Monday, March 30, 2009

Have a chuckle at my expense...No, really...I did. :-)

I had to go to the dentist for a filling today. I was so incredibly nervous about it. On my drive there from work, I was trying to come up with excuses to cancel. And then I'd talk myself out of it, saying that I needed to get these cavities taken care and to just get it over and done with. Besides, I left work early so that I could make the appointment.

So, I went. Man did he shoot me up with novacaine. I had one on top and one inbetween two teeth on the bottom. (That's just on the left side - I have to go back in two weeks for the right side). He loaded both jaws up with novacaine and left me to stew in it for about 20 minutes. By the time he came back in the room, I was sure I was drooling. I'm glad I was so effing numb, though, because they sure were rooting around in there quite a bit. An hour later, and I was ready to go. He warned that once the novacaine wears off, I'm going to be quite sore and that I should be extra nice to my teeth for a couple days. He also said that because he was so thorough, he had to get kinda close to the nerves. Yay.

Anyway, after I left there, I got in my car, looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that the left side of my mouth was literally a sad clown face, while the right was just normal, relaxed me. I tried to smile and busted up laughing at how ridiculous I looked. I talked to myself in the mirror (Yeah, I do that sometimes, so what?) and watched as the left side of my mouth just sorta drooped there, while the right moved normally. I figured everyone could use a good laugh, so here's me with my cockeyed smile! I promise, I was SO trying to smile on both sides...See it in my eyes!

The novacaine is starting to wear off in the middle of my face and GEEZ does it itch!! My lips and chin feel like they're being tickled with a feather or something. It's going to be an interesting evening...Hope I can at least speak with some normalcy tomorrow...Otherwise, someone else is going to have to be in charge of the phones. lol

edit: omg...the novacaine is wearing off. Simply put: ow. :-( Not so funny anymore...Hubby was nice enough to point out that the left side of my face is all poofed out, too. Thanks, Dear.


  1. Oh, I chuckled all right! That picture is hiLARious! Hope you're feeling a-ok today! :/ (imagine the smiley drooping)

  2. lol Glad I could make you laugh. Amazingly enough, I'm not even in a little pain today. I thought I would be, but I'm right as rain. I feel like he didn't file the filling down enough - like my right side doesn't close all the way - but a friend at work told me she felt the same way after she'd gotten a filling a couple months ago and the dentist told her that was normal and it was just due to swelling. Said it was back to normal in a couple days.
