Friday, June 26, 2009

OMG...I'm dyin here...

I have one hour and 8 minutes until the bell (in my head) rings, signaling the end of the work week. Normally, I can easily pass an hour reading blogs or futzing around on Facebook or reading/sending emails. Today, there is NOTHING. No blog updates in almost two hours. No emails since this morning. And it seems everyone I know on Facebook is at the Crosstown Classic. So, it's pretty quiet over there, too. What am supposed to do for the next 66 minutes?

Work, you say? Pfft.

I'm so over that for this week.

This weekend should be fun. I need to clean some - my floors are looking kinda grungy. And the litter boxes are bad. I asked Hubby to take care of that more days ago than I care to count. I hope he cut the grass today. We put down a bunch of mulch around the trees and flower beds. Looking pretty nice, even though it's not the color that he was supposed to get. Still looks fresh. That's what matters. I guess.

Oooh..I sent some texts. And looked at FB again. Now we're down to T minus 45 42. Woo!

My hair is a big fluffy mess today. If I spray it with curl enhancer when it's wet in the am and give it a little scrunch, I get nice wavy-ish curls. Most of the time. Today, apparently I didn't put enough enhancer in. So instead of loose, wet-looking waves, I have dry, fluffy (It's really the best word to describe the state of my hair) Shirley Temple-ish curls. Not so cute on a 27 year old.

I got some AWESOMELY CUTE (not to mention inexpensive) sandals at Sears yesterday. Three pairs, $35. Today, I'm wearing brown. They've got a cute little wedge heel and topaz colored jewels on the straps. And the part that's actually touching the bottom of my foot is a fuzzy material, instead of rubber. Makes for less stinkiness later, I thinks. I got white ones that have a white, almost pleated ribbon on the straps, with a little rhinestone buckle. These two pair were marked down to $8 from $13. And the last pair is just a plain black leather (maybe pleather, given the price) flip flop, originally $30, marked down to $16. I haven't been wearing a lot of sandals this summer. Mostly because my shoes are all still packed away in some unknown location, but also because when I do anything other than socks and gym shoes, my feet and ankles swell up like the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man. And that ends up meaning sore ankles. But, at least my toes aren't hot...Right?

T minus 26. We're doing good here!

Melissa and the kids are supposed to come over on Sunday. That should be hella fun! If Hubby gets his shit together, I might have a quasi-photo studio set up by then, so we'll have a place to take some pics. And then maybe if the weather cooperates like it's supposed to, we can head over to the Forest Preserve for some more candid-type photos. Mel - would you be interested in going to the pool after pics? There's a zero depth pool, where we can take the kids (I'm sure there will be plenty of other kids there, too). If not, I'm cool with that too. Just thought I'd throw it out there. I'll have to see about visitor passes - let me know.

Okay, the boss just asked me to Proof read something for him (yeah, my grammar freak tendencies have gotten around), so if I wanna get out of here in 21 minutes, I better hop to it. Thanks for helping me kill some time, folks! :-D

1 comment:

  1. YES! I'm excited about Sunday!!! What time are we thinking? I'll bring our suits with, and see how the kids are doing by then. I'm totally down for swimming, and I didn't even remember that there was a pool! Well, I'm sure we'll talk tomorrow.
