Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Days - Day Six

A fun fact about me

My dream job is an event planner.  I love all the details that are involved.  I like focusing on all the small things that people may not think about, but really help to make an event fun.  I like having a list of things that need to be accomplished, and I get a real feeling of satisfaction as I check off items on that list.  Planning my wedding was a bit stressful, but I really did enjoy doing it and would love to help other women to plan theirs.  The research that goes into something like that is fun for me, too.  My latest planning ventures have been a fun reunion dinner with some old friends from high school and my best friend's baby shower last month.  But even just planning a dinner with my girlfriends or the details of the family Christmas party - it all is super fun to me!

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