunday will probably be spent recuperating, and then back to the grind on Monday.

Anyway...I started this post thinking it was going to be short and sweet...Saying I'm still alive and this blog will soon return to it's regularly scheduled blathering. But apparently, I just had too much to say to keep it all in! I think I've expelled all I have for now. Hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. I will have you know that I have 91 unread items in my reader, but I read yours first!

    Yay! For "quality time" and old friends and camping and cute dresses. Have a fun weekend!
