Monday, July 6, 2009

I just need one more day... recover from this weekend. Geez, did it fly by!!!

Thursday, I left work later than planned and actually missed my last photography class. The traffic between work and home was horrendous. And I hadn't thought to bring my camera to work with me, so I had to stop at home to pick up my cam. By the time I got to the park district, I was a half hour late and everyone was gone already. Boo. No class this week, but then round two starts next Thursday. I'm pretty excited about this one. We'll have actual assignments. We'll have to have them printed for class. I'm stoked about that. Give me a challenge! :-D

The rest of Thursday was just getting Hubby off to work and lounging around the house. Friday, the morning was quiet. Played the Sims for a while and then went over to my Uncle's house for a big birthday bash. He and his son share a birthday and this year was a big one for both of them - 50 for Uncle Jack and 21 for my cousin, Ryan. They only live about 30 minutes from me, now. I wish I was closer to them. Obviously not distance-wise, but like...Familiar-wise. I really don't know them at all. Ryan has always been very quiet at family parties, not much to say and one word answers when asked a question. I just figured he was a shy kid. No big. His younger sister, Erin, is a lot more outgoing with the family. Has plenty to say. I recently hooked up with both of them on Facebook. It's interesting to see them in pics with their friends or to see how they interact with other, non-relative, people. When I was saying goodbye later in the afternoon, I told Ryan that I'd love to have him and his sister over sometime. I wish I could be the cool, older cousin whose house they feel like they could hang out at, if they just wanted some time away from Mom & Dad. When I suggested that they come out, he said yeah, sure. But I know it's all a facade. That's not how our family works. We get together a couple times a year - once at Christmas and generally once in the summer - and that's it. My dad and his three bros get together every once in a while, but that's really it. It just saddens me that I don't have a real relationship with any of my extended family, other than my mom's parents.

Anyway, back to the weekend. After the family party, I went back home and hung out with Hubby for a while. Played some more Sims and went to bed pretty early. Saturday morning, did a bit of cleaning and chillin. Took a four hour nap after lunch. Did a little more cleaning and then we went to the new Walmart at like 11pm. Spent entirely too much money. And then stayed up til 3am, making potato salad, which, it turns out, needed a lot more salt.

Sunday, got up at 7, made a wonderfully tasty and beautiful dessert - Red, White & Bluebarry Trifles (Hopefully Hubby won't dig in to the untouched one that's home. Assuming he doesn't, I'll take some pics tonight) - cleaned until noon and then showered and got ready for our guests. A friend from out of town was visiting for the weekend, so we had a BBQ. I was prepared for about 20 people, 7 of which didn't show. Everything turned out pretty nicely, though. I grilled burgers, brats and hot dogs. We set up a couple tables and chairs out in the garage and had a nice afternoon. It was really nice to get together with the girls. I'm so glad that they were able to make it out. Everyone was gone by 8pm. Hubby helped me clean up and then we were in bed by 9.

I couldn't believe the alarm was already going off at 4:30 this morning. I'm dragging ass today. It's so quiet in here. Half the office is out today (4 out of 9) and it's just silent. My eyelids keep drooping. Each time I blink, I'm sure I'm going to fall asleep. And I've got a bit of a tummyache. I was going to suggest sushi for lunch, but I'd hate to ruin it by not feeling so well. That shit is so expensive...I have no desire to get sick after I've spent $30 on lunch - for myself alone. Maybe tomorrow instead.

Five more days (including today!) until I am off for 9 days straight. O.M.G. I cannot effing wait. I still have no idea where we're going or what we're doing, but it is going to be fun, damnit. :-)

Hope everyone had a fabulous holiday weekend!!!

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