Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thinking Positive Thoughts

Okay, so yesterday I whined about why I don't like Hubby being on third. Today, I've decided to not be so pessemistic and I'm trying to come up with reasons why third shift is GOOD.

So, #1. I can shower with the door open (which I prefer to do because the bathroom gets so stinking hot!!!)
#2. I can blowdry my hair without worrying that I'll wake Hubby.
#3. I can snooze for an hour (not that I should...But I can!)

That's all I've got so far....It's better than nothing, though, right? :-)

On a pretty much TOTALLY unrelated topic, I went to see my parents on Friday after work. Mom has not had a jaw pain in about a week!!! The new medication really seems to be doing the trick. It was so nice to see her and be able to talk with her, to see her interact with people, rather than just sorta zoning out inbetween pains.


  1. That's awesome! I've been thinking about her since your last post!

  2. I can't imagine being on third shift...well...actually I can, but I only worked overnights for about 2 weeks decorating cakes at Sam's Club during the summer graduation season. It sucked. I bet your husband doesn't particularly like it either. Good for you for staying positive though.

    Moms feeling shitty is no good. A while back my mom had a weird back issue and couldn't work for about two months. She's over it now though, and it sounds like your mom is getting better too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll definitely be back to visit yours some more:)
