Saturday, July 18, 2009

Our Mini Vacay!

I pitched my plan to Hubby last weekend, and he while he wasn't nearly excited as I was, he gave in and we made a compromise. We'd go to the zoo, not the waterpark, and we'd do it all in one day.


That conversation went something like this...

Hubby: We'll leave early in the morning, get to the zoo right when they open...Tool around for a few hours and then drive back home that night.
Me: Uh, it's a seven hour drive. And the zoo opens at 9am, eastern time...You're saying we leave here at 1am? We're going to be exhuasted.
Hubby: You sleep on the way out there. I'll sleep on the way back. It'll be all good. We'll go Wednesday.


Uhhh...okay. That sounds like fun! *eye roll* I was just happy that we weren't going to spend the ENTIRE vacation in the house. Even if it meant running around for 20 hours straight. So, I kept my mouth shut, although in my head, I'm thinking Dude, my hair's gonna look like a bird's nest if I sleep on the way there. Somehow, I'm changing your mind on this one day deal.

We had plans to go see Hubby's mom for lunch/dinner on Monday. So, we start getting ready and out of the blue, Hubby suggests that we go to the zoo a day earlier than planned. We discussed the logistics of it and I finally got him to agree to get a hotel for the night! So, after his mom grilled for us, we got in the car and started driving east. When we were about an hour and a half north of Columbus, and Hubby couldn't keep his eyes open any longer, we decided to stop and get a hotel room for the night.

First, we went to Holiday Inn Express. And they were completely sold out.

What?? We're in the middle of bu fu Ohio and the Holiday Inn has no rooms? Oh, and the front desk attendant tells us that the Hampton next door is also out of rooms, but the Comfort Inn & Suites across the street has some available rooms. So, we go over there and the lady at the desk tells us she only has suites available - all the regular rooms are sold out. We end up getting a King suite with a whirlpool tub in the bathroom. Between the bedroom and the living room area, it was almost as big as the first level of my house! And for only $110! Too bad we were only there for like six hours. lol I didn't even get to try out the tub, as much as I really would've liked to!!!

The next morning, we were back in the car by 7. Another hour and a half on the road, and we'd made it to our destination!!!

We took a TON of photos...And as much as I'd love to litter your temporary internet files with tons of pics, I'm going to limit myself to my five six favorite photos from the trip. I had a hard enough time narrowing it down to six.

We came at a good time to see a couple baby animals, which is always fantastic! The photo above is the baby Langur, born on July 6th - a week before our visit. It was really dark in here and so hard to get a good shot. I loved this one with the mother and sibling looking down on him.
This is Beco, the baby Asian elephant, along with his mother, born in March. They have viewing of him between 10-2. We were lucky enough to walk up at 9:45, and still waited around for about 30 minutes. When we walked out of the viewing area, the line was quite long - would've been 45 minute wait just to get up to where the elephants were at! It's amazing to me how these animals will walk up to the glass and just parade around (Some of them, anyway...Early in the morning, all the animals were still in sleep-mode. I didn't get any good shots of the lazy ass bears, because they refused to get up! lol).
The aquarium was pretty small, but still cool. They had a few small tanks and one gigantic tank that had a variety of fish and sharks swimming around in it. They also had a hands-on station where kids could touch certain water animals. I got in line (dragged Hubby in line, too) and then as I looked at the line, realized we were the only people over 10 that weren't holding on to a small child. I backed us out of the line and walked on by. I should've gotten some shots of other people's hands touching the starfish and stuff, but I didn't.

This orangutan made my day! We walked up and saw a couple of these orange guys hanging out in the trees, showing me nothing but ass. I happened to glance around the area, and saw this one all swathed up in the red cloth. Sorta looks like an old man. lol
I almost missed this one. We were getting near the end of our adventure, with only Australia to visit, and I was sweaty and my ankles hurt and I was thirsty. I told Hubby I was cool with skipping the last section. He was not having it. (I'm glad he didn't let me...Don't tell him that, though!) So, we see some more monkeys and the kangaroos, and then we come up on these fuzzy little koalas. How flippin cute!

I'm going to make a couple collages, I think. Maybe I'll post them later. Or maybe I'll just post everything to FotoJenic next week. We left the zoo around 1pm and got back on the road. We were home 7 hours later, and haven't done a whole lot since. :-)


  1. Your hubby makes me laugh. Only a guy would think a one day trip would work. Im glad he gave in and you got the hotel.

    He doesnt like water? That blows. Ill go to the water park with you!!

    Hope you had an excellent mini vacation!! :)

  2. Ugh. Yes, I suppose laughing is the best you can do sometimes. :-)

    I don't know what his deal with the waterpark was. I think he just doesn't like to be anywhere that doesn't have an internet connection. And air conditioning. And a bowl of weedies...I mean...Wheaties........

    I was glad to get out of the house for a couple days. We went out to dinner one night and did some shopping. And really, I wasn't complaining about sitting at home with the Sims and my kitties. It was definitely a nice week.
