Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weekend Update

This weekend was pretty uneventful. To make it appear more interesting, I present to you this week's Weekend Update in List form! Oooh...Ahhh....


  • Grocery Shopping After Work - Not NEARLY as crowded as I was expecting. Might make this my new grocery day.
  • Shake n Bake chicken with baked taters for dinner - Yum!
  • A glass bottle of blackberry wine
  • TV and internet til 2 am


  • Woke up at 7am, despite Hubby's attempts to let me continue sleeping
  • More TV shows (Hell's Kitchen has started again and BOY! does it look like it's going to be a great season. Not to mention my FAVORITE chef from last season, who had to leave due to health issues, is BACK FOR THIS SEASON!!! YAY ROBERT!!!!!!!!!!!)
  • Created my house in the Sims 3 - I did a damn good job. I should have taken screen shots.
  • Created Hubby and myself in Sims 3
  • Played our sims and immediately had us create a baby...If only it was really that easy.
  • Made/ate dinner


  • More simming...It's an addiction, what can I say?
  • Made spaghetti sauce with Hubby - awesome batch. Thick and luscious. Fabulous sausage from the newly-found butcher.
  • Managed to keep the kitchen clean while sauce bubbled all day.

Yeah, that's it. I was happy to have a task-free weekend. But I really meant to create a new layout and wash my car. Oh well. Maybe this weekend?

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