Monday, October 4, 2010


Wow! The blogs that I enjoy reading so very much are sadly barren...Must be how you all have felt since I disappeared. ;-) I hope that you all are super busy and so full of wonderfulness in your lives, that you just haven't had the time to post. In contrast to my inability to come up with anything interesting to talk about!!!

I had a little blurb about Hubby still not working right here. I decided to remove it because it's just repetition and I really dislike being redundant. So, we'll just move on to other people, who have far more interesting things to talk about.

Hubby's cousin, who I took wedding photos for last September, and his wife are filing for divorce. Yes, you read that correctly. They were married on Sept 19th, 2009 and were already in the process of getting a divorce by Sept 19th, 2010. It's definitely a sad situation, but not totally surprising. They're a volatile couple and have been on again, off again for something like six years now. They rescheduled and called off their wedding at least two times. It was actually mildly surprising that they went through with the marriage. When they first started dating, I didn't like her much, but that was more due to the fact that she was pretty and seemed to have her shit together than anything else. Over the years, she and I got to know one another and she grew on me. It seemed that she wanted to have a friendship with me and was very nice to feel like I had someone to talk with at family get-togethers. But he has moved back in with his mom and next weekend, will be formally moving out - going to her house and packing up all his shit and moving it back to his mom's.

Hubby and I were talking about the whole situation this weekend. They're both from divorced families. Hubby & I are both from non-divorced families. He wondered if children who grew up in divorced homes are more likely to divorce than those who did not. I'm sure there's research that supports both ideas. I don't know all the details of why they've decided to split. Hubby said that she didn't want the divorce, that it's his cousin who's doing it. Apparently, she's very jealous and thinks that any girl he talks to, he's cheating with. She also has a bad habit of spending all of his money. He was laid off for a number of months and they racked up a bunch of debt. Once he started working again, and making a very good wage, she just went nuts and rather than paying off the debt, continued to spend, spend, spend.

Hubby told his cousin that if he needs a day or two away from his mom, he's welcome to crash at our house. I guess Cousin said 'I don't know how long I'm going to stay at my mom's, but yeah. I might take you up on that. Especially if you're still laid off, I could throw you some rent money.' Essentially suggesting that he stay with us a for a while. Hubby real quick put the kabash on that, but I would totally be down!!! If we could get some extra income, it would certainly help our financial situation. Plus, it might be nice to have another guy around to do the manwork. lol I hate having to take out the trash and bring the grill in & out of the garage. Plus, he's nice to look at. lol That would never happen, though. Hubby appreciates his privacy far too much to invite someone to live with us for an unknown amount of time. Even if it meant a couple hundred extra dollars a month....:-P

I'm having a hard time determining what I want to be for Halloween this year. I usually have a teammate at work in my dressing up, but since she's on maternity leave with her newborn, I'm probably going to be solo dressing up at work. Another coworker dressed up last year. But he's getting married two weeks before Halloween, and will only return from his honeymoon a couple days before the holiday. So, I'm kinda thinking of something a little less involved, but I love using Halloween as an excuse to do some dramatic makeup. Anyone have any ideas? Something cheap, but that would require some kind of fancy/interesting/cool makeup? I've done a cat, a dark fairy, Dorothy (from Wizard of Oz), and a witch in the years since I've been at my job. I was thinking of doing the fae again, but like I said earlier, I hate to repeat myself.

I think I'm going to get back to work now. I hope everyone is doing well. And I hope to see some new posts by all you lovelies, soon!! :-)

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