Monday, October 18, 2010

Changes are in the making...

I've decided that it's time to give this blog a makeover.  I'm just sorta blah about the title & url.  So, I'm going to be changing it up.  

Changes will be coming soon!  Stay tuned!  :-D

In other news, one of my coworkers got married this weekend.  It was a very nice ceremony (full Catholic mass) at an historical church in Peoria, IL.  Aside from my own, this was the only ceremony I've ever been to.  I've been to lots of receptions, but it's usually hard enough to get my husband to go to a reception, let alone church.  So, he stayed in the hotel, and I went to the reception.  The weather was gorgeous.  The reception was very nice, though I wish I'd known ahead of time that the open bar only lasted for the first hour of the reception.  :-/  Hubby and I were very excited to get silly.  And then we were limited to wine & beer for the remainder of the evening.  Neither of which Hubby was willing to drink.  I tried to get buzzy on the wine, but all I got was a headache.  Nonetheless, it was a nice party and fun to hang out with my coworkers outside of work.  I really do enjoy the company of most of them.  And Hubby behaved himself, which was very nice.  :-)

Sunday, we left the hotel around nine and headed out to visit our parents.  I dropped him at his mom's house and then drove the ten minutes to my parents' house.  I watched a little tv with my mom and then had "linner" with my dad.  I sat down with him to watch the end of the Bears game and ended up catching a cat nap.  When I woke up, decided it was time to go round up Hubby, so we could make the two hour drive back home.  Unfortunately for me, he was doing some computer setup junk for his mom, which ended up taking much longer than planned.  We didn't leave there until almost 8pm.  Of the 4 hours that I was waiting for Hubby to finish up, I slept half of them.  I was just SO tired.  That cheap ass wine really did a number on me!  lol

So....I'm trying to decide on the new name for my blog...Here are some of the ideas I've come up with.  Anyone like one better than another??

Jeneric Ramblings

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