Melissa posted a game on Monday, where you're given a letter and you have to come up with ten things you love that begin with that letter. (If you wanna play, comment and I'll give YOU a letter! :-)) She gave me the letter C. This wasn't exactly easy and not because I couldn't come up with C things, but because I came up with TOO MANY! I spent all of yesterday thinking of things that start with the letter C, and then had to narrow down my list to 10!

Next is Cats! I love my kitties so very much. I swear Bubba (the fat black one) is a homo (of course he is...I always was a fag hag. ;-)) and Woofie thinks he's a tiger with those ridiculously long claws. Until we actually HAVE a baby, these two felines are my only children.
CARBS! Potatoes and pasta and bread...Mmmm...I mean, seriously, what's not to like? Unless you don't like the extra poundage, but whatever.
Cupcakes are the best!!! I love making cupcakes. They're about the only thing I can bake and NOT mess up. I love dyeing the frosting different colors and using sprinkles. They're just so pretty!!!
Camping! My first camping trip was maybe five years ago. I can't get enough of it! You know, you'd think someone like myself, who like to be all girly wouldn't like it. No power, no fluffy bed, no a/c...But really, it's awesome. I love being in the outdoors. Smelling the fresh air and sitting around a campfire. Most of the time, when we go camping, it's with a bunch of older-ish people that I don't really know (friends of Hubby's mom), but I still really enjoy it. Remind me to post a blog about the time we went to South Dakota! That was QUITE a trip! :-)
Curls!!! I love wearing my hair with big fat curls like this. I've debated getting a perm to try and replicate the way Christina Applegate wears her hair in 'Samantha Who'...I've never EVER had a perm though, so I'm very hesitant. I suppose a curling iron does the job just as well, huh?

Christmas! I know that the holidays can be stressful for a lot of people, but I just LOVE it. Everything about Christmas is so fun for me. The music, the shopping, wrapping gifts, the decorations...I Love Love LOVE the lights. Every year, I like to drive around on Christmas Eve and look at all the lights on people's homes. It's nice to get together with family and spend time with people that you love.
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