Thursday, March 3, 2011

Steven Tyler PJ's!!!

So, I've decided to watch American Idol this season.  I don't know why.  I haven't watched a full season of the show since Jordin Sparks won.  I was rather irritated that she won and Blake didn't.  I think that was the season of Sanjaya, too, which was beyond ridiculous.  It was also the same season that I actually knew a person who'd auditioned...And Boy, that was a bit of a catastrophe... Anyway, it's been a few years and I decided to follow this season.  I'm really liking some of the talent, and actually voted for a few of the guys on Monday night.  I didn't actually watch the girls last night, so I couldn't vote, but I did check them out on YouTube this morning.

But before I get into my favs for the season, I'd just like to announce that I am officially in love with Steven Tyler!  I've always liked Aerosmith, but never really had any strong feelings about them, other than they made pretty good music.  And then Steven Tyler shows up on my tv, saying crazy funny shit and LOOKING AWESOME!  How does a man that's older than my parents look that good?  Don't answer that.  It was rhetorical.  The point is that I heart him and I'm super glad that he's judging this season.

J-Lo is okay, although, her crying and brief pout party about not putting Chris Medina through peeved me a bit.  Sure, I would've loved to see the Oak Forest resident go through to the top 24, and I really thought he was quite talented, but that's the way these things go.  J-Lo was outvoted by the other two judges.  Get over it.  And while I'm on the topic, is it just me or did it seem like every time she had to tell someone they weren't going through, she had to throw Randy and my new husband under the bus?  'I would've liked to see you go through, but I was outvoted.  I'm so sorry.'  Bleh.  Whatev, Jenny from the Block.

Randy is Randy and I don't feel like talking about him.  If he's going to fill Simon's shoes, he needs to step it up, already.  Nuff Said.

Now for my favorites!!!

If I could pick a winner right here and now, it'd be Scotty McCreery.  I think he has a fantastic voice, he's picked some of my favorite songs and I think he's a good guy.  He definitely seems much older than his 17 years.

My second choice, despite his distinctly Amish look, is Casey Abrams.  He has a different style than most of the Idol folks have in the past, and I really love it.  He is a great performer.

And third choice is Paul McDonald.  He sang some other tunes in Hollywood week and I thought he sounded remarkably like Rod Stewart.  And then look whose song he belted out on Tuesday night.  Yep, good ol' Rod.  Again, I think he has a quirky, unique sound and I hope he goes far.  I liked all three of these guys on Facebook Wednesday morning and it didn't look like Paul had as many followers as the other two, but I'm still holding out for him.

Other favorites, in order - no videos posted because I figured you're probably not going to watch the four that I did post.  Why bother posting four more...
Lauren Alaina
Haley Reinhart
Brett Lowenstern
Naima Adedapo

And just a side note...I LOVED this one chick - Emily Anne Reed - who was cut early on in Hollywood week, but I really, really love her voice.  And the style of music that she sings.  I You-Tubed her for about an hour this morning, listening to all of the songs she has posted.  I really hope there is a CD in her future, because I would SO buy download it.

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