Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Him & Me

Stolen from Jamie...Nothing like wasting time at work. :-)

What are your middle names?
Anne & James

How long have you been together?
In August, it will be 9 years.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
My junior year in hs, so like 2 years

Who asked who out?
He definitely asked me. Many times. Like I said, it was two years before we actually started dating.

Whose siblings do you see the most?
We're both only's, so this question definitely does not apply

Do you have any children together?
Not yet. :-P

What about pets?
Yeah, we started a collection of cats when I was about 20. We have Bubba & Woofie. And then we had Biggie & Diddle, but we left them at my mother-in-law's house, for Bubba's sanity...He's a tad on the bitchy side. :-)

Did you go to the same school?
For a while...Though, not when we were dating. We apparently went to preschool together - which neither of us remember - and then he went to my high school for his first two years, but then transferred to the public school before we ever actually met.

Who is the most sensitive?
I'm the winner!

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
It's a toss up between Olive Garden and White Castle

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
South Dakota/Wyoming/Louisiana (One big road trip)

Who has the craziest exes?
Um...I don't think any of my exes are really crazy. And he only has one ex...I dunno if I'd call her crazy. More like a skanky ho.

Who has the worst temper?
Hubby, for SURE

Who does the cooking?
Most of the time, it's me.

Who is more social?
I dunno. I have more friends, but I'm probably also more shy.

Who is the neat freak?
Neither of us. We're both pretty sloppy. Kinda sucks.

Who is the most stubborn?

Who wakes up earlier?
Me. Always.

Where was your first date?
Pizza Hut! lol

Who has the bigger family?
Hubby - we're both only children, but his extended family is enormous.

Do you get flowers often?
I don't think he's EVER bought me flowers. WTF is wrong with him!?? :-)

How long did it take to get serious?
2 weeks...? lol

Who eats more?
Depends what we're eating. And what your definition of 'more' is...I think I eat more often, but he definitely eats more quantity.

Who sings better?
Probably me, but he still thinks I suck.

Who does the laundry?
Mostly me. Sometimes I can get him to switch the loads and bring the clean stuff up for me to put away.

Who’s better with the computer?
Hubby - he's a computer genius!

Who drives when you are together?

Who picks where you go to dinner?
Usually Hubby. He's quite finiky, I'm pretty willing to go anywhere (aside from Taco Hell)

Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
Me - I dunno if Hubby's EVER admitted he was wrong.

Who wears the pants in the relationship?

Who has more tattoos?
We have two each.

Who eats more sweets?
Hubby - I'm more of a salty/savory girl

Who cries more?
Duh! Me.

Do you see this relationship lasting?
Yeah, we are married, so I sure hope so!

1 comment:

  1. "I dunno if I'd call her crazy. More like a skanky ho."

    haha too funny!

    I totally hate taco bell too! and pizza hut is my favorite place EVER!
