Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yesterday's Freak Out

Okay, yesterday, I went on a little adventure while on my lunch break. And when I returned to work, I was just a little bit freaked out.

Here's me as I was leaving work (pay no attention to the squinty eyes...Despite the lack of sun yesterday, it was quite bright. And disregard the shoddy camera work, too. It's an iphone - not a miracle worker):
And here's me preparing to return to work:

Yes, I chopped the majority of my hair right off. I also colored it, too. But this is something I've been doing for a few months now, so that has nothing to do with the freakout. I'm in love with the color. Anyway, here are some more shots from this morning.
Side view (do you see how incredibly short it is in the back??? I haven't had my hair this short since 7th grade when Drunky Skunky convinced me that it'd be cute for me to have the super shortest hair ever - she lied)
This one just makes me laugh...a. I think it looks nothing like me. b. I was making an O.0 face, but since you can only see half of my face, I just look a bit demented. c. My nose looks a lot like my mom's which sorta freaks me out.

I'm still not sure if I really like it. Hubby didn't have much to say about it last night. I'm pretty certain that he hates it - he prefers long hair and a ponytail. My girlfriend at work was raving about it again this morning. I have to admit that it was pretty easy to style this morning, so that was nice. And it's definitely less hot and more healthy-looking. It's just really really short. I just keep telling myself 'Hair grows. In a few weeks, it'll be a bit closer to where you were expecting it to be.'


  1. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! I love it!!! All of it--the length, the color, the shape (i don't know if that's really the word I was looking for...) Super cute!

  2. thumbs up here!! =)

    when i cut my hair the last time, it was the same (super short in the back, i felt like i had a buzz cut or something), but it totally will grow on you. and you're right about hair growing - you won't even remember how short it was in the back.
