Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ummm...WTF Mother Nature?

We actually had plans for today! Hubby invited his mother, who offered to drive my grandmother (Omi) as well, up to the house. We (I) have spent the last week cleaning the house and getting it ready to have the two clean freaks to the house. We were going to take them to the local winery that we started going to before we even moved up here, and then we were going to take them to dinner. The plan was to take them someplace that's local, though we hadn't yet decided where.

Yesterday, it rained like all day. And then as the night went on, it started getting colder and and the rain started sounding like someone was throwing rice at the windows and the siding. Hard little ice pellets. And then I get up this morning and not only are my windows completely iced over (like...Can't actually SEE out of them), but there's probably 4 inches of snow out there. WTF??? Seriously? Why must we do this every year? March rolls around and we all start getting comfortable. No coats, heat off, windows down a bit...And then BAM! The snow and ice and frozen ugliness come back for one last hurrah. Stupid stupid stupid.

So, I don't know if m-i-l & Omi will be coming or not. I'm probably going to suggest that they don't make the journey. I'm betting there's a fair amount of ice buried underneath the snow. And how horrible would I feel if something happened to them on their way to see us. Yikes.

Hopefully, I can still get Hubby to help me finish cleaning the house, even if they don't come. It'll be nice to have a totally clean house again.

**Edit, the sun came out and is already starting to melt the cold crap. We rescheduled with m-i-l & Omi for next Saturday. Didn't really get any more cleaning done, but that's okay. I've got a week to do it in now.

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