Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm so behind...

It's happening...My blog is slipping away from me. I can't believe we're more than halfway through June already. My unread blogroll is super long. I need to catch up.

Reasons why I'm slacking in the blog world:

  • Work has actually been busy...I don't have time to spend half of my day reading/writing
  • Sims 3 came out
  • I've been feeling uninspired, in terms of photography. The only photos I've taken in the last two weeks have been in either in class or shortly after class, testing out what I'd learned that day
  • I'm actually reading a book! Steph started a book club and we're reading "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult. I'm about 75 or 80% done with it. It totally sucked me in. I dunno when we're getting together to discuss, but I'm excited for it!
  • I'm feeling overwhelmed...When I get that way, rather than starting to make a dent in things, I just ignore them. Until I can't anymore.
  • I've started Facebook stalking again. Gotta love FB...*eye roll* That stupid thing sucks me in for literally hours at a time!

That's all. Hopefully, I can catch up on everyone's posts and give you all some food for thought on my own blog.

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