Friday, January 29, 2010

Perfection is a relative term...

So after this post, I was very hopeful that St. Catherine's would be my perfect home. Last weekend, I went to mass there and I had very high hopes. I had built it up in my head that I'd walk into the church and would hear the choir singing 'Hallelujah!'

It wasn't quite as wonderful as I'd hoped. There wasn't anything really wrong with it. I just felt a little let down. I was very impressed with the choir, who instead of being up the choir loft at the back of the church for no one to see, has a section at the front of the church. They all wear white choir robes and they are quite good. The best choir of all three churches that I attended. Although, based on the description of the music ministry on their website, I don't know if they are accepting new members?

The pews are far more comfortable than St. Mary's. It's also much smaller than St. Mary's. But it is VERY dark. Everything is made of dark brown brick. The stained glass windows are small and a bit abstract.

Another downside - I was bored by the priest's homily, who I would like to mention is very young. Couldn't be much older than I am. That would be nice...To be involved in a parish with at least one young priest. Someone who recognizes the importance of not only the older, more wealthy parishioners, but also the younger ones. The parishioners of the future. So, I guess Father Whatshisname Young-Guy is both a positive and a negative.

I don't know...When I consider all three churches, I think I liked St. Mary's the best. This surprises me. I've always liked to be a part of smaller communities and St. Mary's is far from small. But the things that draw me to St. Mary's is the opportunity to be active with youth ministry; the choir which wasn't awe-inspiring, but wasn't intimidating either; the quality of the homily; and the friendliness of the parishioners.

I do intend to give St. Catherine's another try this weekend. Maybe I just had it too built up in my mind to see that I really could make it my home. I was feeling let down, but that was my own fault.

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