Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lost & Found

I lost a follower today. I was hurt for a moment. Until I realized it was some random that had mysteriously appeared there a couple weeks ago. And now she's mysteriously disappeared. Such is life.

I found some new photos (well, new, as in I've taken them in the last week and decided to do something with them). They're over here. I haven't done any edits to them. Just SOOC. Good deal.

Oh, and just so I can prove how unGodly hot it was on the ride home yesterday, have a pic outta my phone...

Can you see it? The part where it says 100??? Stop yelling at me for taking photos while I'm driving 60 mph. Do you see the thermostat!!?!? This wasn't even the worst! It went up another degree! Stupid hot. Stupid humid. I'm so getting this shit taken care of tomorrow. I'm too much of a whiny brat to be driving around with no air.

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