Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thirty Days - Day Eight

Something I Crave

Man, oh man...The timing couldn't be better on this one.  With Lent beginning today, I'm trying to decide on something to give up.  If I do the same thing I did last year, I'll be craving Mountain Dew in 40 days, that's for damn sure.

Most of the women I know crave chocolate.  Like 24/7.  I do not.  I'm one of those strange people that if chocolate ceased to exist right now, I probably wouldn't notice too much.  Don't get me wrong.  I'll gladly enjoy a Dark Chocolate Milky Way or a brownie topped with ice cream and hot fudge.  But it's not something that I need to survive.  :-)

No, the thing that I crave everyday, all day is CARBS!  No wonder I'm as fat as I am.  I blame it all on the noodles.  Seriously, though.  My favorite foods are all chock full of carbohydrates.  Pasta, bread, rice, potatoes.  Don't get any crazy ideas, though.  Absolutely No Way I could give up carbs for Lent.  That would be insanity. 

1 comment:

  1. Seriously?! ME TOO. I just said, "I heart carbs." at work today. They laughed! I was not joking. My favorite food? Probably bread. And then pasta. Thank goodness you didn't say you were giving it up, I'd probably cry for you. Those "no carb diets"...bitches are crazy.
