Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So Hubby found out today that he's going back to third shift. He couldn't be happier.

I, however, am not so thrilled. I liked having some freedom when I got home from work. I liked being able to cook dinner and watch tv without having to worry that the noise or the smell would wake him up. I liked being able to run the dishwasher, without worrying if there would be any hot water left for his shower. I liked having him home at night, even if he wasn't in the bed with me, it was still nice to not be alone all night long. I liked not having to get him up for work. He's such a crab ass when he gets up and not at all pleasant. Most days, I felt like I was waging war for the 45 minutes between his waking and his leaving. Simply put, I am not at all excited about going back to the old schedule.

I've really been on a sort of Cloud 9 since he started working 2nd shift. I feel like we've been getting along very well and we've both been very happy with how things were going. I'm terrified that we're going to go back to disliking one another. This whole 3rd shift thing is scary the crud out of me. I definitely have a negative attitude going back to it. I hope he's right and that things are going to be okay.

This weekend, I had a little bit of a meltdown...He plays WoW like it's his job. And while I do enjoy playing the game, I'm not nearly as addicted to it as he has become. It's all he ever does. Really. If he's not sleeping, working or pooping, he is playing the game. And this weekend, I felt crummy about it. It was one thing after another and he just wouldn't get up from the game. It's not like I was all in his grill all weekend. I let him sleep in on Saturday morning, I brought him coffee when he got up, I made lunch/dinner, I really just didn't bother him at all on Saturday. Sunday, I went to church and did some shopping. I didn't get home til 2pm. So, really, it's not like I was all 'Love me!' all weekend. But, it was like 5pm and I really was feeling down. I wanted him to do something other than play the game and hit the bowl. And when he told me he was busy, I got all pouty and started crying. Now, I know part of this is due to PMS, and I accept that, but really? All weekend? You can't quit playing long enough to come to bed with me? I am your wife, damnit......../rant

Keep your fingers crossed that third shift isn't the end of the world, please. :-)

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